Your most bricked fit?
Like rebound2 said, you can't build a house without a few bricks... I was going through old fit pics today and cringing at some of the outfits I put together but also looking at why they didn't work/what I learned from them. It's interesting seeing some of the common threads on cuts/silhouettes/colors that will always be unflattering on me.
I think pants that sit at my true waist, stiletto heels, and long shorts are very unflattering on me.
So what's your most bricked fit? what have you learned from outfits that didn't work out?
618 Replies
Oh boy too many to count
This is from around 2018, I was lurking r/streetwear and had not found MFA yet

pants cuffed too high, tee doesn't work, knockoff Stan's,
White canvas belt, so at least I got the matching shoes and belt ✅
Not most but guess the year (difficult)

Easily this one taken on a burrito run in 2019

In chronological order, you can see the moment i stopped going on streetwear and switched to MFA instead lol

Love the hair journey too
That tan shirt was an XL faux suede I chopped the sleeves off of, I could rock it today ngl
thanks I kinda miss it
Bruh this isn't even bad
I miss my hair too, but I look like shit with long hair
did you make an account just for fit pics though
Ok I'll find a worse one
I don't take a lot of fit pics
Lmao I did not
Embarrassing to have a fit pic account tbh
looking through my worst ones to post im realizing i need to get rid of this one pair of pants I have lmao. bricked 4 straight outfits with them
This is it for me I think

this was a Dries sweatshirt, John Elliott sweats and Ultraboosts
Take it back
I have a collection of fits in those chinos which I don't like (too slim) because I had a heated body dysmorphia moment after putting on 10 pounds from dining hall food
Tbh this is dated, but if it weren’t for the ultraboosts it’d be a good fit
I do have a ton of safe, inoffensive fits that I personally count as bricks
Imo safe fits aren't bricks
yeah that's why not sharing them
I have a bunch of formality misread bricks
your style has changed so drastically
A brick should make a non-fashion person go eww yucky
this style was never in my wheelhouse. I literally wore this out once and was like, yeah no
Like when I wanted to wear better clothes but hadn't figured out how to be chill
Idk some of my best fits have made non-fashion people go ewww yucky
Really good fits and really bad fits get the same reaction, u wanna be so mid nobody notices you
Just like with sneakers, mid is never good
Highs or lows only bby
Ok but that was so swag back then
alright, searching for better bricks now
Bellcurve baby
Anti Bose
This was earlier this year. Was shooting for….something idk what. Turtleneck contrast is too extreme, I looked like a priest

Not a brick if shirt wasn’t so bright
1: the pants i need to get rid of. the leather is really interesting irl but the tapered cut is so unflattering on me and also I just did a bad job layering with this outfit
2: its giving FYE. its giving hot topic. its giving 16 year old anime fan. I still have the shirt though so I might try again
3: shirt under dress under skirt not gonna happen

Looking through old photos oh god
Yeah if I had chosen a darker shirt I think it would work
this is better than 99% of what I wear
Please wtf was I doing
Tbf I was in Dayton Ohio
average Ohio fit
With better pants this would be a decent fit
The back pocket bulge 😭
slim fit victim
this is a very of the time outfit
I see why you consider these bricks, but there’s more imagination here than like 99% of folks so I still appreciate em
APC petite standards 2 sizes down
I think the 2nd one goes far enough to be good
That was such a godforsaken time
I kinda see where ur coming from on 2 and 3 but 1 fucking slaps
Fuck I remember I bought some Alden tankers that were two sizes too small at that time and I thought that Alden’s weren’t comfortable and couldn’t understand why everyone liked the brand
With better boots this is good
not me wearing the apc petit standards 2 sizes down literally yesterday LOL
and then i ripped the ass out trying to swing on a swingset
This is nice
The amount of times I’ve ripped the crotch or ass on jeans that are too tight trying to do childish activities 🤦🏽♂️
Ok these aren’t bricks
ok, I found a lot more

they're bad it's okay haha. i have worse ones if i go back further but those are from the last 2 years haha... you live and you learn! and im learning!
Without the tee this is fire. What are those shoes tho
but I forgive most of these because I was taking risks.
I kinda like the y2k long sleeve undershirt vibe of this
This isn’t necessarily most bricked but this was a fit a learned a lot from. I was approaching fashion too rigidly thinking “well black goes with everything so I can wear this pink top” but the truth is there is so much more than just color or material. The “vibes” are so important; it’s a lot easier to see why a pastel pink top doesn’t go with the leather daddy vibes of the bottom

