Timelessness - Topic of the day 8/1/24

We all know that the word 'timeless' carries a lot of baggage. But setting aside our slim fit jeans and minimalistic white sneakers for a second, what's something in your wardrobe that you think actually has no expiration date?
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243 Replies
zeometer•3mo ago
ironically enough the most timeless thing in my wardrobe is my luggage 🙂
Yakkeks•3mo ago
My underwear. Theoretically, practically it at some point wears down Because if we talk about timelessness we usually talk about cultural timelesness and not the usual wear and tear
zeometer•3mo ago
my wallet, also an old standard that's all 🙂 once upon a time i enjoyed the idea of r/buyitforlife thinking i could wear my common projects knockoffs and redwing ripoffs and uniqlo t-shirts into the sunset 10 years later i've changed physically and mentally and socially so i got rid of all of them
kyn•3mo ago
Yakkeks•3mo ago
I think its a nice romantic idea but it always fails
seth•3mo ago
my wallet was brat before brat
zeometer•3mo ago
point is, timelessness is kind of a way to just describe things one would call "just clothes"
seth•3mo ago
No description
Nayyyyy•3mo ago
I think my white minimal sneakers are timeless. I saw a photo of James Dean wearing them decades ago in an old photo. And people still wear them today.
kyn•3mo ago
this is yellow
seth•3mo ago
it's chartreuse you blind french bat
kyn•3mo ago
mm get better lighting??
s•3mo ago
My outfit was finally timeless after I stopped wearing a watch
kyn•3mo ago
zeometer•3mo ago
but yeah, luggage, the card holder i got from target, hanes socks, and the timex weekender i got from my parents are timeless and that's about it
kyn•3mo ago
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Holfram•3mo ago
I don’t think there is such a thing as „timeless“ style. What’s „in style“ or „on trend“ will always be in some sense temporary. Getting stuff because it’s timeless is an effort doomed to fail for one reason or another. It’s definitely possible to wear stuff you’ve had forever and have it and you look good, but it definitely won’t be in style a few years down the line. And there’s also stuff that’s been around forever, more or less unchanged, made by the same brands that have been making it forever. And that’s cool too, but also something that will go in an out of style. Being interested in fashion to a degree necessitates going with the times, I suppose, because if I wear all the same stuff for the rest of my life, will I have truly been interested in fashion?
Yakkeks•3mo ago
I think to the degree that timelessness exists it only exists within specific subcultures/aesthetics. OCBDs are timeless in a ivy aesthetic, cowboy boots in a westernwear one and so on
goofus•3mo ago
s•3mo ago
Scientifically the only way of having a timeless outfit is to have pants so big that they collapse into a blackhole, shattering the time-space continuum beyond human comprehension. The reason your fits are not timeless is because your pants are not big enough
Yakkeks•3mo ago
But those aesthetics fall in and out of style ofc
Smiles•3mo ago
But nothing is timeless Take OCBDs for example Sure the core garment exists and will always be used in ivy but the cut will change Wide cut, slim cut, all subject to trends
Smiles•3mo ago
Timelessness discussion Nothing is timeless this will set you free
Holfram•3mo ago
What’s also important to note, bouncing off that, some subcultures (ivy…) are less „timeless“ and more „frozen in time“
Smiles•3mo ago
Sure some subcultures have slower trend cycles but they still exist and change
carrion•3mo ago
yeah look at how ALD got a hold of ivy and made it wearable for example
Holfram•3mo ago
Also it really depends on the timescale too. For an average human lifespan you can likely buy some stuff pretty much unchanged for all of it (that’s a rarity though! I’m thinking of like guernsey sweaters or sth.). But that’s pretty much the only timescale that works in.
goofus•3mo ago
Something like “band shirts” will probably never die, as general as that is. They get cooler with age
Smiles•3mo ago
but that defeats the point
goofus•3mo ago
the point is stupid
Smiles•3mo ago
if you strip everything from the description then ofc you can claim its timeless even though its the wrong cut there is more to a garment than the style either you make your definition too broad to the point its useless or its not timeless shirts never going out of style smh
Holfram•3mo ago
I suppose in a subculture you have more of an opportunity to be traditionalist as well, so it looks more like it’s timeless. Who knows if everyone will be wearing dresses or jumpsuits in 50 years tho
goofus•3mo ago
shit I buy the vintage subculture stuff for extra $$$ for the details miss me with the modern repros
Holfram•3mo ago
I might be a bit too philosophical talking about timescales and stuff. This might be actually missing the point.
