Tailwind css not working on full-page livewire component
Hi, hope you all are doing well.
I'm trying to render livewire component as full-page via:
Route::get('path', LivewireComponent::class)
Tailwind css not working on it.
First error was components.layouts.app not found
So i created the folder components/layouts
and inside created app.blade.php
The component view is showing correctly but tailwind css not working on it.
Am i missed something ?24 replies
How to make Filament app work both online and offline
online: hosted on a server
offline: hosted one is accessible even if there is no internet and when internet is established, data syncronization make both updated.
is there a way to do that? or a plugin?
6 replies
Set FileUpload value from another field
how can i set FileUpload value from another field? i'm trying to set an image to FileUpload field but it's not working.
i've got this error: "foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given." actualy i'm doing it like: $set('image', $imagePath) and it's wrong. how can i do this?
i've got this error: "foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given." actualy i'm doing it like: $set('image', $imagePath) and it's wrong. how can i do this?
5 replies
using laravel controller with parameters not working.
Hi there
I have to print an invoice's receipt from my app. So i'm using Rawilk's package for it.
I created a controller in which i implemented the print code (just the demo code from Rawilk's package docs). Everything worked well until i tried to pass a parameter to the controller's method.
For exemple passing an invoice ID to the method and trying to query datas inside it not working.
Is that mean controller doesn't work as regular anymore in filament project?
Is there a way to do it on filament ?
6 replies
hintAction in custom livewire component form not working. same has createOptionForm
Hi there,
Is it possible to use createOptionForm or hintAction in livewire component form?
I've created an livewire component which implement HasForms. When i tried to use createOptionForm or hintAction on Select, nothing happening. No error, no modal.
Can someone help please?
14 replies