Marsell derbies!
i literally didnt recognize you for a sec
I literally don’t see what’s wrong with this one
this one's a tee underneath with just a blazer thrown on and sabahs. altogether it's a complete vibe clash and each seem put together without any thought for cohesion
I like the half chub turtleneck
the blazer is even buttoned for some reason
fucking stupid
such a different era for you... your current style is so much more fun
:3!!! i think so too
Idk the blazer is a work blazer and pretty casual
This is making me want to edit and post all the dorm room mirror selfies I took last semester
Basically what I learned is my eye still fucking sucks bc I don’t think most of these are bricks
ngl, that fit I think is the worst of hte lot
I hate how me from 5 months ago dressed so much
without facial hair I just look weird
the fit on everything is good still, I feel like the leather is the only bad thing
fwiw i also dont really hate it. would just change the shirt
Not a brick but I found it in my roll
yeah exactly -- that's the thing though, that kind of visual clash still sucks even though the garments fit nicely
Couldn’t figure out what to wear with the Byborre sweatsuit and ended up rocking sand suede mocs 😭

Oh this is a good one
finally some actual bricks
2018 me, right before my fashion interest break

I got the real brick here

Legit wore this to Costco and also I still don’t know what shoes to wear with these pieces
lol i like most of these fits
Ok this one is pretty bad
yall didnt have it like me
had a hiatus during covid, got back into things shortly before my wedding this past summer. took a couple to get into a proper groove

with the american apparel varsity jacket and the aeropostle skinny jeans
I don’t think these are bad they’re just v norm core
Tbh I really like this one
i’m still very much into the military/denim/boots look haha
I have a lot of fits which weren't bricks but the hair def was
this is just hard af
i don't think the cuffs + rugby + vans work well, and the pants fit me weird i think
+ all the vest bricks
I need an hour long documentary with you taking a deep dive on ur roll
I like the thought behind it, but the colors are bad overall. I was thinking the gold of the kurta might look cool against the orange sweater. It did not
pre-covid bricks hit different

Fuck no
This is literally me right now
I’ve never deep dived so hard
I still haven't figured out my hair lol
This would be the hardest fit in most PNW bars tho
People will say "check out this brick" and then just post themselves looking like a Normal Guy
phone outlines are cool

I haven’t either but at this point it’s just on point horrible
I feel like I should probably write why I think every fit I posted is bad, but I think chat is moving too fast
I just need insanely strong product for my Asian hair and Im too lazy to buy any
i like my hair now but it was a struggle for so long

costco fit
holy shit hahahha
I want long hair again but Id need a perm and I think that would fuck with my eczema
Finally a real brick
Curly hair life
@charli sexcx y'all have the same cardigan
Finally proof charlie wasn't always a fashion god
i could explain the context of that fit pic but its probably funnier if i dont
wavy gang! while my hair is short its not curly at all just bad
stick to the topic here guys, lets see some bricks!
I use curly as a catchall I'm also wavy

the parka fit isn't a brick
u got something to say?
Lmao the 2014 tribal pattern

Were you ina. Frat
shockingly no
I can’t explain what was going on here

Another one
People think fashion is gatekeeping good fits, but really it's gatekeeping bricks
Ice cream core
switch out the top and we onto something here
U look like the orange dreamsicle
Different shirt and shoes and this would be good.
Yeah I had those ricks on me

ahh the antisocial rick nerd pose
this photo angle is frightening
i feel like you're about to rush at me
What was your posing back then
Fr why do all Rick ppl look mean
What’s ur face rn?
>: (
it’s a wip
Going back to delete my photos in 5 min tho
Bc I realize this is public facing

Tbh I quite like this one apart from the shoes
"hm yes Knives Out" sweater
Real talk some kid was wearing CDG verses at outside lands and my friends said hey look you used to wear those but I never owned a pair????????
Sweater is from@superfry loll
What vibe do I give off that I own CDG verses? I was hella offended lmao
You do have the vibe sorry
is ur sock outside ur jeans
I think it's a wild mishmash and doesn't land well at all, the olive blazer (buttoned) with the denim and the sabahs, it just doesn't mesh well together and hance a BRICK
My drip was different
Most of my fits from more than 6 months ago make me physically ill, these are the worst I think

