


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Where to find Filament color styles for default themes

I am integrating my own livewire components into a filment dashboard. I am struggling to find the color classes filaments uses for the default dark and bright themes. All I found in the docs is this: Which doesn't link to any default colors (other than the examples) I am interested in doing something like:...

Is this best practise?

Hi, i'm trying out something new and don't have much experience with Filament. I'm trying to follow best practises and wonder whether i'm doing the following right? Will i encounter problems ? I have a resource called 'EmailAccountResource' and removed the 'createRecord' action to replace it with a custom page where Office365 accounts can be connected and added to the model....

How to set the DateTimePicker in the minutes section

how do I set the DateTimePicker in the minutes section to only display 30 or 00? so that in the minutes section you can only select the 30th minute or the 0th minute and no other minutes? this is my DateTimePicker code `DateTimePicker::make('pickupBefore') ->required()...
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Help with persistent table order after saving

Hi team I have an edit page that redirect back to the table after using: ```swift protected function getRedirectUrl(): string { return $this->getResource()::getUrl('index');...
Sigh.... ignore me. The second I posed this I found the answer.
return $this->previousUrl ?? $this->getResource()::getUrl('index');
return $this->previousUrl ?? $this->getResource()::getUrl('index');

Filament vs Nuxt3 for Shipstation like app

Do you recommend Filament over nuxt3 for Shipstation like SaaS app? If not, why not? I'm using nuxt3 for frontend and loved that, but filament is giving boost to the development, that's why I'm impressed and want confirmation so in future I will not face any issues. Thank you....

Requiredif multi select is empty

Dear all, if somebody know how to validate field with required if another multiple select is empty. I'm try few ways but nothnig works.. ->requiredIf('job_factors', [], true) ->requiredIf('job_factors', '[]', true) ->requiredIf('job_factors', null, true)...

Column margin\padding

Can anyone tell me what is driving this whitespace on this infolist slideover, and whether I can easily address it: Here is the corresponding code: ```...
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Remove routes for modals or use --simple?

Good afternoon, I have a question. To create a simple resource with modals, I know that you use php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --simple, but initially, I created the resource with the default pages for edit and create. Now I realize that I actually wanted a modal and did the following: removed the routes: ```php public static function getPages(): array {...

Individual search fields

Hi, how can I place individual lookup fields in the header of a column of the filamentphp table. As in the example image....
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Is Filament the good choice for a VILT app ?

Hi, I'm developping an app with VILT (VueJS, InertiaJS, Laravel, TailwindCSS) and I'm searching an admin panel package that could work with that, that'll use the inertia features to prevent the pages from fully reload. And with Filament, can we customize the front at 100% ? Like change the layout, the animations, the hover, active effects, adding some decorative div etc. ? Here a view of my actuel admin panel (like the start there's no crud yet), can I keep this design with Filament ? Keep the langage choice ? I have some animation like when you hover a section like "Change your name" or focus the input, the border and background become harder etc....
that'll use the inertia features to prevent the pages from fully reload.
Filament is based on Livewire. So no, you cannot use Inertia inside the admin panel.
And with Filament, can we customize the front at 100% ? Like change the layout, the animations, the hover, active effects, adding some decorative div etc. ?...
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How to model one-to-many and allow "many" updates inside the "one" form?

I am making an application that allows users to review and update handwritten feedback forms. Each feedback form has one or more comments on it. Presently, I am modelling this as a JSON column - using an array of strings (each string is a comment). I could equally model this using a separate database table. I am looking for advice on the best way to do this so that I can add, edit and remove comments within the feedback form edit screen. I started trying to create a custom ViewField, but I don't know Filament well enough to know whether this approach is likely to work....
You may use Repeater component, suppose feedback hasMany comments

Records count in table header

Hi, its possible to have current records count (init, but also after filtering or searching) in table header? I tried multiple ways, but without luck yet.
looks like its working with: ``` public function updated() {...

Rich Editor image resizing?

Hi, is there any way to make the image inside a wysiwyg block resizable so that the user can choose how big they want it to be?

am tired from try and try pls help

so am work with a small project and am using Wizard form all is work perfect intil i use 3 table in the same page i have a 'client' table and cars table and matrucul table public static function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema([...

Badge size chainable infolist

Is there a chainable method to increase the badge size derived from the infolist TexEntry ?

Problem Loading Assets using Herd with Expose

I am trying to use Laravel Herd with Expose to share my filament site. The site loads, but for some reason the assets are trying to load over port 8080 instead of 80. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to solve this? The site loads fine locally, I updated the APP_URL in the .env to the Expose url, but still same behaviour
I finally figured out my problem. The ASSET_URL fixed it, however it did not work before because I have another copy of the project in a different one of my Herd paths. it was picking up that project instead of the one i was editing. Thanks everyone for the help.

Please advise markdown editor

Hi all! I really need a markdown editor in my laravel project. please tell me good packages

How do i make default page register instead of login?

when i go to my it always redirect to /login How do i make it go to /register? Currently i have to go to routes/web.php and add Route::redirect('/', 'register') but i wonder if there is a better way I can specify in Filament generated AdminPanelProvider instead...