Charly / Toufloux
Check if filament is fully installed (can't log in, not related to canAccessPanel)
Hey I have an issue that may be to the installation.
My initial problem is that I can't log in (no, it's not the due to the canAccessPanel function), when I try to log in (with the good email / password) the page load some miliseconds and then reload without log me in, and without any error msg or anything.
I know I use the good credentials cause if it not the case I get a red error message.
The admin panel works well on local and on another host, but on those cases I had a terminal to install composer, in my current host (client choice), I don't have access to terminal or SSH, so I was not able to install composer, I just put all the file in the server with SFTP (node_modules and vendor included).
How can I check if filament fully installed, I don't find where this issue comes from
12 replies
Login issue after deploying
Hi, I deployed a website this week, and I can't login to the filament panel, I know there is a modification to make in the User model, I did it, I don't have a 403 error, it just do nothing..
With the host, I don't have a terminal to write command, so I can't do composer install, php artisan etc...., it's really boring but I had to upload all the file on the server using FTP, I manually add the symlink for livewire (with php
method in a /foo route), which is loaded, did I miss something ?
In an another host, that have a terminal, I was able to perform all the commands and the login works perfectly
But I can't find what's missing, I don't remember the need to use a special command for filament when deploying
If you want to try, check the console or anything, here is the url replies
Reset multiple field when boolean update
Hi, I have this Section in my form, where we can manage the Duration of a service.
I have 3 field, one for the base time, one for a second time if needed, and the last one, a toggle to say if the duration is variable, on quotation.
I need the 2 first fields (duration and max_duration) tu be null when I update the duration_quotation, but I can't manage to reset both :/
Thx in advance 🙂
5 replies
Easy way to use carbon-icon
Hi is there an easy way to use all the icon from this site ? I can't find a way to write correctly the 'carbon-icons / carbon-partnership' one
Thx !
4 replies