That tie in 3 omg
Number 3 is the most offensive tbh.
the 3rd one everything but the shoes is J Crew
I remember u used to be one of the biggest heritage-heads
Fmf core
This would be normal if it was years rather than months
Bro I remember that Gustin fit LOL
I really like 2’s top combination reminds me of discount SLP
I think that's the fit I associate with you most, so sorry
plz reassociate
I think with some minor tweaks all of these would've done numbers in 2015 MFA
tbf if it is Gustin that's probably when you ordered it
by the time ur package arrives it is offtrend
No it's timeless, so it doesn't matter when it arrives
@GSH damn you just speedran style
Then buying something that never arrives is peak fashion
Gustin, Taylor Stitch, Thursday, J Crew are the 4 horsemen of my brickpocalypse
tried so hard for so long to convince myself i was still a medium

Oh shit I got a fit with Thursdays that makes me hurl. Hold on
What about literal bricks? I got a 3d printed version of myself, circa mid 2010s solid enough to be a brick, and bad enough to be a figurative one as well

I was freed from the first chain when my killshots' sole ripped open, the second when my Thursday chelsea's outer heel wore to unwalkable in
Those are my 4 least favorite brands

I feel like I need something to replace them in my wardrobe though. Maybe docs.
is it weird that I don't think this is bad
The boots ruin it for me. Different boots and it could be ok
Jacket was also a touch too small in the chest 😭
I'm still deciding what to do with the black Gustin jacket
Keep it its timeless
Is it the sleeve length that bothers you?
it's a hair slim all around but sleeve length is my biggest problem yeah
Gimme this shirt
Tbh give it to someone tiny, it would be pretty good oversized.
it's honestly a pretty nice jacket too, I'm just not an M even though I really thought I was
That’s what happened with jacket in the pic above. I’m not a 42 even though I thought I was 😭
Jesus I've bricked a lot of fits, it's just years of bricks
a couple more, at some point I got a pair of y3 honjas and had no idea what to do with them. And also, got too attached to a pair of jeans, I still have them and refuse to throw them out. At least I learn to patch and sew out of the ordeal

2nd fit would be good with different pants
Second fit would be good if everything was as slutty as the pants 👀
trying to get there
There are two types of MFAers
Slutty and Dad
Wow I think I just learned where I stand
thanks for calling me slutty spag
You’re kinda both so you’re Zaddy

Be the change you want to see in the world
I'm on my way to tell my partner I'm a zaddy
Better tell the wives too
we showed you ours so show us urs
she said "oh nice"
The wives will be more impressed
You deleted yours coward
ur not terminally online enough to see them 😤
I need to see some meat bricks
it's the only thing that can unruin my day after raisin said that he associates me with that Gustin brick
@meatwater post post post
Honestly I'm trying to even decide which brick era
There's hundreds
If I post a fit and get called dad that's it I'm gonna die
I know I phrased that like a joke but genuinely
brick for gsh

Just no silhouette to back any of the ideas
It’s giving yacht club
I hurt
Gods work
I feel like this is just a very normal outfit I do like the shoes though
How dare you diminish my brick
french tuck is the biggest crime here
This is how really rich people in Maine dress
if this is your brick then my day is ruined
(I still do the half tuck sometimes)
it's joever
I just imagine meat talking about getting their kid into the right pre-school in this fit
Honestly I got worse bricks but they start entering gender dysphoria zone and I don't wanna go there 🥲
fair fair
bro real talk tho I'd buy that jacket off u lol
this is a strict gender euphoria only zone
I'd fit a Gustin medium probably

here's me on American Horror Story wearing the worst jacket/sweatshirt ever made

full body

Holy shit this is a true brick
in my defense the top was not my choice
you look like you know you’re wearing a brick
That third one with the raw hemmed but still rolled up jeans
First pic is adorable, but the shoes are….eek
Definitely these these for me. 1. Tevas are a crime here. 2. Tried ripping of a Chuck fit and it didn’t work. 3. Jeans way too skinny and raw hem is rough
the desire to make an extra $150 vs the pain of looking like shit doing it
Yeah… rough lol
Sometimes you gotta brick at work to afford food at home
I’m always saying this
Lukewarm take but tevas are allowed in the zoo
Actually tevas are allowed anywhere
Fair take but the fit has gotta be adjusted accordingly. Tevas were my whole personality
hmm these look fine to me, u can brick harder
Wore them with everything
I can try my best for you wuz
I’m intentionally not sharing any pics from when I managed Sprint stores because I’m still traumatized

There’s a reason I stopped wearing color
Little annoyances and imperfections in how things fit are so much more obvious
v recent brick. Partly the fault of photography but the color scheme is horrific with my skin
You look like a nice monastery guy in the first one
The way your sneakers look like you’re wearing black socks in white sandals in the second 💀
You can just give the shirt to me
No I love the shirt. Plenty of bangers with that shirt
It’s a hot shirt, I tried

