Modal preview of form coming form blade view
Hi I am trying to work out the best way of getting form data that is not saved in to my preview modal, at the moment I have a modal with a blade view, pulling in data that is saved in the db and it is working well, but im not sure the best way to pull in data to the modal on new additions to the form that are not yet saved?
In my edit application resource I have
the rich editor changes are showing in preview but normal fields or selects are not, what is the best way to achieve a preview with changes that are not yet saves in fIlament as I may be going the wrong route, thanks
2 replies
Dev dojo auth package
Hi, how do I use the dev dojo auth for login and register with filament? at the moment it still uses the default filament auth views not dev dojo. Thanks
5 replies
css error in app.css
hi everything has been fine until today, my app.css file in the public/filament folder has hundreds of errors showing, do you known why this could be?
its in problems in php storm tab
very weird as vscode does not have these errors, and there are no errors building, launching and running npm run dev. Hope you can help thanks
2 replies
Vanilla Spatie roles or filament shield
Hi I am wondering which is better to use vanilla spatie roles and permissions or Filament shield, I am using breeze for my filament login register if that makes any difference to the choice, I just wanted to hear your thoughts, thanks
3 replies
Breeze profile & dashboard page in filament
Hi i am using Beeze from my filament login and register and it is working well. The issue is I want to have the default profile page in filament or rebuild it in filament and remove the default breeze dashboard page, is there a best way of doing this? Thanks
2 replies
Share a resource with new panel
Hi what is the best way to pull in a specifice resource in my user panel? I have an admin and user panel, the admin uses all resourses as default, but I am not sure how to just grab one resource that has been setup and used in admin panel.
i can use this in user panel:
but it grabs all resources. Thanks
5 replies
wizard step sharing from model
Hi I am trying to share the wizard steps from my Model, but it's causing the layout to not be full width and the has skippable steps stops working, Can you shed some light on how to properly setup the wizard to share steps? Thanks
3 replies
wizard step move after 5
Hi is this still the only way to achieve the wizard steps to move after 5 steps?
6 replies
tailwind normal blade views
Hi i have read through some posts here, but just want to ask your opinion
1. When you install laravel it installs Tailwind, so you should be able to use all tailwind classes available in normal blade files that are not connected to Filament (bg colors etc)?
2. If you use a blade view that get's pulled into a filament file can you only use classes that filament uses or you have to make your own theme?
Just a bit confused as I am pulling a blade view into a modal in filament on the front-end and only some classes work.
18 replies
Services and filament tables livewire component
Hi I have a service that has a load of options, I've queried the options in a select filter, but I am getting:
An attempt was made to evaluate a closure for [Filament\Tables\Filters\SelectFilter], but [$value] was unresolvable.
Do I need to do something else as it's a livewire component? I have more price options but hit limit of discord Thanks
2 replies