


Open Source Community by Novu




Production activity appear in development

For some reason several of the events that were triggered in our production environment seems to appear in development environment as well. The data sent for both notifications is the same and time is also same. It happened 04.03.2024 at 15:39:06 and at 16:00:00. Only several of such events appeared in both environments. Not sure how safe is to share full transaction ids, so will share only the starting part...

Handlebars in email template

When I try to use if {{#if aircraft}}Aircraft: {{aircraft}}{{/if}} in email template, there is error on update "Failed to extract variables". Any idea what im doing wrong? I'm using
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Setting MS Teams Webhook for a subcriber using .net sdk

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to set a MS Teams Webhook for a given subscriber using novu .net sdk ? I see an example using node.js in your documentation but I can't find the same operation in .net library. Thank you...

Request Entity Too Large

Are there limitations on uploading variants in Novu? I'm developing an email workflow with 21 variants, each template being 1.6 KB in size. However, I'm encountering an error when trying to create more than 5 variants, specifically "request entity too large." Can you explain this error and suggest a solution?

Greater Than and Less Than Helper

Hi there 🙂 I'd like to include a certain text string if the step.count is greater than a specified count. This will be used when aggregating notifications so we list a preview of the first 5 and then include something expressing there are more items at the end. I imagine something like ```...

Novu returning "processed" and acknowledged but no activity found and workflows not triggered

Hey guys, I'm trying to diagnose an issue we're seeing when moving over to production. In development, all is well and working. However since moving over to production, we're seeing the events just "swallowed" IE, we're not sure what's going on with them. ...

Custom link per broadcast email

Hello, I am using API. I want to generate a unique unsubscribe link per user then pass it to the workflow. How can this be achieved using the broadcast API?

MongoDB is using 17.1Gb of memory with only Novu database

Hi all, can I delete data from collection where expireAt date has passed? I need to release some memory and improve query performance because novu is to slow... Note: im using novu v0.21.0...

How to use onesignal push notification for novu ?

I want to use One Signal for push notification. I entered the necessary information, but I get this error. Can you help me on how to do it? I looked here but I didn't understand what it does. It wants me to re-set someone who is already subscribed. I tried it but it didn't work. ```...
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cannot add images in in-app messages

Cannot add images to in app messages, maybe it's not allowed? To reproduce: - Add and <img /> tag as shown in the video - Update the workflow...

Have no activity feed after trigger event to a topic

Repro steps: Creating a topic Adding subscribers Trigger notification (to: topic)...
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Novu self host with nginx

Does novu have support for nginx/https config? I am using a docker droplet in digital ocean.

Create and update subscribers in c#

Hi Team I'm following below steps to create/update subscribers in Novu Creating subscribers is working fine. I can see subscribers in novu dashboard but update is not working am i missing somethig ? private async Task UpdateStudentData(StudentAggregatedDetails updatedStudent) { var filter = Builders<subscribers>.Filter.Eq("subscriberId", updatedStudent.UserReferenceId);...
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Cannot use a workflow if its name has underscores

I've created a workflow through API with following params: $data = [ 'name' => 'new_seller_admin_notify_four', 'notificationGroupId' => '6409c0dbe5d10c2178942e3f', 'preferenceSettings' => [...

Activity Feed

I initiated the workflow through the "/v1/events/trigger/broadcast" API. The workflow includes certain step conditions. I'm confident that none of my subscribers meet these conditions, meaning no one should receive emails. However, the Activity Feed displays a total count of users, and I can see that step creation status is indicated for all users. Why does it show the wrong count, and why are steps created for all users who don't meet the conditions set?...
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Related To Conditional Notification

In my application scenario, I have involved different roles in order to send notification like super admin , team member, team manager, supervisor and owner . There are some notification that i need to send accordingly is it possible in novu if it is how can we do it .

Send notification to multiples users with SDK

We would like to send an email notification to a group of subscribers. We are using topics for that (the group of subscribers could be different each time). Repro steps: 1. Creating a topic 2. Adding subscribers 3. Trigger notification (to: topic)...

Cannot create a workflow through API

I'm using the code in my app: $novu = new Novu(<NOVU_API_KEY>); $novu->createNotificationTemplate([...

Connection to redis with tls

How can I connect to redis using rediss , I cannot see any option to connect to bullmq like this const redis = new Redis("rediss://"); @Support...

Discussion: Handlebars helper for digest/non digest

We allow our subscribers to decide whether or not they want digests enabled by putting a filter based on subscriber data on our digest steps. The problem is that taking into account all the states in which a digest with a filter could leave the Handlebars template variables (no, but = 1, and > 1) results in a very janky template like the below ```Handlebars...