I think that number 1 would be good without the vest, 2-3 with different shoes would be excellent
From my cold dead hands!
It's gone
If only
I sold to vampa
was that a Daiki era woolrich?
This barely enters wearing color range, this is 2% color
I was definitely paving a whole brick road last year

honestly fit 2 is dope with some different shoes
it's those shoes
that's the problem
The shoes not hitting
Almost nothing in any of these pics is still in my wardrobe lmao
The shoes might be the problem . Also the socks in pic 2
Dang those cords are good though
I like the red sweater as well
I believe both were sold to people in this discord haha
The cords were nice but actually too slim - the sweatshirt was just too stiff and heavy and difficult to layer
Thinking I need to replace those PRL cream denim pants now lol
You look like the romantic interest of the woman who moved to the big city but is back to her hometown for Christmas
I've never felt so seen oml
What’s wrong w 2? I think it looks good
Good fits tbh also is that the Newbury Muji?
no it’s the muji corporate headquarters in my hometown of Tokyo (jk yes I was meeting a friend for boba)
The proportions kinda suck as does the color palette. Pale orange sweater, brown hat (with different orange in the logo), navy hopsack, cream denim, and snuff suede? jesus. Also the general fit of ~all of the pieces there just leaves a lot to be desired imo. A bigger and more dramatic DB or pants a sensible length I think would go a long ways along with tucking the sweater

Also want to express disapproval of back bay for boba
I think you should raw hem them and keep them
a v good play ty
Yo ten one is pretty good! But yes otherwise u right
post some real bricks coward
"oooh my psi is a little off here" bruh I'm out here looking like a FMF subscriber
no battenwear
I wore Gustins every day for 3 years if it makes you feel better
I had the fake Gustin common projects
And 2 pairs of their jeans
One weird thing I’ve noticed with ecru/cream/white/etc denim is it doesn’t seem to look great cuffed or rolled, but hemmed it’s awesome
that was actually fashionable 10 years ago tho
Hahaha fuck
slim indigo denim on white minimalist sneakers was fashion solved
This was like until 2020
Oh man i found it, i wanted to forget this one. Preface by saying my wardrobe was way limited and i was trying very hard to experiment

The fabric combos, the huaraches, yellow socks its all bad
Take the jacket off, undo a couple buttons on the shirt, ditch the socks and this fucks
Yah it would have made a much better summer fit in the ways you mentioned
big L and I ain’t talkin bout cool j

This isn’t bad. It’s just the weird socks
Oh man you came in just in time to make me feel less bad about mine 🫡
U look like you’re gonna challenge me to a yugioh duel
I don’t want to believe this is you
The calfs are what id’d him
You look like you lost some Easter Eggs and got drunk then went on the dock
My posing was way dumber back then lmao
Nah this isn't u
I refuse to believe u ever didn't have swag
I want to do a reattempt but need ecru pants
Yes you do
finally some good fucking bricks
wheres the pic when bond killed yves saint laurent
we could build a house with all these bricks

ysl rly said fashion is over time to die
Submitted without comment

before the term 'selfie' really existed

Holy shit those cockroach killers
Size 15 feet
Please tell me these are True Religion jeans
Bond is proof that you must brick hard to reach true fit enlightenment
fuck good call
They are indeed true religion
I had those same jeans once 😭
Wait this is sick as fuck u look like Jordan
Depending on what year you posted this it would have been a hit
Tbh I like it aside from the shirt
Yea 2017 would’ve been a hit, 2022 not so much
Aight I’ll go back to the like 2016 fit pics when I get back from the grocery store
Some band you’ve not heard of prolly, APCs (sized down 3) and Hender schemes
oh wait I've got the best one

Born 2 mod
It's over
It’s like jdbee was talking directly to ME
Was this not taken in the 4 days you were mod
I submitted this with my application
It's all coming together now
First time I started experimenting with wide fits when I only had skinny fits in my basic bastard wardrobe although fit wasn’t the only issue…

@charli sexcx I take back what I said
Is that the marniqlo shirt?
Yes. XS. this whole collection was wide asf and i didnt know what to do lol
if @walker and @dylan.keoni consent I will share a sorta bricked fit that was very silly and joyful even if bricked
otherwise maybe this eye burner

wow, rare camo fit from zach
Oh man, luckily I dont have a picture but I distinctly remember a fit I wore to a friend's party when I was just getting into clothes. Imagine, slim forest green J. Crew chinos, neon green Levi's denim jacket, orange floral t shirt, chocolate brown Wolverine 1ks. 😵💫😵💫
u can post it if u crop me @zacheadams
sry pretransition pics r rough on my brain
if walker says no I won't post at all lol, I asked bc I don't wanna make anyone feel bad 🤝
This amongst many