zeometer•3mo ago
i would contend time is part of what gives a fit context wearing a pair of jeans in 1960 vs 2020 for example
Holfram•3mo ago
Like I’m pretty sure the Romans thought the toga would be timeless, but that doesn’t really pertain, does it?
carrion•3mo ago
lotta romans thought rome was timeless
Smiles•3mo ago
it still exists
carrion•3mo ago
oh fuck
Smiles•3mo ago
ironically though, it proves the point
s•3mo ago
well there is probably a lineage... like the hoodie is an evolution of the hooded cloak
Smiles•3mo ago
it sure isn't their Rome anymore
s•3mo ago
probably, i just made that up
njoyer•3mo ago
im big on keeping close because nothing is timeless but things circle back around to a point you might like them again. i have a lot of clothes i wish i never got rid of i liked 8 years ago that i would probably like just as much now if not more
Weeg•3mo ago
The only truly timeless thing is this topic of the day being posted
Yakkeks•3mo ago
I think absolute timelessness certainly does not exist. But there are still garments that are more timeless (i.e. less subject to trends etc.) than others and reducing this discussion to absolute timelessness makes it a very uninteresting topic
Holfram•3mo ago
What always makes me think is when people say: „I can’t believe I thought this looked good“ about outfits that are just very much on trend for their time. Didn’t it look good? It makes it sound like fashion is somehow working towards an objective idea of outfits looking good and with every trend we somehow get closer, realizing an older trend was objectively worse. I think that’s a very weird perspective to have - while stuff isn’t necessarily timeless, I don’t think anything has to stop looking good just because it’s not on trend anymore.
s•3mo ago
ive thought about this as well, I wonder if there are two separate things going on 1- moving on from a trend, ie slim to wide fits, but simultaneously 2- one's personal eye and skill changes, so it can be hard to distinguish if "bad because slim fit" or "poorly executed slim fit"
zeometer•3mo ago
swag is timeless if your off-trend fit is unapologetically yourself and not harming others i don't see the issue
s•3mo ago
there is also the typical aversion to the most recent style, like in 2012 the crazy y2k stuff was gross, now its really cool. Now slim fit is icky, in 10 years probably people will say the same about super big pants. Takes a while to become free of that prejudice imo and separate good/bad styling from style preference
zeometer•3mo ago
my typical issue with the word is, at least online, when someone wants to look timeless they usually mean "don't want to feel weird because their clothing choices differ from the expected norm" and/or "i do not want to spend the extra effort to see if a style suits me contextually" this is not inherently negative but i find it a less interesting and more limiting way to live could i buy a bunch of white t-shirts, 501s and chuck taylors and be 'timeless", sure, but that's just one dimension of dressing
jibba•3mo ago
More avant garde clothes might problematize the discussion interestingly. To me, most yohi clothes aren’t evocative of any particular era or time, but I’m sure most enthusiasts could date them to the season. So the degree of their timelessness seems especially reliant on audience.
