Documentation doesn't actually say what the components do
I am just starting out with Filament, reading the documentation, and am a bit confused. When I go to, for example, the Infolist Builder section there is no description of what the component is for, or looks like:
I would expect that to be the first thing when you click on a component, a description of the component... Maybe an image of the component... Am I missing something?
4 Replies
Ah, it's in the Getting Started section, not the Installation section
Another point with the documentation, the examples are often missing context. I get that this is done for brevity, but it's confusing as a new user. I want to create an action, but the examples on the Action page don't actually show where to put the code (or even the import path for Action)
Similarly, where would I add the action? I would assume the resource's form schema, but that's not right.
Ah, it appears to be in the form schema.