I look back on this shit with so much regret

i remember when my gray nbs were that clean 🥲
Aside from a weird psi this is pretty non bricked imo haha
This is so hard in 2013
Yea this was in 2019 tho
Im not even gonna bother with my rick attempts those are lost to the sands of time
I cant believe how tight those pants were
I think skinny was in until 2020
What is psi
Pant shoe interaction
Pounds per square inch
Not on MFA
I know cuz when I started going on the sub in 2018 I thought everyone's pants were too wide
I feel like 2018-2020 was the battle of the skinny vs wide
But like wide being 501s
Wegg that is an intense fit, so much going on
Pants are hella skinny but this really isn't bad
Lol, I think preferences stunted in 2020 because some of these brick fits are kind of my jones.
On that note though, I used to wear blazers with everything. And not good fitting ones at that: too small, big armholes, length was too short. Mari Kondo those bad boys out of the closet recently.
I really regret trying to make the waist scarf thing happen haha
Im probably a lot more embarrassed for this era than i need to be
i have too many bricked fits to count
how come y’all that say you have the most bricked fits I least believe it
like charlie wegg and meat I don’t believe y’all
naw theyre bricked up
The bricks pave the road
@charlie i love that you quoted me here
found some bricked fits from high school and beyond just for you guys

It was a good quote I had to pull it
He got the delta swag
These all look like how ppl not into fashion dress ngl
Doesn't look like you were trying back then
Second photo I was definitely trying
That was only two years ago
The boots are grant stones
Yea I feel like bricks are when u think u look good but u brick
Not when you’re not trying or you’re purposefully trying to look ridiculous
First and second I definitely thought I looked good at the time
Third one was some random ass pic from high school
I don't have many pictures of me from high school and early college
Literally just pick any pic of me before (generously) 2 years ago
Here’s me ~2 months after joining MFA I think

I think you nailed BB
Maybe if you wore killshots
Had to save up for those
First fit pic featuring them. Qualifies for most bricked based on the pose alone I think

Neither of these are bricks in context of the time they were taken
killing it

This is 2012-2013
Not the internment camp inspo
That pic has been reposted so many times and every time discourse goes insane
Was it modest man that wrote a blog post with that pic and then got called out for it?
Sounds right but I don’t remember for sure
Most bricked fit so far.
Self-cringe channel on SaD is GOAT’d
I have the craziest bricked fits lol
At this point, I feel like most days are bricks for me. I've learned just enough to know when it's bad, and not quite enough to fix it. 🙂
These are some of my fave bricks
Most people who follow me on Ig or read the blog post on my journey have seen all the worst shit lol I love that Facebook reminds me about this
Again like bond, the harder you brick the higher you rise
Yeah haha! It was also one of the first vintage photos I saw of Asians in tailoring as well as tee shirts tucked into tailoring
My bricks are mild which is why I dress so poorly now lol
Also, a brick is preferable to mediocrity and apathy.
I still wear fits most men would rather be caught dead in lol but that’s my entire vibe
Idk ignorance is bliss
in fact most of my fits are what dead people would have dressed like anyway
oh for sure. I am no longer ignorant, and it is very frustrating.
so many pairs of ecco shoes to get rid of.
The thing i love about your bricks, when comparing them to your current style is you obviously see the inspiration and there is a calculated attempt but you just didnt have the knowledge yet. Always fun seeing you do a side by side of two similar outfits, one brick fit and one killer fit
Ignorance is bliss tbh. The more you get into it the more you deviate, or rather the more aware of how much you deviate. And then it becomes a struggle of continuing while being “weird” or just being accessible but largely accepted.
It all depends on confidence level and how much “friction” you want to have in life. Usually it’s not a big deal tbh but I know some guys would rather not deal with it at all!
and I know on Reddit peope have talked about the exprience of being into fashion in a metropolitan area vs somewhere more sparse
Thanks!! Yeah, I needed knowledge and access. The fun thing is that the curve is so exponential! The fits after that initial fast fashion and vintage-esque look we’re much better. Might not the “cool” but they hit the mark better.
And yeah, I’ve really been getting back to the root of what I started with or referencing it more which has been great. My taste was always there, it’s just the expression and accuracy I needed to work on. We all do it!
Oh my god
Someone sent this to me the other day and it really hurt:
sometimes Guidi is not the answer!
I feel very attacked by this
Same, especially since I am the fun one in that friend group 😭
Please seek help for your cocaine addiction
I don’t have an addiction, they’re just squares
“I’m a drunk not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings, drunks go to parties”
I don’t go to either I just take fit pics on my porch
I love the consistency of your vision and taste and the evolution is incredible. I also really love seeing people’s progress and how their other hobbies or interests informs their sense style
Thank you! it’s been a great help to have documented nearly everything. I’ve ever worn since getting into clothing a decade ago
2015 ft the standard issue timex weekender and the target x merona university stripe

