


Open Source Community by Novu




Updating workflow takes a very long time

Notification channel: Email When you change the template via the internal editor, the workflow takes a very long time to update (Currently > 30 mins). Also when you change editor to custom code. And you enter your own code, it takes a very long time to update the workflow. In the production version of novu everything has changed. Test mailing run the new template, but events run the old one. The test email mailing was 14:06 with new template. But the event emails were sent later (14:30) and they have old template...
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Not getting email notifications on Trigger event

I created a subscriber and workflow. I do not get email notifications after Trigger event. I use API interface in Set my Apikey and send a request. I get response: {"data":{"acknowledged":true,"status":"processed","transactionId":"5551a66b-05e7-4b2c-8d97-1851a911d07a"}}. Activity feed show success and says that message sent: {...

Can i able to trigger event to all subscribers based on their custom key value

I have checked broadcast , it worked well , but it has limitation 100 per request, Any other solution , please let me know ?...

can i able to achieve this using topic?

I have one scenario , In topic i have added 3 subscribers and triggered after some two minute one more subscriber added to same topic, but if i trigger topics it should trigger only newly added subscribers How can i make this?...

I have created topic added subscribers, but if i trigger event, getting error

Error : ========== ERROR (41): Unexpected error has occurred when triggering event worker | serviceName: "@novu/worker"...

Need to change username/email id along with organisation name

Hi I want to chnage the username/email i used to login to the novu portal along with i need to chnage my old organisation name…aa I need all my old data. Is there any option for that??...

Response from novu.trigger

Let us say the preferences were saved to send email and not sms. When we call novu.trigger(..) can we know in the response which were sent?

Unknown error when testing Pusher Beams

I have a test workflow that sends a notification via in-app, email, and Pusher Beams. I am able to manually send Pusher push notifications from their debugger, and I receive them in my browser. The device tokens all seem to be set up correct, however when I try to test in the Novu UI I get this screen which has an error icon but no error message....
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Multiple Slack Channels?

Hey 👋 Q - Is it possible to use Novu to send notification to multiple Slack channels? Context: We want to use Novu to send alerts (as Slack messages) to users and have them be able to configure different channels for different alerts. From what I could tell when installing the Slack app, users need to choose one channel and thats the only channel that the app can then send messages to. ...

Connect PHP backend to local NOVU

Hello, I was able to connect my react frontend but how can i connect my php (laravel) backend to trigger events to my local novu?...

Configure 4200 and 3000 in http and https for novu self hosting

Hi Team, we are facing some issues with serving 3000 https. its working with the usrls like or in http but not working in https. What should we need to done? we are ready to connect through call !!...

Not getting email notifications from topic

I use novu in my laravel app. I configured api key and uri. I created a topic: $novu->createTopic([ 'key' => 'seller_registration_notification', 'name' => $name, ]);...

How to send sms only if user has no push devices

Is it possible to send a notification via sms only if a subscriber has no push device tokens set up? This feels like a nice UX - Push with fallback to SMS. It would also save on SMS costs since we wouldn't be double sending. I imagine we could implement this ourselves via the subscriber management apis when we add a device token (e.g. we'd disable sms for a workflow when adding the device token - but it would be nice to have this as a feature of Novu itself)....

Open Message from Notification Center

Is there a way to get message id when user click a message from the Novu message center?

Overriding workflow templates

Hi, Does workflow override include template swap? Trying to trigger the same workflow but with a different template on the fly, say for the emails. Using variants works, but having multiple variants and making code changes might be harder to manage, especially concurrent API changes to the workflow. Sam...

Hack IT Sapiens 2.0 Hackathon

I am reaching you to introduce Hack It Sapiens 2.0 Hackathon, happening from March 29th to 31th in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Last year, we launched our very first hackathon Hack IT Sapiens, and it was a huge hit! Over 2500 people registered, 500+ participants, over 100+ innovative projects.This year, we’re aiming to take HIS 2.0 to new heights, and we believe your company could play a significant role in this. For more insights, Event Deck -

Sender name on development not promoted in production

I am having an issue I have a translation in the sender name in development, and when I promote it on production, it is not promoted? Any idea how to make this work?

Email provider reply callback issue setup

Hey there, once again: Awesome product thanks! I would like to setup a reply callback to a specific workflow: the workflow is simple, when a user comments in my app, some users are receiving a notification. I want to let them the opportunity to reply to this email, when doing so, my backend would pickup the information from the webhook and would add the comment in app....
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How to convert self hosted novu from http to https

hi team, we deployed novu in AWS using docker deploy. In .env file i replaced localhost with public DNS of ec2 . how to make this application as https . i am failing to do this using cloudfront.

Self-Hosted Account Performance

Hello Team!! Our team has successfully set up a self-hosted account for Novu! Now, we're working on adding our database users to the self-hosted account using the bulk subscriber API. However, the connection process is taking longer than expected. Novu Version = 1.10.0...