zeometer•3mo ago
that is a good point - unless you're a yohji fan most of the time it's going to read timeless (no time) vs timeless (all times)
Yakkeks•3mo ago
I think timelessness has a different meaning to different subcultures too for some it is irrelevant in some the idea of timelessness plays a certain role
carrion•3mo ago
whenever someone mentions smth like "timeless chinos" i know they either read a guide on the internet or took the ad copy of some brand too seriously
Nayyyyy•3mo ago
Gladiator sandals Romans Modern Italians Seems pretty timeless to me
Piejamas•3mo ago
(relative) timelessness definitely exists in some subcultures, I know groups of guys who built their wardrobes 10-15 years ago and are still having a great time rocking the same clothes with no sign of stopping
plyisytwy•3mo ago
I wonder if "timeless" as an identifier is a useful counterpoint to "fashionable" or "current", in the sense that its resistance to novelty and surprise establishes a sort of mutually reinforcing inverse image. which i suppose it also to say that timelessness is similarly in flux
Piejamas•3mo ago
I don't think when people say "timeless" they mean that it will be fashionable for the next 10,000 years I think it's fair to say that things exist on a spectrum, with a flash-in-the-pan trend on one end, and "timeless" on the other
zeometer•3mo ago
but most things have been trendy at some point in time
Nico•3mo ago
jeans as a whole denim I don't think it's ever been out of style since it became more than work clothes
Smiles•3mo ago
Nico•3mo ago
I probably shouldve read the title fully 😅
Smiles•3mo ago
probably shoulda read the thread period
Nico•3mo ago
a simple black belt maybe? caps? but well depending on the period the style is different
zeometer•3mo ago
particular garments may be more or less timeless but their construction, material use and context is what frames it in a particular time some subcultures are more resistant than others in the sort of "decay" from timely to not being able to mix and match aeathetics or embracing trends in a healthy way or just not giving a shit about others' opinions are ways to stretch the timeliness of an item but "timeless" is not an aesthetic
Nico•3mo ago
I don't think straight button up dress shirts in light colors have ever been commonly agreed to be "uncool" at any time period, right? correct me if I'm wrong Theyve always been styled one way or another in popular fashion, whether it be tucked in or not, as an overshirt, with a suit etc etc like granted the collar preferences changed for example but I think a straight fit shirt without any excessive features was never really out of style
Smiles•3mo ago
literally less than 10 years ago a classic cut shirt was out of style lmao
zacheadams•3mo ago
once again I get to be glib here, just wear raws that fit vaguely regular and you'll maintain a pair of pants that have been normalized for almost a hundred years and continue to be worn in even broader contexts
jfarrell468•3mo ago
Since I can't predict the future, I wondered if I could think about this a different way, by looking backwards. Basically, how long have the things we wear today been around?
zacheadams•3mo ago
solid point
jfarrell468•3mo ago
I took a look at pictures of presidents, https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/
The White House
Presidents | The White House
Learn more about the Presidents of the United States from WhiteHouse.gov.
Nico•3mo ago
damnit you're right
jfarrell468•3mo ago
And it seems, to my eye anyway, that round about 1870, their attire starts looking recognizably modern.
circleframes•3mo ago
I struggle with this a lot just because of financial viability
Smiles•3mo ago
If you redefine timelessness to mean "exists and wouldn't be a social faux pau to wear" then yes everything is timeless don't think anyone uses that definition but yes you are correct
zacheadams•3mo ago
my watch is timeless but only when it doesn't run
jfarrell468•3mo ago
So "suit and tie" seems to have been a thing for 150 years.
circleframes•3mo ago
Like I can spend enough of my disposable income on clothes to have fun, but there’s a lot of stuff I LOVE that I just know I won’t be wearing at like, 35, so I don’t get it
Nico•3mo ago
barely anything is timeless then tricky question
zacheadams•3mo ago
I do kinda agree with jf here but also suits are a weird level of formality to mark and measure by
Nico•3mo ago
I mean didnt people hate ties for a little while
Smiles•3mo ago
i mean an 1880s suit is gonna look extremely out of place
sharloy•3mo ago
Formality has changed over time
circleframes•3mo ago
So it’s kinda min-max for me
sharloy•3mo ago
Yes in the 2010s
Nico•3mo ago
now they're everywhere even in streetwear LOL
jfarrell468•3mo ago
yeah, agreed. it was just because it was easiest to do.
zacheadams•3mo ago
it's funny to me that suits seem to have largely increased in formality whereas a lot of clothes have decreased in formality/been normalized
jfarrell468•3mo ago
but you could maybe do something similar for jeans, for example.