Don’t take many fit pics, but I love this thread idea so went searching till I found one that hurts. One version in the crowd, and one isolated for appreciation of my full glory.

I was trying to do a kinda Aime Leon Dore thing and it did not work

That is certainly the most
Haha it was a day where I just went full on. Have definitely toned it down in the years since to be more of a good amount.
As a newcomer all I can say is, the majority of these still look like better outfits than most of what I see people wearing every day
A lot of them are more dated than anything, or are things that the poster themselves feels are off (which is perfectly valid) but yeah. I like seeing the proper bricks though lol
The sneakers are really the only issue here IMO
Most of my fits are not very good but these are pretty solid 🧱’s

I didn’t count these because they’re joke fits but lol

I like the first two, the velvet jacket is rough tho
Pretty sure that horrific shirt is bricking it the most lmao
Only the museum shot is a true brick
Velvet jacket was way too big actually 😔
EG Baybeeeee
The hottest shirt of 2014
Agree to disagree
No you have to agree with me
First 2 just look like solid ald-ish fits
feel like the tie and the high tops are way too much
Way too much going on in fit 2 (green cap, herringbone tweed, cashmere horse tie w/ texture, denim shirt in the upper block is way too busy IMO)
but thank you
In the first one i think if the tie and shoes were a brighter color it would have been a brick but since they are a dark green i think it works pretty good still. I actually really like fit 1
these are hard as fuck
I think with a different shirt this would look pretty good.
Jeremy Scott the 🐐
he honestly is
sheesh that first fit is fuego
second as well

Not sure if this thread is demoralizing because I don’t see the problem with many of these fits or encouraging because everyone seems as nitpicky or anxious about their wardrobe as me
not all are considered "brick", see above comment @capricornus_rex
fuck yeah. thanks @pumaturtle for showing how to wear sneakers with a blazer. I've wanted to do it, and can't pull it off yet.
Half these fits are giving me inspiration, ngl 😂
im doing it the first day i get my blazer from ebay
I'm currently tempted by this:
Harris Tweed Handwoven Scottish Wool Blazer Herringbone Sports Jack...
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Harris Tweed Handwoven Scottish Wool Blazer Herringbone Sports Jacket Mens 42 R at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
It's blue, of course.
i like it! im personally looking for a more brownish one, similar to jcrews new tweed suit jacket
It's hard to tell about the quality tho
So far I'm 2 for 2 on ebay purchases.
Got another one on the way.
Maybe I should start a question thread for eBay tips.
yeah always aim for those free returns (or returns in general). And make sure to calculate in tailoring expenses.
do it! i know derek guy always includes some ebay searches in his articles so that could be a start
yeah, I'm not sure about the tailoring costs. But a even a mediocre quality jacket like that would be well over $200 new, so I feel like there's plenty of wiggle room.
Wait guys wait no NOOOO
These are bricks 😭
If the jeans in the first one were more faded
And you had a ball cap
puma you're just like paul atreides helpless to stop the holy war of the fremen fr fr
It’s doing numbers
If people think the bricks aren't bricks, does that mean the fits you actually like are the bricks 🤔
It’s classic “as soon as it’s done I hate it” creative syndrome
we are simply our own worst critics
except me im right
I don't think puma's is a brick but I am imploring people to not attempt to wear Jordans with blazers
I fucking hate sneakers and suits/blazers
How do you feel about this

Yeah honestly I like it, you’re using a very casual jacket and pairing it with a casual outfit, sneakers blend into it quite well
Its not bad actually, but I'm still not a huge fan
Where's Chuck when you need him?
But it is one of the few where I don't feel another shoe would be a pure improvement
We've had this discussion before
the shoes being all white helps for sure
“We saw the western coast, I saw the hospital”
I love how most of the "bricks" in this thread are better than my best fits. 😭
I was about to say
A large part of it is the perception of the wearer. Many folks have moved on to different styles/vibes for example
So def not this right cause its def not in my inspo albums…
Chuck did this recently pretty sure
I still don't love it, also if you don't have the Chicago Jordans it won't work imo
It's relying on Chicago Jordans being iconic
Thankfully I do
sense. I appreciate the comment!

