Created by Sydd on 3/23/2025 in #❓┊help
hidden text entry on modal
Dear all, in infolist have some text entries, on the record viewPage is OK, but I'm looking for solution to hide these entries on modal view of record infolist. Anybody know how ?
4 replies
Created by Sydd on 2/3/2025 in #❓┊help
Spatie media plugin sometimes dont update file
Dear all, I'm using the Spatie Media Library plugin to upload files to a DigitalOcean Spaces disk. However, about 15% of the records are saved without the required attachment, even though the file was uploaded. I can't seem to identify why this happens. Maybe it's due to files with the same name or uploads happening too quickly?
Has anyone encountered this problem before or has any idea what might be causing it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
->required(fn() => app()->environment('production'))
->hint(fn(Get $get) => __('fireBrigade/ppls.records.' . $get('type') . '.attachmentHint')),
->required(fn() => app()->environment('production'))
->hint(fn(Get $get) => __('fireBrigade/ppls.records.' . $get('type') . '.attachmentHint')),
2 replies
Created by Sydd on 10/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Filter form loading time
Dear all, in resource table i have filter as a custom form, when opening form filter it's have a few seconds to load options, when using standard Select filter the response to load options is minimal ..., anybody know woh to fix or increase performance of form filter ? (I need to use form filter with reason of dependacy injection of next filter form fields) See code bellow:
public static function getTableFilters():array
return [
//this working fine
->options(fn() => Customer::getDistinctCustomersFromModelOptionsByRole(static::getModel()))

//few 5-10 seconds to load after open filter
->options(fn() => Customer::getDistinctCustomersFromModelOptionsByRole(static::getModel()))
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Set $set) => $set('branch_id', null)),

public static function getTableFilters():array
return [
//this working fine
->options(fn() => Customer::getDistinctCustomersFromModelOptionsByRole(static::getModel()))

//few 5-10 seconds to load after open filter
->options(fn() => Customer::getDistinctCustomersFromModelOptionsByRole(static::getModel()))
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Set $set) => $set('branch_id', null)),

2 replies
Created by Sydd on 9/25/2024 in #❓┊help
browsershot / laravel-pdf on Win 11
I know that this is not filament content, but i will try power of this comunity. Anybody have instaled browsershot / spatie laravel-pdf on Win 11 ??? .... I'm trying a lot of ways.... but without success ....
2 replies
Created by Sydd on 9/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Requiredif multi select is empty
Dear all, if somebody know how to validate field with required if another multiple select is empty. I'm try few ways but nothnig works.. ->requiredIf('job_factors', [], true) ->requiredIf('job_factors', '[]', true) ->requiredIf('job_factors', null, true)
5 replies
Created by Sydd on 9/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Change label font weight globally
Please if anybody know, how to change labels font weight globaly (something like configure using, for labels forms components, entry components) ?
5 replies
Created by Sydd on 6/19/2024 in #❓┊help
global search sort results
Please, i looking for solution sort global search results by column date_at descending, try this, but dont work:
public static function getGlobalSearchResults(string $search): Collection
return parent::getGlobalSearchResults($search)->sortByDesc('date_at');
public static function getGlobalSearchResults(string $search): Collection
return parent::getGlobalSearchResults($search)->sortByDesc('date_at');
5 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/28/2024 in #❓┊help
fileUpload download file directly to download folder
Pleas, probably i'm doing something wrong, i use file upload component with s3, everything works fine, but when trigger downloadable button the file is opened in new tab in the browser. Is any possibility to set downloads directly ? or as i think create maybe hint action, with custom method...
2 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Two navigation badges
Dear all, is possible to set two navigation badges for resource in sidebar panel ?
4 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Spatie media libary and S3 -> disk cannot be accesed
No description
13 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/12/2024 in #❓┊help
saade autograph load signature
Dear all, I would ask if someone used plugin Saade autograph ... i try to load user signature from user model ? In DB is stored as base64 format. I'm trying do it from hint action but without succes result, any ideas to solve code below ? Probably some advice from more experienaced permanentne with $set ... I new with this.
->action(function (Set $set) {
return $set('signatureTrainedUser', User::find(auth()->id())->signatureUser);
->action(function (Set $set) {
return $set('signatureTrainedUser', User::find(auth()->id())->signatureUser);
4 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Relation manager only on view page
Guys, please let me know if is possible to display relation manager table only on main resource view page, (disabled on edit page). Thanks for answers.
6 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/2/2024 in #❓┊help
getRecordTitleAttribute from related model
Dear all, last time I have a lot of question. Please how can I create record title attibute from realated mode? for getGloballySearchableAttributes it works fine, but for getRecordTitleAttribute; in the Filament docs I read that it's must be a column / attributefrom model ... but is possible to get from related model ?
public static function getRecordTitleAttribute(): ?string
return 'user.fullName'; //not working

public static function getGloballySearchableAttributes(): array
return ['user.fullName']; // working fine
public static function getRecordTitleAttribute(): ?string
return 'user.fullName'; //not working

public static function getGloballySearchableAttributes(): array
return ['user.fullName']; // working fine
19 replies
Created by Sydd on 5/1/2024 in #❓┊help
filter record in relations model
Hello everyone, I want some advice, direction... I have a Truck Driver model that is related to the db table drives... on the index page where all the truck drivers are, I show the number of kilometers per year, month, etc. how to correctly set such a filter ... so that I only have distinct values ​​from the db tables drives ... and then the query is also correctly adjusted in the driver according to the selected year. As stated below ... the filter returns the $id of records in drives with years, so I have 256x 2023 ... etc. If someone would direct me in which direction to go for the solution. Well thank you.
->relationship('drives', 'year')
->options(Drive::query()->select('year')->distinct()->get()->pluck('year', 'year')->toArray())
->relationship('drives', 'year')
->options(Drive::query()->select('year')->distinct()->get()->pluck('year', 'year')->toArray())
Seems to ->options dont aply to filer ....
6 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Select mofiyQueryUsing return only Id on relationship
Dear all, according code under, is modified query but returned to options ID, not name ..., and is possible to show searchable only if option is more than 6 ? Select::make('safirsBranch_id') ->label(('app.safirs.safirsBranch')) ->relationship('safirsBranch', 'safirsBranchName', fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('id', auth()->user()->safirsBranches->pluck('id')->toArray())) ->required() ->native(false) //->searchable() if count of options is more than 6 ->searchable() ->preload() ->placeholder(('app.safirs.safirsBranch')),
4 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/28/2024 in #❓┊help
TextEntry roles badge translations
Dear all, please advice me, how to translate roles in TextEntry badges ..., I'm try but, it's dont work, returned values as stored in DB. TextEntry::make(('app.role.roles')) ->label(('app.role.roles')) ->badge() ->color('primary') ->separator(','),
5 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Shield resource discover
Dear all, i change my filament to another DB, and after this Shield, don discover resources -- generate all, create permission but in the shield UI dont see anything, only roles ..., any idea where can be problem ?
5 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/23/2024 in #❓┊help
table column dont display value from resource
Dear all, why column with values from table dont show in the column ? 2 hours its works, but something going wrong and i dont know what ... resurce is from user model, name is displayed, but fullName, email etc. not. public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->columns([ TextColumn::make('name'), TextColumn::make('fullName'), TextColumn::make('email'),
11 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Global search result in modal
Hello, let me ask if is possible to display global search result in modal ? (like in tables without view url). Thank for answers.
2 replies
Created by Sydd on 4/19/2024 in #❓┊help
canView widget
Hi all how can i use public static function canView() in widget class, i want to display chart only for users with any role ...
17 replies