Explore posts from serversTable Summarize value based on state
I have a table column called cost, I've added a summarize attributes. How can I summarize all value based on state value?
Currently, the summarize value is based on the original data from database. I want it to be from ->state value
11 replies
Clickable label then will go to specific section/row of the page
I have a stat overview widget, the value of the stat is clickable. That page is using ViewRecord class. It has 3 tables and 2 infolist for that page.
My concern is, if I click the value of my stat, the page will scroll down to the third table. Like in html there is a #section, if you click this one, you will go to <div id="section">.
How can I do this?
2 replies
Multi-tenancy and Filament Imports
hi I am using spatie multi-tenancy package. I am currently have a feature that is being develop regarding import. I am using Filament Import. I've already implemented the custom imports jobs based on Filament Imports Docs.
Now, my issue is I cannot pick the job from the job table because the there is no selected database yet according to my log. May I know how can I handle this?
2 replies
Repeater with DatePicker
I've used Repeater with 2 DatePicker fields (start and end), may I know how can I validate if the newly added item from Repeater is an overlap to the existing or already added items?
Start1: 2024-01-01 End1: 2024-01-30
Start2: 2024-01-04 End2: 2024-01-30 // OVERLAPPED
Start3: 2024-02-01 End2: 2024-02-20
4 replies
Force Reload Page
I have a form that will create or draw a google map, I can create successfully. However, if I will hit Create Another the drawn shape is persisting though input fields were empty except the google map. It needs to be reloaded to remove the drawn shape.
Is there anyway to force reload the form once I hit Create Another button? Or may I know alternative of this?
2 replies
Hi, Ive added favicon to my project. It's working fine with firefox but not working in chrome and safari. I've checked the view page source, I can see the link of my favicon and it is working.
Current implementation
both working on firefox only.
May I know how can I resolve this?4 replies
Filament Tenancy
I've implemented the default tenancy of Filament, user can create multiple team and switched. However, I can only get the default team (first create team only) when switching to other team, how can I set the newly selected tenant to be the current team?
9 replies
Password Reset Redirection
Hi, may I know where and what method to be used/override to redirect to another page once password reset is successful? Currently, notification message is displayed once success, however, I need to add more info or messages.
5 replies
Sending Email
I've setup my project with emails, recently I've used Mailtrap. Everything is okay. Now, I've changed my credentials with the actual one like the Mailgun. However, when I've tried sending email (Reset Password) I alway have an error of when in fact I've removed this configurations.
Please give some inputs.
7 replies
Delete Bulk Action
I have a table list that has delete bulk action (default), before I delete all data, I need to gather all selected records. Unfortunately, I was not able to do it. I've tried,
, ->using
, and ->action
but I did not get all the ids.
3 replies