Really long page load time
Hi ! At the start of the new Laravel empty project, the pages loaded at 100ms. I don't know if that has a link to my issue, but after installing Filament the load time goes up to almost 2s, and now that I have added Laravel-settings and the package to link laraval-settings with filament, my loading time is at 15s+ ....
As we can see on the screen it's a 'update' things that get this long, when I open it, it says /livewire/update, do you know if it's related to Filament ? Is there something I have to disable somewhere ?
I'm on windows, with Laragon

Solution:Jump to solution
Ok, it's not related to livewire, it was due to the addition of some blades icons library, and I have to do a
php artisan icons:cache
command π1 Reply
Ok, it's not related to livewire, it was due to the addition of some blades icons library, and I have to do a
php artisan icons:cache
command π