Created by itsmejyv on 9/18/2024 in #❓┊help
I need to create total of debits and credits without creating column for it
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9 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Is there a way to ask the user for confirmation before reloading the web page in forms?
is there a function in forms that will ask the user for reload confirmation for not saving or haven't triggered the create button?
5 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/15/2024 in #❓┊help
How to arrange horizontally the widgets?
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4 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/7/2024 in #❓┊help
how to add recaptcha in filament login form?
I don't know where to put the script from google recaptcha in login form of filament, is there any way to integrate it there?
11 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/6/2024 in #❓┊help
How to disable/remove create button?
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4 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/5/2024 in #❓┊help
How to change the navigation background color?
The stock navigation color is so plain and not good. How can I change it? and is it possible to put an image in the back of the panel?
5 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Class App\Models\User does not implement abstract methods:function canAccessPanel(\Filament\Panel $
Trying to implement FilamentUser

namespace App\Models;

// use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\HasAvatar;
use Filament\Panel\Concerns\HasAuth;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

use Jeffgreco13\FilamentBreezy\Traits\TwoFactorAuthenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
use HasFactory, Notifiable, TwoFactorAuthenticatable;
public function getFilamentAvatarUrl(): ?string
return $this->avatar_url;

* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array<int, string>
protected $fillable = [

* The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.
* @var array<int, string>
protected $hidden = [

* Get the attributes that should be cast.
* @return array<string, string>
protected function casts(): array
return [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
'password' => 'hashed',

namespace App\Models;

// use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\HasAvatar;
use Filament\Panel\Concerns\HasAuth;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

use Jeffgreco13\FilamentBreezy\Traits\TwoFactorAuthenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
use HasFactory, Notifiable, TwoFactorAuthenticatable;
public function getFilamentAvatarUrl(): ?string
return $this->avatar_url;

* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array<int, string>
protected $fillable = [

* The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.
* @var array<int, string>
protected $hidden = [

* Get the attributes that should be cast.
* @return array<string, string>
protected function casts(): array
return [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
'password' => 'hashed',
6 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Plugin Recommendation: Do we have a plugin where there's a edit profile with 2FA and with 2FA login?
Hi folks, I don't want to create a custom view to modify my login page. I'm currently using breeze as my main login and I wanna know if there's a plugin that have edit profile with 2fa and have already built-in view for 2FA in login? I don't need it for my registration, only in edit profile and login page. Hope someone will recommend a good one that can be configure.
4 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Unable to find component after executing php artisan route:cache
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4 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 9/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Excel Export detected by composer audit
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1 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/31/2024 in #❓┊help
Can I customize the login page of filament?
No description
7 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/30/2024 in #❓┊help
how to adjust the alignment of brand name along with logo?
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5 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/30/2024 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to add company name next to logo in panel?
I edited the logo and add text but it is blurred
6 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/27/2024 in #❓┊help
How to see the file uploaded using ->url()?
I already linked my storage, so it was on public/storage and I know laravel have a safety about accessing the url of public/storage. I would like to know how can I access the file via url as logged in user?
12 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Need help in logic of ->afterStateUpdated()
I'm trying to update the net proceeds when the $state has change, it adds up a lot of value and I don't know where does it come from . Let's say the existing value of net proceed is 22,944 and current interest value is 306 . When I change the interest value into 307 it adds for about 251
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) {
$set('insurance', $state);

// retrieve all original
$loanAmount = str_replace(',', '', $get('loan_amount'));
$cbu = str_replace(',', '', $get('capitalBuildUp'));
$sd = str_replace(',', '', $get('savings_deposit'));
$interest = str_replace(',', '', $get('interest'));
$loanBalance = str_replace(',', '', $get('loan_balance'));
$gli = str_replace(',', '', $get('group_life_insurance'));
$penalty = str_replace(',', '', $get('penalty'));
$others = str_replace(',', '', $get('others'));

$deduction = $cbu + $sd + $interest + $loanBalance + $gli + $penalty + $others + $state;
$netProceeds = $loanAmount - $deduction;
$set('net_proceeds', number_format($netProceeds, 2));

->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) {
$set('insurance', $state);

// retrieve all original
$loanAmount = str_replace(',', '', $get('loan_amount'));
$cbu = str_replace(',', '', $get('capitalBuildUp'));
$sd = str_replace(',', '', $get('savings_deposit'));
$interest = str_replace(',', '', $get('interest'));
$loanBalance = str_replace(',', '', $get('loan_balance'));
$gli = str_replace(',', '', $get('group_life_insurance'));
$penalty = str_replace(',', '', $get('penalty'));
$others = str_replace(',', '', $get('others'));

$deduction = $cbu + $sd + $interest + $loanBalance + $gli + $penalty + $others + $state;
$netProceeds = $loanAmount - $deduction;
$set('net_proceeds', number_format($netProceeds, 2));

4 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/25/2024 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to insert or create a copy of data automatically from current table to other table?
Is is possible, when I create a data in tb1 it will create also a copy in tb2? I'm trying an automation here, I'm trying to insert the data from current form to othe table upon submission.
7 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/24/2024 in #❓┊help
How to limit the decimal to $set in the other field by 2?
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $get, $set) {
$loanAmount = $get('loan_amount');
$terms = $get('terms');
$termsTotal = $terms + $state;
$total1 = $termsTotal * 0.01;
$interestTotal = $loanAmount * $total1;
$set('interest', (double) $interestTotal);
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $get, $set) {
$loanAmount = $get('loan_amount');
$terms = $get('terms');
$termsTotal = $terms + $state;
$total1 = $termsTotal * 0.01;
$interestTotal = $loanAmount * $total1;
$set('interest', (double) $interestTotal);
5 replies
Created by itsmejyv on 8/24/2024 in #❓┊help
trigger by afterStateUpdated() then update other field
I'm new in filament, can't find a good explanation in the documentation. what I want is once loan_amount set the copy_capitalBuildUp data, I want the copy_capitalBuildUp to update the capitalBuildUp field. Please see the pastebin link for your reference.
1 replies