Plugin Recommendation: Do we have a plugin where there's a edit profile with 2FA and with 2FA login?

Hi folks, I don't want to create a custom view to modify my login page. I'm currently using breeze as my main login and I wanna know if there's a plugin that have edit profile with 2fa and have already built-in view for 2FA in login? I don't need it for my registration, only in edit profile and login page. Hope someone will recommend a good one that can be configure.
Breezy by Jeff Greco - Filament
The top Two Factor Authentication package for Filament with customizable and extendable My Profile page, self-service update password, avatar support, and Sanctum token management.
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itsmejyv7mo ago
Breezy by Jeff Greco - Filament
The top Two Factor Authentication package for Filament with customizable and extendable My Profile page, self-service update password, avatar support, and Sanctum token management.

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