Login not working - admin/livewire/update 405 (Method Not Allowed)
Laravel 11 with Filament v3.
I have a single admin panel, with an empty path, because this app will be running on the
folder of the root domain.
I've set these Livewire methods to set the correct paths (the issue is also happening without this)
I go to the login screen on admin/login
and enter the login credentials it will thrown an error (screenshot attached).
On the console it will show (other screenshot):
I have the correct path configured on the laravel app (APP_URL=https://example.com/admin
Admin panel configuration (relevant section):
Can someone please point in the right direction?
I've tried many things, but nothing worked.
9 Replies
I hate be questionable, but it this a valid help topic? I don’t personally care what the content of your app is. But definitely not clicking on any of these links.
@awcodes really sorry, but I was a very poor choice of a fake domain :D. I've changed it to example.com
Error on the console

No worries. Lol. Just want to make sure.
My best guess is that you are trying to run laravel itself in a sub directory which it’s not setup to do by default so you’ll need to modify your nginx / Apache config to serve it appropriately.
Can’t find it right now, but Chris fidao had a good YouTube video on it.
I encountered the same issue, but I resolved it using the following steps:
1. Copy the
folder located at \vendor\livewire\livewire\dist
2. Paste it into the public
3. Rename the pasted folder to livewire
.@awcodes thanks for the help.
I think the youtube video that you are referring too is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZGg2kdOjhQ&t=12s
My server uses .htaccess, but you are probably right about the issue being related with that.
I'm going to try to tweak the .htaccess settings
@Abdelmjid are you sure that you had the same issue? I've tried your solution but it didn't work.
My problem is not related with missing scripts, it's a backend thing, a method not allowed exception, for a route that exists
I haven't worked with Apache for more than 10 years
For debuggin, I would start with the access log (Apache) + I would take the public/index.php and do a file_put_contents of $_REQUEST and $_SERVER (plain php global variables)
Here, you can see the "step" from the webserver to PHP
Analyze after a request, and you can go from there.
In terms of how Laravel responds, I guess the route will have to have that prefix, or you can opt in to use rewrites
Solution was to make a proxy route:

This is creating a route with a duplicated
prefix. https://example.com/admin/admin/livewire/update