using laravel controller with parameters not working.

Hi there I have to print an invoice's receipt from my app. So i'm using Rawilk's package for it. I created a controller in which i implemented the print code (just the demo code from Rawilk's package docs). Everything worked well until i tried to pass a parameter to the controller's method. For exemple passing an invoice ID to the method and trying to query datas inside it not working. Is that mean controller doesn't work as regular anymore in filament project? Is there a way to do it on filament ?
I found an solutions. It working well. Sorry for the late. Thanks for your help....
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2 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
„Does not work“ is not a helpful „error message“. What does not work? What are you doing? Filament doesn’t mess with controllers. Everything should work as before.
yohanan2mo ago
I found an solutions. It working well. Sorry for the late. Thanks for your help.