


Open Source Community by Novu




What Features Are Not Available with Self Host

I see on your introduction to self host Novu page that not all features are available with this mode. I also found out a few weeks ago that the password reset function is one of those features that is not available. As I evaluate Novu for our companies production use, I want to be able to present the business owners with as much detail as possible. Also, even if we self host in production, we may want to enlist support from Novu. Would that open up all features? ...

Sending a chat message using GetStream

Hello, how can I use Stream to send a chat message to a subscriber? I see that stream has been added as a provider ( ). I've already set it up in my integrations store, but I can't find any guide/example on how to use it. The integration points to but it's not really helpful. Thanks!...

Socket Questions

Where can I get the unseencount information and how can I remove the message I saw from the unseencount? It only appears here when there is a change. When the page is opened, it appears blank. ``` useEffect(()=>{...

local setup not working . npm run setup:project giving error

node - 20.8.0 pnpm - 8.9.0 Pulled the latest code today After cloning the repo, running the npm run setup:project getting the following error 82/86 succeeded [82 read from cache]...
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Security, when fetching from notification-center

Hey folks, we want to use novu notification center and have found a security concern. (most likly, because we missed something i guess) How does the apis/notification center ensure, that only authenticated users are able to fetch their data and cannot change data of other subscribers? we are using oAuth2 jwt-token auth for our own services....

MS Team notification input value substitution

I was trying to create a notification in MS Teams that could send a string to a url through an api call. In MS documentation it uses {{}} to refer to that input id and value (ie: {{comment.value}} where "comment" is the Id of the input. How can I make it work with Novu? It would be really amazing to have this to work link to the MS doc:

Handling complex "delivery time" user preferences

We have a system where user may want to suscribe to certain "events" that happen in the system, in a CMS could be "whenever an item of type X of the CMS" changes. The tricky bit is that user can chose daily at any hour!. I thought that a possible way would be in our system we let the user chose for example 0, 8, 16, 24 ( i.e 4 times of the 24 period day). Those user preferences are "propagated to Novu" as suscribers metadata. Then the workflow design would have the email step with variants. Ea...

API Cors Error

I run it with postman successfully, but when I run it with react I get a cors error.
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Deploying the novu backend on digital ocean.

Does anyone have any resources or how I can deploy novu on digital ocean. I am having issues with pnpm which uses pnpm-lock.yaml file and digital ocean looks for package-lock.json file since it uses node.

Best Way to Handle Notifications for Different Feeds / Contexts

I have a variety of custom notification cards. I want to be able to use them and change them depending on the context of where the notification is shown and the type of notificaiton. I am unsure if I should customise the notificaiton feed or if I should use the headless ?...

How Can I view Topics on Novu?

I implemented Topic CRUD but I can't view the new topics created on the platform. Is it possible to view new topics with added subscribers?...

Triggering event from laravel backend.

I am running my novu locally and the api is running on localhost:3000. I have also set up my laravel backend with the api_key and the api_url as http://localhost:3000 in the config file but when i try triggering an event i get this error. How can I solve this....
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Digest templates with 1 event total

It appears that digests that end up having only one trigger by the time they expire still pass step.digest and to templates. Is there a suggested way to have a template still render a single-event branch in this case? I don’t think I can do an equality check of and 1 inside the handlebars template, can I?

How use dynamic date value as condition value

How can I implement a condition to filter data based on the 'installed_on' field, specifically targeting records that were installed one day prior to the current date? The 'installed_on' field is within the 'data' field. What steps should I take to accomplish this?
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Bulk subscriber using Python Script

Hello Team!! Hello Team! I have successfully added our user to Novu using a Python script. Additionally, I have implemented user channel functionality within the same script. Everything is working fine. However, when I update the user's device token, it creates a new channel.We Have Self-Hosted Account!Novu versions=1.10.0...


I set up a workflow and tried running it from my app and I am getting workflow_not_Found error. Then I tried running it from command line to see if it was a Java library issue and got the same error. Finally I tried running it from the Novu UI and am seeing the workflow_not_found toast error.
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Migrate workflow from dev to production env

I have created some workflows in development environment and now ready to move to prod but it looks like I need to recreate them from scratch? Is that right or is there a way to migrate them? I'm concerned that I might mess something up and I don't want there to be drift between environments

When Bulk Triggering events with a new subscriber, the subscriber is being created multiple times

Hi there! So our current flow has us generating a series of reminders to send at scheduled times. As a result, we might end up 3 events scheduled at 3, 5, 10 days out. We trigger these events in a single call to the bulk trigger endpoint. It seems that when we do this with a new subscriber in the payload, the subscriber is getting created multiple times. Checking this against a locally run version of Novu, I was able to get the timestamps in MongoDb of some example subscribers getting created as a part of a bulk request: `createdAt...
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Updating workflow takes a very long time

Notification channel: Email When you change the template via the internal editor, the workflow takes a very long time to update (Currently > 30 mins). Also when you change editor to custom code. And you enter your own code, it takes a very long time to update the workflow. In the production version of novu everything has changed. Test mailing run the new template, but events run the old one. The test email mailing was 14:06 with new template. But the event emails were sent later (14:30) and they have old template...
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Not getting email notifications on Trigger event

I created a subscriber and workflow. I do not get email notifications after Trigger event. I use API interface in Set my Apikey and send a request. I get response: {"data":{"acknowledged":true,"status":"processed","transactionId":"5551a66b-05e7-4b2c-8d97-1851a911d07a"}}. Activity feed show success and says that message sent: {...