Ok he didn't use a blazer either
Ima try it regardless when i get a blazer and then yall can decide to clown me or not in waywt

He's using casual jackets to dress down the outfit
What the rugby does in the drawinf
I don't think it's a coincidence he's avoiding blazers tho
Untitled Album
Ok big checkmate
charles is looking so much like my dad from the ankles up here
it's uncanny
Idk why this works but ima put my faith in chuck
Brain worms telling me this would look so cool with the raw hem light wash denim
I’m going to try that with my mochas and report back tomorrow
I think Chuck has said this before. But sneakers with tailoring is hard bc you need to be good at both which isn't super common
it's very important to me that you understand i frankensteined this in MS paint
For those who know Chicago: South loop below the waist, river north above the waist.
A sneakerhead probably isn't going to put together a decent tailoring look and a menswear guy is going to pick bad sneakers
i can't believe you're slandering chuck like this and he's not even here to defend himself
That's his own fault
LMAO deep fake chuck fits
"Chuck they're talking about u in the bricked fits thread!!!"
I just thought his cuffs were weird
best i got 4

Almost every fit with Jordans would be better with something else that’s just the way it is
Oh yeah
The two tone pants
I should get some raw jorts and attach faded legs
Hard as hell
Denim miniskirt ontop of jeans
There’s a Charlie fit for that
That's true of everything
Need the frayed black jorts over the frayed blue jeans
little do people know standardizing their fitpic background lets me create my own inspo 👿
I dont get enough natural light in my house to make a nice fit pic corner
Its a real bummer
i actually thought about doing a 'share your fitpic spot' Q&A after this one fizzles out
EG when
cause i've had some very silly fitpic spots lol
I always respect puma for doing public fit pics, thats like hard mode imo
Charlie too
I don't even have my wife take fit pics for me lol
I've taken like 3 and it's always exceptionally awkward
Sometimes she's in them tho
Agreed, my only exception is the few fits I've seen with them where they add a good layer of irony to the fit. I think this is easier to achieve in womenswear though
idk if it's a brick but i regret not keeping my tie tight OR taking it off for most of my wedding reception

feel like it looks a little goofy ?
Looks like you call tailoring a "monkey suit" unironically
Missing the coke dusting on the corner if the nose
it's fine u look cute
tis what tis
that smile tho
dancin with my mama
I love the "fucked up salaryman" look of loose tie with undone buttons
Don't know if it really looks good tho
who swapped into a sweatsuit cause she got cold after the ceremony lol
yeah I'm being harsh. It's your wedding so nbd. Having fun is most important and you v clearly are
nah it's nbd
I typically dont button my top button with a tie and leave it very slightly loose, tighter than this but just enough to be more comfy. Is that a bad move?
I'd say yeah. Get the button moved since it's so easy
I think you should full commit, either do the button and tight, or really loose and multiple undone buttons, but I never wear ties
yea i think i took a selfie or soemthing and saw that it looked goofy toward the end of the night but at that point it was too late
If you're gonna earnestly wear a tie then wear the tie imo
100% sounds like something my family would call it lol
My dad always called it a monkey suit lol
i wore a 'monkey suit' to a family friends wedding when i was like 6?
i was the ring bearer, full tux with the tails and shiny plasticy shoes, and too scared to walk down the aisle solo
i was probably more like 4

You literally hate me I said the nb star tie one was good
It‘s cute but only because the jordans are like a us size 2 lmao
The velvet jacket one you look like "we have willy Wonka at home" tho
something about the chicago jordans is just too much in every fit for me
like they're never part of a whole cohesive outfit, it's an outfit and then it's the jordans attached to it
Yeah I generally agree with that
Listing some of my clothes on depop as we speak because of this thread lmao
lmk if you've got any XL normcore shit
We have Timothy chalamet presents Willy wonka at home
so mean but also roast me more it’s funny

Did I brick this?
This is sort of cheating bc 1 is in 2016. I think it's a brick bc of context: I was a summer camp councilor. Kid reactions: "are you supposed to be a Jonas Brother" it's just such a vibe that is anathema to how I dress now even though it's super simple, I still loathe it on reflection.
2 is just trying too hard to be EG core but I could only afford a second hand Bedford that didn't fit properly. The tiebar is just silly. Imagine Wolverine 1k miles as the shoes, and the pants are super fine wale cords.
Edit: also the neckbeard bricks whatever was going right with the 2nd fit.
These are pretty boring bricks in the grand scheme of things but I think my key takeaway is trying to fit something into my wardrobe because it's trendy (tan suede chelseas) or getting so obsessed with the idea of an item that I ignore the reality of it and try to shoehorn it in (the ill-fitting Bedford)

