Tailwind css not working on full-page livewire component
Great. It's working now.
I've tried to use TALL preset but after installing the ui the dashboard route for filament didn't work anymore,
so mooving to this solution and css work now.
Thanks for your help. Thanks you all.
24 replies
deploying laravel filament app on local machine issues
Facing another issue. I've to allow the others machine to access the app. So app is installed on a machine as server, and others machine have to access it on local network.
I tried to edit the nginx configuration file for the app to set
to listen 80
as explaned in laravel docs.
But not working.47 replies
deploying laravel filament app on local machine issues
Ubuntu 20.04
PHP 8.2
Apache 2.4
Laravel 10
Filament 3.1
Preparing project for production
Composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
npm run build
I'm my unswered your question ?
47 replies
deploying laravel filament app on local machine issues
Testing for linux
First, i prepared the app for production.
Second, copied the project in /var/www/html directory.
Then tried to open the app using : http://localhost/project-name/public
Login page appeared properly, but when i try to login, the error occured.
That's what i've done.
47 replies
deploying laravel filament app on local machine issues
Tried first to deploy on linux in /www/html. Same issue occured as before on windows.
"Not found
The request URL was not found on this server."
I suppose this will cause the same error using WSL on windows.
Can you try to deploy in production a laravel or filament project and see if you will be facing to the same errors ?
47 replies
deploying laravel filament app on local machine issues
Finaly, i retried this one.
First uninstlled xampp like suggested @David | Fortune Validator .
Installed DBNgin like @toeknee said.
Unzipped my project in a directory and linked existing project in Herd.
After deleted thé config file in bootstrap folder, every thing worked fine.
Except filament PWA not working and public_path for image in domPDF.
Thanks everyone for your precious help.
Now, what if i want to configure cron jobs, is there a way? I precise i'm on windows environment and using Herd and DBNgin.
47 replies