sharloy•3mo ago
Suit cuts also meant different things Huge lapels were popular and formal in the 70s and 80s and now they’re not formal You can still wear them
zacheadams•3mo ago
I guess you could argue that fetishwear to streetwear is an increase in formality
sharloy•3mo ago
But the intent is not timeless
Digs•3mo ago
The occasion to use one has decreased significantly i figure that has an effect on it becoming more formal
zacheadams•3mo ago
but I would come down on the side of niche wear being more formal, even though it shows more skin in that case
circleframes•3mo ago
Do you guys ever do the calculus of like okay this is sick and I love but I know I wouldn’t revisit it in 3-5-10 years
sharloy•3mo ago
Have suits though? In DC maybe but when people say black tie in 80% of the US they just mean a blazer that’s black
zacheadams•3mo ago
I do not, frankly
Smiles•3mo ago
3 piece or 2 piece, tailcoat or vented, tie length, tophat, lapel width, jacket length, pocket detailing, 3 or 2 button
circleframes•3mo ago
I guess this is more about engaging in trends actually
Smiles•3mo ago
no i worry about right now attempting to predict trends is mostly useless
zacheadams•3mo ago
suits still seem formal in DC most offices have killed their dress codes and deprioritized suits etc even lawyers at white shoe firms see basic business suits as more formal now friends wear sneakers, online ceramics, etc to their whiteshoe jobs if they're not meeting with clients, and still not a tie or suit to see clients unless it's c-suite or some shit
Nico•3mo ago
I see more and more young people (I'm 19) in the streets incorporating "formal" elements to their fits though people wear belts again, button ups and even ties are everywhere and same with (wide) pleated dress pants, in college but even in high school just not all together
zacheadams•3mo ago
yeah I think suiting elements are becoming more casual, but a complete suit has become more formal
Digs•3mo ago
I think in the US at least the cost per wear factor on suits makes it seem like a bad purchase for most people which has dropped dress code requirements significantly
circleframes•3mo ago
And it’s less about trends and more about like. I feel that I might be a bald dad in 5-7 years and I wonder if it’ll fit my lifestyle so maybe I shouldn’t spend too much on it
Smiles•3mo ago
i don't live my life this way
circleframes•3mo ago
But that’s probably my own neuroses ya
zacheadams•3mo ago
in part presumably because there's a parallel breakdown of rules/structure when you break apart the outfit
Smiles•3mo ago
Seems like a great way to convince yourself to not doing anythign interesting tbh
njoyer•3mo ago
also why cant bald dads wear cool shit
Smiles•3mo ago
Tattoos? Why imma be a dad. Piercings? Why imma be a dad Cool clothes? why imma be a dad
zacheadams•3mo ago
"I don't make the rules"
circleframes•3mo ago
Yeah I do an okay job fighting it
Piejamas•3mo ago
I'm sure we can agree that the idea of timelessness is very appealing, it's a very comforting idea that you can like something without feeling like the clock is ticking until you have to stop liking it
circleframes•3mo ago
U know what it is It’s more femme stuff That I feel like I can’t do for that reason
Digs•3mo ago
This is why i wont have children
Nico•3mo ago
suits are seen as cool at least there's that young guy reuben larkin who's everywhere on tiktok and instagram wearing suits
Digs•3mo ago
So i can be cool forever
circleframes•3mo ago
Which is v complex
zeometer•3mo ago
half the time i'm not sure i'm gonna like something in three months
zacheadams•3mo ago
idk abt that that's suit tok
njoyer•3mo ago
hmm ya circ i understand
zacheadams•3mo ago
but like I will look less out of place at the office in full rick than in a suit
zeometer•3mo ago
i'm embracing the willingness the change and the ability to buy stuff in such a way that i'm not destitute in the process
zacheadams•3mo ago
and that's not just because people know me ditto for the theater or dinner unless I'm at a steakhouse or something
njoyer•3mo ago
i am not a dad and i do not speak for dads but i have a dad. i think what dad normalizes can have a huge effect on ur child
Digs•3mo ago
The only thing that is timeless is swag
Nico•3mo ago
idk I'm talking for gen z tbh everytime there's someone with a nice suit they get a ton of compliments
njoyer•3mo ago
so maybe by being most authentically you, you're setting the best example
Nico•3mo ago
