


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Please advise markdown editor

Hi all! I really need a markdown editor in my laravel project. please tell me good packages

How do i make default page register instead of login?

when i go to my it always redirect to /login How do i make it go to /register? Currently i have to go to routes/web.php and add Route::redirect('/', 'register') but i wonder if there is a better way I can specify in Filament generated AdminPanelProvider instead...

Version 3.2.97 breaks copying form fields when viewing them

Please see the video. Between version 3.2.96 and 3.2.97 something changed causing the Markdowneditor field to not be copiable when viewing the resource in a relation manager.


This might be a super dumb question.....I was just watching Caleb Porzio's presentation at Laracon for Flux and it looks great ( Would there be a way (or a future plan) to incorporate the styling of flux into Filament while still taking advantage of the magic of creating forms with Filament? I realize Flux isn't even available yet, just wondering if there are any thoughts on that from the great folks working on/with Filament.

Filament Page

Hey guys, I am still new to filament and i have a quick question after read the filament page documentation i only find an explaination on how to use filament page functions but i didn't find how can i can view this functions as example ```...

How can I use Filament styles?

Sorry - I just started using Filament today. I want to create a custom blade view for rendering a form component. The field in question is a JSON field that stores an array of strings. I want this rendered as multiple input fields. How can I make it so the input fields match the default Filament styles? Is there a component or partial I can use? Surely I don't just to manually copy all the Tailwind strings from a filament input to match the styling? Here's my code so far:...

Action Save File From FileUpload

hi all , i created custom page and have header Action which contain fileUpload. in my action , i already set function to save file and update the file image in column profile_photo_path in user model. but the issue i have countering is the file is save in public but the file name profile_photo_path didnt update . Which part that i missing ya ? Thanks for help...
No description

how to add recaptcha in filament login form?

I don't know where to put the script from google recaptcha in login form of filament, is there any way to integrate it there?
Here's how I did it for future newbie like me: Install first the dependent package:
composer require anhskohbo/no-captcha
composer require anhskohbo/no-captcha


Hi, its possible to do searching,filtering and paginating without Scout on OpenSearch/ElasticSearch? How? Thank you!

How to Attach or create a polymorphic relation model to another model in the relation manager?

Hey all, How to Attach or create a polymorphic relation model to another model in the relation manager? In the relation manager there is the CreateAction and AttachAction. My goal is to have just one button and let the user search for an item and if no results, it suggest to add it....

getRedirectUrl() not works - how to use it?

Straight from documentation: Customizing redirects By default, saving the form will not redirect the user to another page. ...
You may set up a custom redirect when the form is saved by overriding the getRedirectUrl() method on the Create page class.
I think you are supposed to set that on the EditExpense and/or CreateExpense class as opposed to the ExpenseResource itself, if that makes sense. 🤔...
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FIleUpload infinitely loading after "Create"

Hi, new to Filament and Laravel and doing a Laracasts course from Kevin McKee. Whenever I create a model which takes a FileUpload, it just infinitely loads after actually creating it. In the 'new' form, it works fine. Using sqlite, not sure if this matters....
No description

Documentation doesn't actually say what the components do

I am just starting out with Filament, reading the documentation, and am a bit confused. When I go to, for example, the Infolist Builder section there is no description of what the component is for, or looks like: I would expect that to be the first thing when you click on a component, a description of the component... Maybe an image of the component... Am I missing something?...
Ah, it appears to be in the form schema.

Showing notifications as modals

Sometimes I want to ensure that the user gets the notification and acknowledge it. There is a way to open a notification as a modal with just one button "OK"? If there isn't, can I open a modal on demand? On the filament docs all the modals are highly tied to forms and actions, I couldn't find a way to do something like Filament::ShowModal("My message here", "OK") I guess I could use a livewire modal, but I want the modal to fit with the look and feel of filament UI out of the box....

Is it possible to make custom infolist entry for video?

I have this advertisement management, but in the view only the banner is displayed but in the advertisement videos is not since there is no video in infolist...

How to make Filament app work both online and offline

online: hosted on a server offline: hosted one is accessible even if there is no internet and when internet is established, data syncronization make both updated. is there a way to do that? or a plugin?...

Multiple Forms in a Resource Page

Is it posible to have two forms in a Resource??? i have the next resource page where i followed the documentation like that:...

Is there any way to add a 'custom' named color to the default 6 colors?

I want to be able to change colors via a service provider FilamentColor::register mode. Works great with the six default named colors, primary, danger, etc. I can do this in my tailwind.config.js referencing the Filament preset and it works for 'custom' when I change the service provider danger color, but still only gives the six options. ``` colors: {...

need help with log-viewer in filasment 3 panel

->navigationItems([NavigationItem::make('შეცდომების ლოგი')->url('/log-viewer', shouldOpenInNewTab: false)->icon('fontisto-world')->group('აუდიტი')->sort(10)]) need this nav see onlky user->role('admin')...