


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Bug (visual): RelationManager AssociateAction multiple select field selected options disappear

Couldnt find anything on Google/Github related. Dont really know where to go from here. " Tables\Actions\AssociateAction::make()...

Plugin Recommendation: Do we have a plugin where there's a edit profile with 2FA and with 2FA login?

Hi folks, I don't want to create a custom view to modify my login page. I'm currently using breeze as my main login and I wanna know if there's a plugin that have edit profile with 2fa and have already built-in view for 2FA in login? I don't need it for my registration, only in edit profile and login page. Hope someone will recommend a good one that can be configure.

About multiple Wizard Components in a single page.

Hi everyone. I'm building a custom page with multiple wizard components. But I have a problem: when I try to change the step (the "Next" buttom) in one of them, the event occurs in the rest of the wizards. I've tried the nextAction() method, but I'm not clear how implement it in this particular case....

Repeater deleteAction

How could we hide remove button based on a condition related to the according line ? Thanks 🙂

TitleAttribute doesn't appear in Form Select

What I am trying to do: I am trying to model an optional one-to-one relationship. What I did: I created a resource for Test and in a select input, I specified to only bring zero_ones that are not yet related to a test....
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Fileupload not showing on Filament panel

I have a normal front-end using laravel, which has a form submission. The file uploads are stored to storage/app/directory_name/file_name But when I open the admin panel to see that record, it shows no file. The file will only show up if i save the record again after uploading the files through filament. Filament is set to use local storage....

Vanilla Spatie roles or filament shield

Hi I am wondering which is better to use vanilla spatie roles and permissions or Filament shield, I am using breeze for my filament login register if that makes any difference to the choice, I just wanted to hear your thoughts, thanks

Export Action Only Few Rows with GroupBy

I have a filament resource that displays an order report with native filament export functionality. The query itself returns 4676 rows but query->count() returns only 4 which limit the results of the exporting...
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Disable text input

Hi i have a problem i have a text input that is price and it could not be change, user can see it but not change. MIne problem comes when i want to save data i get the sql error that i have no value for price. How to solve these i can not use mutateDataBeforeCreate because i am using the slideOver.

Error in documentation or code ( Select->allowHtml( ) )

I wanted to make use of the allowHtml() method in a Select box that I have made on one of my resource forms, but even when copying the documentation exactly I have been unable to get any HTML to display at all. I haven't made any custom css or edited any of the styling throughout the rest of the application. When I go to the inspector I can see the HTML is being applied but the styling is being overwritten by something, and from my investigation so far looks like its being overwritten by:
I'm hoping this is something that either I have done wrong or have overlooked in some regard, but it all seems to be correct. Here is the Select box that I was trying to make: ```php...

Clickable label then will go to specific section/row of the page

I have a stat overview widget, the value of the stat is clickable. That page is using ViewRecord class. It has 3 tables and 2 infolist for that page. My concern is, if I click the value of my stat, the page will scroll down to the third table. Like in html there is a #section, if you click this one, you will go to <div id="section">. How can I do this?...

How can I set default text in a RichEditor?

I want the content to display some custom text instead just being blank. Things like textInputs support ->default() but that doesn't seem to work for RichEditors. RichEditor::make('summary') ->default('my default text')...
Think I've found a workaround: `->formatStateUsing(function ($state) { if ($state) { return $state;...

Admin passwordReset()

Hello there, I have enabled the passwordReset on admin panel provider and can I define somehow the password validation rule ?...

Wrong foregin key in AssociateAction

I have a RelationManager with an AssociateAction, but it doesn't work because it tries to change the wrong foregin key on the related model. THe relationship works as it should and items are listed in the RelationManager. The problem is that the AssociateAction uses a pluralised foregin key when it should be use a singular, for example posts_id instead of post_id. I have even tried specifing the foregin key in the relation on the model, but that did not help. I have verified that there...

How To Call Service To Retrieve Data Within Table Widget?

Hi folks, how can i retrieve data from a service I have setup, from within the table widget? I previously used the ->query method because I just reference data from within my database, however, i no longer save the data anymore. This is my code: ```...

file upload error

Does anyone has an issue with FileUpload form field? FIle is uploading as saved, but when I try to edit record with FileUplaod field I get an error: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given Laravel 11. Does anyone has a solution?...
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CreateAction in panel builder confirmation (with wizard)

Where CreateAction is deafulting to create page class and then using a wizard via getSteps().... there a way to easily enable the confirmation modal at the end of the wizard ?...
I don't think this is currently possible. wire:confirm or a custom submit button in the form are a workaround

beforeSave whith relations

I have the following process in beforeSave() of EditSale.php, in which I restore the stock (quantities) of products, before the records are saved, as indicated by the "beforeSave" hook, but it turns out that when entering this hook the data of the relationship (SaleDetails) has already been saved. ```php protected function beforeSave(): void {...


Hello, I'm using filament on my project, I have the internet access while the development phase, but it won't be accessible on the production phase. So can you tell me what I have to do to make my project working correctly without internet connection?