gen z doesnt want to be like their dads, and gen z's dads didn't like suits therefore gen z likes suits
zeometer•3mo ago
i think femme stuff is designed for a person whom retailers assume will buy clothes often enough that they don't have to go through that calculus
Nico•3mo ago
Smiles•3mo ago
If i catch you complimenting a young republican's suit im beating you up
Nico•3mo ago
Sal•3mo ago
Hey gang how's the thread goin
Smiles•3mo ago
and the young republican
Nico•3mo ago
zeometer•3mo ago
that is...reductive for sure but i think might be part of it
circleframes•3mo ago
https://www.ssense.com/en-us/women/product/cfcl/black-oriel-paper-shorts/9078911 Take these shorts for example. So cute. Love them. Decent price. I can’t see myself wearing them at 35 years old and so I struggle a lot with getting them Wait stop I could cry
Digs•3mo ago
I think this is one of those things where suits appear more rarely so your more likely to receive a compliment because it stands out
carrion•3mo ago
idk if I'm even gonna make it to tomorrow I'm buying and wearing the shorts u should too
circleframes•3mo ago
Actually these are on deeper sale maybe I cop :xd:
njoyer•3mo ago
they do be nice shorts
circleframes•3mo ago
4” inseam 0.0
zeometer•3mo ago
they're cute
circleframes•3mo ago
zeometer•3mo ago
carrion•3mo ago
cirque it's time to get the babygirl shorts
Digs•3mo ago
Show some asscheek for the fans
zeometer•3mo ago
only issue is lack of pockets but bring a cute lil bag and go to town
jfarrell468•3mo ago
When I look back at my fashion journey over the past year, and what I've bought, I think a significant factor has been "is this likely to be something I'll enjoy wearing years from now, not just today". But maybe this did lead to a sort of boring middle-of-the-roadness.
zacheadams•3mo ago
largely normal
Nico•3mo ago
i've tried to refrain from buying any of the super textured stuff that was so popular this year because I just know in a few years they'll be seen as too much again
Digs•3mo ago
Even before you were into fashion your style probably evolved over time you are just way more aware of it now
jfarrell468•3mo ago
And also, I was predicting the future by looking at the past. absolutely
circleframes•3mo ago
Super textured stuff?
carrion•3mo ago
I just don't see the point of not buying something you like now because you might not like it in 2 years
Sal•3mo ago
Oh I'm so sorry to hear
njoyer•3mo ago
also i've bought things i thought i was going to wear for years and ended up not loving them after 4 months so its not even this universally true thing
jfarrell468•3mo ago
it's subjective. but avoiding waste could be one reason.
Sal•3mo ago
Ppl who buy new clothing every day be like yeah I want a shirt that looks like I didn't just buy it yesterday
Digs•3mo ago
I think thats a big thing with the timelessness conversation. People who claim to buy timeless clothes and exist outside the context are still following the trends they just aren’t acutely aware of it because they aren’t brain rotted like us
carrion•3mo ago
"Timeless" just means "trend I like" imo
jfarrell468•3mo ago
or if it's expensive, you could be concerned about value and cost-per-wear.
circleframes•3mo ago
Wow it really is all about P E R S O N A L S T Y L E
Digs•3mo ago
Calculating cost per wear is an easy way to go insane
carrion•3mo ago
no my slim chinos are actually objectively perfect
Nico•3mo ago
2023 and 2024 there's been a lot of textured tops no? not really stuff people here are wearing but I'm sure you've seen them around, english isn't my main language so not sure what the right terms would be but fancy types of knit and crochet, "wrinkled" clothing etc On polos, shirts, tank tops etc
zeometer•3mo ago
can we not make this a rehash of clothing as a financial return on investment
jfarrell468•3mo ago
oh yeah...I don't recommend it. But I've definitely done it, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.
circleframes•3mo ago
Oh sure sure sure I know what you mean now. Not a language issue at all so sweat 🙂
Sal•3mo ago
Genuine take I think timelessness is now achievable since every past era and style gets rehashed at lightning speed. You could find parachute pants in a thrift shop and they could be from the 80s or like anytime 2010 onward.
zeometer•3mo ago
question for discourse sake, are vintage clothes reworn at a later time timeless by definition or are they subject to the same trends as contemporary clothing
circleframes•3mo ago
Post trend universe…good?
