


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


load and store state in custom field

Hello I made a custom field for area selection in map Like this AREASelection::make() ...

Infinite redirect when i set panel path to '', only happen locally but not on staging/production

Not sure how to resolve this. it only happen locally but in my staging and production server it works fine.

canAccess() and Clusters

Shouldnt i be able to use public static function canAccess(): bool { return false; } } to stop a user from accessing a cluster and its contents? Obviously testing in its simplest form. Right now it doesnt appear to do anything....
ah, seems you have to put it on the individual pages within it and not simply on the cluster component itself.

Login not working - admin/livewire/update 405 (Method Not Allowed)

Laravel 11 with Filament v3. I have a single admin panel, with an empty path, because this app will be running on the /admin folder of the root domain. I've set these Livewire methods to set the correct paths (the issue is also happening without this)...
Solution was to make a proxy route:
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Visible Input

Hello, I have a problem. I'm working with a filament plugin (filamentshiled), and I'm assigning the user role through Select. Depending on the user's role, I would like an input to appear. For example: If my user's role was super_admin, a TextInput appears

How can I get the sorting applied in table to use it in view

Hello. I am exporting only the data that user has filtered, using:
$query = $this->getFilteredTableQuery();
$query = $this->getFilteredTableQuery();
And it works fine for me becuase the view only includes filtered data....

[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "x".

When I type php artisan serve to run the application at first, it writes a letter x as shown in the picture. Then I press the log in button to log in, I encounter this error on my console. what do i need to do?
The problem is caused by the activity log plugin. I solved it by doing composer remove rmsramos/activitylog....
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Conditional component builder

Hello guys, I was wondering if there is a better way to write this: ```php Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('starts_at')...

SPA multi-tenancy global search does not respect tenant switch

In multi-tenant SPA panel switching tenants does not reload global search component and it still shows records from previous tenant. This does not happen on non SPA mode. I've submitted an issue on GitHub with reproduction repo: Maybe someone here experienced ans solved this issue before?...

Create & create Another Wizard..stays on last slide

Anyone else notice that if you use a wizard on a CreateAction, if 'Create & create another' is selected, then the form is reset, but the wizard doesn't bounce back to step 1? Or is that something I've done wrong?...

Update Edit Modal on Table

Hi all I hope this is simple to someone. I have the following ( Non-Panel): Filament Table ...
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How do I move custom NavigationItems to right side of Topbar?

This seems like it should be simple, but I'm struggling to find a way... I have 2 panels - guest and app that both use topbar navigation. The guest panel does not require authentication and I've added Login and Register NavigationItems that route to the app panel authentication. I just want to move them over to the right side of the topbar. I played around with renderHook for TOPBAR_END and can put links there, but I want the NavigationItems moved rather duplicating with a blade view. Thanks...
/* move login button to the right side */ .fi-topbar-item:nth-of-type(3) { @apply absolute right-36; } ...

Tailwind CSS: Unhandled exception: require() of ES Module

Is the attached image an issue with Filament or something else? I've followed the creating a theme documentation but for some reason my IDE spits out this error. Everything seems to still be working though.
try deleting node_modules and re-installing with npm install
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How do you style page components?

I have a simple page component. Say it's a white box: <div class="bg-white"></div> I have this component on a filamentPage. How do I compile the tailwind classes just for that component?...

Would sqlite work well with filamentphp?

Would sqlite work well with filamentphp?

UI Glitch on First Page Load When Redirecting to Filament Panel

I'm not sure why, but when I go from my main website to a Filament panel, the first time the page opens, it looks strange. After refreshing, it works fine. It only happens the first time the page loads. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Remove Outline from Select on focus

Hi guys, I have to change focued state of this select input, I have tried via css but is overriden all the time. Any suggestions?
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fileUpload break when hidden via javascript

hello everyone, Im am making an livewire component with filament forms. I made multiple forms in it and I use aplineJS to switch from form to form. but when the first page is loaded the first form fileUpload works properly, but when I go to an other forms it doesn't work. the fileUpload shows the uploaded image but shows like it doesn't have it (see images for example). Can some one help me with this....
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Reset Table Widget Pagination

I have encountered an issue when filtering a custom dashboard page in my Filament panel. When I apply a filter I would like the pagination to return to the first page / be reset. I believe I have tried all of the options available to me but it appears that I am unable to access the correct pagination instance....
This is now fixed. In my case, I had made a mistake extending the TableWidget class. Once fixed, I was able to dispatch an event from the header filter action and listen to that elsewhere in the codebase. Once triggered, the listener can correctly call resetPage on the table widget.