Filament7mo ago

Reuse wizard on frontend

Hi I have a wizard on the create resource, but I want to make it available on the front end, is there an easy way to reuse the form on the front end? and not have to rebuild all fields from scratch? Thanks
8 Replies
Wrax7mo ago
extract the form from the resource to a method on a class (Model will do) and call it from both your filament resource and your front-end livewire component class
CushtyOP7mo ago
Thanks for the reply, I have done this for the resource and it works great, do I need to make a separate wizard form in the model as well and call this from the create resource and front-end livewire component so the wizard has a form to? Thanks
Wrax7mo ago
You shouldn't need to make a duplicate wizard. Just call the same form method in your livewire component class. https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/adding-a-form-to-a-livewire-component#adding-the-form
CushtyOP7mo ago
Hi, I am having issues with the wizard and a livewire component, I have read the docs and tried a few things but the wizard is not working correctly. The docs say to use a form but in order for my wizard to show correctly on the panel and pull the steps from the model I have to use or skippable breaks and the form layout is half instead of full.
protected function getSteps(): array
return Application::formWizard();

protected function getSteps(): array
return Application::formWizard();

but on the component you need to use a form. i tried :
public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([


public function hasSkippableSteps(): bool
return true;
public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([


public function hasSkippableSteps(): bool
return true;
but using this breaks the use skippable function and also makes the layout on the panel a half column. What can I do to get the wizard pulling in the steps from modal but I can use it in panel and component? Thanks
toeknee7mo ago
Add the steps into the resource as a public function: public static function formSteps(): array { return [Step::make('step1')->schema([])]; } Then use this in your ->steps(MyResource::formSteps()) at the end of the day, schema is just an array so it doesn't matter where you define it really
Wrax7mo ago
As it turns out I've just implemented a wizard on a frontend livewire component in my own app. Might be little different than what you're trying to do but essentially I am rendering a filament table on my front-end livewire component and then have a column act as button to open the wizard steps in a modal. Hope this helps

namespace App\Livewire\Litters;

use ...

class ListLitters extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

public LitterApplicant $applicant;

public function create(): Action
return Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => $this->applicant->create());
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// Other columns...
->action( Tables\Actions\CreateAction::make('makeLitterApplication')
->modalHeading('Make Application')
->modalDescription('Fill the form to submit')
->title('Application Received')
->body('body text')
public function render(): View
return view('livewire.litters.list-litters');

namespace App\Livewire\Litters;

use ...

class ListLitters extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithTable;

public LitterApplicant $applicant;

public function create(): Action
return Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => $this->applicant->create());
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// Other columns...
->action( Tables\Actions\CreateAction::make('makeLitterApplication')
->modalHeading('Make Application')
->modalDescription('Fill the form to submit')
->title('Application Received')
->body('body text')
public function render(): View
return view('livewire.litters.list-litters');
toeknee7mo ago
That’s fine… so what’s the problem?
Wrax7mo ago
I'm not OP but hopfully my snippet can help @Cushty in the right direction.

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