Sal•3mo ago
No ❤️
zeometer•3mo ago
wow that question would've made me look like a genius had it posted before sal lol
circleframes•3mo ago
I think vintage 1000% has its own trend cycle that overlaps with new clothing
jfarrell468•3mo ago
I'd say they are subject to trends. The supply of PRL Andrews pants isn't infinite. 🙂
Digs•3mo ago
Blending styles is so much more prevalent now too you could take something thats kinda passĂŠ and make it cool again just by styling it different
njoyer•3mo ago
i kind of agree like trends don't move in decades anymore they can move in months
circleframes•3mo ago
Look at the cost of carhartt Detroit jackets in like 2022 🤡
njoyer•3mo ago
social media blah blah blah
circleframes•3mo ago
Yeah way easier to fight past social stigmas with clothes these days
Digs•3mo ago
Fast fashion good?
njoyer•3mo ago
no thats also why we have shein now its all the same machine
circleframes•3mo ago
I saw a guy wearing old 2000’s Abercrombie cargo shorts in kind of a cool way the other day
njoyer•3mo ago
someone linked a video a while ago and im gonna link it again cuz it was fantastic
Digs•3mo ago
Again the only timeless through line is having swag
njoyer•3mo ago
More Perfect Union
It's Not Just Shein: Why Are ALL Your Clothes Worse Now?
We dug into the real reason all of our clothes are getting worse. The fast fashion revolution is making huge brands like Zara and Shein—and their shareholders—rich. Meanwhile, we get worse clothes with no pockets and textile landfills you can see from space. Featuring @clotheshorsepodcast ----- More Perfect Union’s mission is to build power f...
Digs•3mo ago
Your clothes are timeless as long as you are swaggy
Nico•3mo ago
I like how pretty much everything is accepted now feels like there's much more style variety in popular culture than a decade ago
jfarrell468•3mo ago
I wonder if there are things that people wear today that didn't exist 50 years ago, that will still be common 50 years from now. Fleece jackets (and fleece in general) was one possibility that came to mind for me.
circleframes•3mo ago
Hmm that’s interesting. Fleece has to be from the 60’s or so tho ya? Not to devolve into history nerd arguments
jfarrell468•3mo ago
Polar fleece
Polar fleece is a soft fabric made from polyester that is napped and insulating. PolarFleece as a trademark registered by Malden Mills (now Polartec LLC) with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on October 6, 1981. Malden Mills developed polar fleece in 1979.
pumaturtle•3mo ago
The most timeless outfit is actually the punk rock/metalhead outfit
jfarrell468•3mo ago
But maybe we'll run out of petroleum and not run out of sheep, and go back to wool.
pumaturtle•3mo ago
Black or blue skinny jeans converse leather jacket long hair change my mind
njoyer•3mo ago
are the metalheads who dress like that "Into Fashion" tho genuine question because i feel that's just natural to them and their lifestyle, which, ya i guess is timeless in a way
circleframes•3mo ago
Oh huh. The more u know. Fleece definitely not going anywhere ya. I bet white leather sneakers will always be around for better or worse
jfarrell468•3mo ago
I'd guess that some are, and some are just dressing to be part of the group. Same as any group, perhaps. Canvas sneakers have been mass-produced since 1917 (https://www.factmonster.com/culture-entertainment/fashion/history-sneakers), Levis 501s date to the 1890s (https://fashionista.com/2023/05/levis-501-jeans-history-popularity), leather jackets about 1925 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leather_jacket).
shootfilmnotbullets•3mo ago
do you need to be into fashion to be fashionable, or an object of fashion study
jfarrell468•3mo ago
Actually, long hair (on men) might be the most recent development, although I guess it's cyclical.
njoyer•3mo ago
absolutely not
zeometer•3mo ago
mutters something about cultural bias
shootfilmnotbullets•3mo ago
The most timeless outfits are clergy robes
jfarrell468•3mo ago
you mean about long hair? yeah, absolutely
Nico•3mo ago
long hair on men is awesome 😎😎😎 (im totally not biased👀 )
jfarrell468•3mo ago
I can see it both ways, I guess.