Sorry if this got answered elsewhere, but what’s the jacket?
this is a great point lol
in my discord, this was a big debate
and IIRC it came down to that. it wasn't about the silhouette of the shoes or shoe pant interaction
it just always read as i wanna wear my jordans
which doesn't work
Where’d he go
Is he in the discord?
taking a break
his ig is
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Faux suede forever 21 bomber. It's not terrible, just doesn't fit my style at all and I didn't know how to wear it back then
thank you 👑
how we feeling about this fellas

The chuck at home:
this is really good
Went back through my camera roll to find this one specifically but there's a bunch of honorable mentions 😂

Also tbh I would like this if those sweatpants were a relaxed cut 🤷🏻♂️
My camp counselor fits of yore were truly nonsensical bricks too. Why was I wearing canvas loafers to walk on a dirt trail for half a day 💀
Trying to be "fashion" at camp is deranged. Wore brand new, canvas chucks to play soccer with kids 

a small selection of many

How are these bricks 💀
I think 3 and 4 are good fits!
Maybe he wore them to a wedding? 😀
this is one of the sweeter questions i've ever been asked
i went through fit pics and these jumped out at me
in the first one i don't think the jacket works. i dont like the saturation and crispness with the washed out shorts
Something bothers me about the proportions of the second. It looks weirdly stretched out in the middle
Weird proportions in the third, too. Puffy-ish shirt with slimmer pants (which felt w i d e when i got them). The light color emphasizes it
These are fair notes, still feel like minor fit issues 

And I guess I don't hate the last fit but I don't like it on me
These would be huge bricks for Grandma's funeral
It feels like I dresse for...something. '60s beach party?
That's funny I think 4 is my favorite
A vibe imbalance can lead to brick for sure
lego brick fit

I can see the proportion issues you mention in #2 but it seems minor. But the other ones don't seem bricks at all to me. #4 seems a bit of a different vibe from what I've seen in your fits so far.
16 year old me thought this was a good idea

Big thing I have going for me is I haven't been taking fit pics for long. The really bad stuff only lives on as bad memories
My favorite thing about this thread, besides baby face Rej, is how supportive everyone is and how eager to point out the positives in the things we’re critical of with ourselves
3 is awesome and actually gives me some inspo - thanks 😊
make it better by wearing looser pants. fix me!!
spaghetti loves being compared to G**** S****
Fuckin rude
I did not know this, I am so sorry
Put backslashes before every /*
idk how to run this shit
just put the slash before I learned how earlier today
I think as a general rule we should not be telling people they look like specific conservative politicians
"hey man you look like this really shitty person"
cheers thanks bud stub ur toe in the dark 😸
Just deleted it, my bad y’all, I let my intrusive thoughts win again
definitely not my worst fit but the jeans are so out of place here, first story piece I ever got after being into rick/apc/acne for a while and for some reason the PNS seemed like the right choice

also not a fan of hender scheme’s anymore but I don’t think they’re as out of place
Jacket is still nice :3
I think with baggy jeans this would be very cool
VanDykeParks vibes
I don’t think it’s a brick given the era
im disappointed. most of these arent even that bad. at worst the vast majority of these you just look like an average person
i was hoping for some real blunders, some circa 2008 scene kid esque shit
some 2016 hypebeasts
a 2019 e-boy
I was looking for some old supreme/john elliot fits but I don't have any saved lol
thatd be perfect
oh my days
oh here’s a good one lmfao

forgot I had a top knot must’ve blocked that part of my memory out
yeah it's not great, but it's not egregiously awful either.
just v 2016
yall making me feel bad, my blunders have been so much worse than anything ive seen here
This is just a guy
Is that the supreme x Hanes tee
gotta make sure you get the tiny bogo in the fit pic so people know
late to the party; Feel like most of my bricks are saturation-related or an incongruent silhouette, and overwhelmingly boring I tried to describe each brick in alt text, can y'all see those captions? Edit: might have to be on mobile to see captions

I can bring up the captions on mobile
I did some FILTHY hypebeast looks but my old phone literally bricked so I don’t have the photos
I don’t remember the full outfit but it involved the supreme baseball bat