Authorization/Policy on an entire cluster
Hi everyone,
I've built a Settings cluster containing various resources and custom setting pages. I've also set up a permission called "view_settings". My goal is to restrict access to this entire cluster for users who lack this permission. Is there a simple way to implement this restriction? I couldn’t find anything specific in the documentation.
6 replies
Custom theme (minimal theme) color issue
Hi, I purchased the official minimal theme for Filament. The installation works perfectly, but I can't seem to get my custom colors to work anymore. I'm still using the ->colors() in my FilamentServiceProvider. Did I miss something?
5 replies
Rich editor: Remove or style image captions, size etc.
I'm building a building a blog editor, and in my blog post I can't seem to style the caption under an uploaded image, it's just an a tag with an image inside, so no class or id to target it. I wanted to remove it as well but can't seem to find how.
5 replies
Get tenant on a custom NavigationItem
I want to add a custom NavigationItem where I need to redirect users to a page in my app outside of Filament, I want to include the tenant id they are currently on with:
Filament::getTenant() doesn't work and request()->get('tenant'), doesn't work as well.
9 replies
Database notifications for a custom model
I added the notifiable trait to my team model and I am sending some notifications there, they don't show up in the notification slideover as they only do for users. Is there a possibility to also display team notifications there? I can't seem to find something in the docs about it.
3 replies
SpatieMediaLibrary plugin CORS issue@
Hi everyone
I'm using Spatie's Media Library to manage my images in Filament. I did setup an S3 bucket with the following CORS policy:
When I upload an image in Filament I still get a CORS issue. How can I solve this?
23 replies
Multi language slugs
Hello everyone, I am using Spatie's available package to generate slugs ( I also use the Filament plugin for translations (by Spatie). This all works but how can I validate that each slug is unique? Also when I create a new record, it doesn't use the method from Spatie's package to generate the slug, Filament then gives me a warning that I didn't provide a slug.
Can anyone guide me for this?
1 replies