zeometer•3mo ago
you know what isn't timeless? white common projects achilles lows almost as if we can't really deem something timeless in the moment
Nico•3mo ago
oop didnt have time to read the ping haha
njoyer•3mo ago
im so glad i didnt get tricked into buying those they are so boring
zeometer•3mo ago
(neither are redwings i'm ready to fight)
njoyer•3mo ago
woulda been ok with being tricked into buying gats tho
shootfilmnotbullets•3mo ago
what troll decided to come up with this topic again though lol
Nico•3mo ago
most things with historical significance end up staying fashionable the most (or endlessly coming back): classic suits, early century workwear, anything military that only takes into account stuff from after the mid 1800s but yeah maybe that has to do with practicality too comfortable stuff with pockets 😂
Sal•3mo ago
Think Crocs are here to stay They rule and are made of forever chems
jfarrell468•3mo ago
Adidas Stan Smith
Adidas Stan Smith is a tennis shoe made by Adidas, and first launched in 1965. Originally named "Adidas Robert Haillet" after the brand endorsed French prominent player Robert Haillet, in 1978 the sneakers were renamed after Stan Smith, an American tennis player who was active between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s. The shoe...
carrion•3mo ago
no we're getting into "what is fashion" cuz I'd argue those metalheads are actively engaging with fashion in a meaningful and intentional way like are they doing it because that's what metal is? Sure maybe but also it's a culture, with its own norms and expectations and subversions
Holfram•3mo ago
Looking at subcultures very much complicates the discourse. However, I tried to characterize these somewhat „unchanging“ subculture styles not as timeless but more like „frozen in time“ in the best possible way. That however assumes the subcultures style is „finished“, which is obviously never the case. So I think the point stands as a theoretical ideal.
sharloy•3mo ago
This is the correct take That and Midwest emo boys Band tee, red and black flannel, straight black jeans and vans
shootfilmnotbullets•3mo ago
hippie outfit equally timeless then
goofus•3mo ago
fashion is solved
lyon•3mo ago
thank you for reminding me of something else my style intersects with
Piejamas•3mo ago
No description
eggtart!•3mo ago
Didn't read anything but honestly isn't timelessness just relative to what you want Actually idk if that's much of a contribution. It's just interesting bc timelessness has no real objectivity but there's a shared understanding of what kind of items are "assumed" to be timeless
raisinpie•3mo ago
Timelessness is being an uncategorizable cryptid
Nico•3mo ago
You cracked the code Mothman is the only timeless thing out there
rebound2•3mo ago
alright chat i'm here if this thread is really timeless then you'll all reply to me RIGHT NOW checkmate
ebot505•3mo ago
The only suit that's truly timeless is the birthday suit, everyone owns one and it never goes out of style
myownmoses•3mo ago
re: punk/metalheads, once you get into subculture stuff though, none of them are as homogenous as you might think. It just gets more nuanced. Is someone more 70's brit punk? NYC punk? LA punk? hardcore? skater? goth influence? grunge influence? etc, etc...
lyon•3mo ago
yeah. which is why i tend to leave what i call myself pretty ambiguous because trying to pin down the absolute specifics of my style is really difficult
awburkey•3mo ago
I think the actual prompt is a really good one.
what’s something in your wardrobe with no expiration date?
I think my most interesting item with no expiration date is my black cowboy boots. I wear them in a way that’s v “now” and I bought them bc they were popular. But they’re black cowboy boots today and they’ll be black cowboy boots in 20 years
I gotta stop clickbaiting these
zeometer•3mo ago
it gets the people going
awburkey•3mo ago
Yeah that q is way more interesting than memeing about cps
Spuck•3mo ago
my most timeless attire 🙂
No description
Spuck•3mo ago
No this is not me
Yakkeks•3mo ago
Yeah, I think cowboy boots esp black ones are relatively timeless as things go. Sure, there are some details that fall in and out of fashion, but I would wager that there are plenty of cowboy boots that would have been deemed perfectly acceptable throughout the last like 50 years. I think requiring an item to be very fashionable all the time is too strong a requirement and also not what ppl mean when they talk about timelessness. Items can also be not "in" and at the same time also being not "out".
jawntanamo_bae•3mo ago
Black cowboy boots will always be cool, even if they’re not always on trend Similarly, a black leather moto jacket will always be cool even if it’s not always the on trend jacket
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