Mark Chaney
Table deferLoading() and Tests
When using on a table, how refactor our pest tests that check table records? If do something like It appears that it doesnt really wait until the table loads to verify. This test passes just fine when the table does not have deferLoading() defined.
5 replies
Secondary Modal Submit Action with RequiresConfirmation
Im trying to add another submit action on a modal that requires a confirmation. Tried adding that, but cant seem to get access to the original actions form. Any suggestions? I tried also using makeSubmitAction too, but it doesnt allow you to add a requiresConfirmation or much else to it.
19 replies
Widgets initially load on mount
I have a view record page with multiple widget and im setting a few things on the widgets that need to get to the page. Ive disabled lazy loading my relation managers that has resulted in the data getting pushed at the right time, but the the widgets still seemed to be loaded after the RM. How can i ensure they are loaded before the RM's when i have lazy loading off?
2 replies
getSubNavigation() refresh?
Using getSubNavigationt to setup a side menu on a page and its working great except i cant seem to get the badges to update. Ive tried unsetting $cachedSubNavigation when my data updates, but the badges in this nav do not seem to reflect it. Ive actually doubl checked the source and even did some ray dumps there and the navigation items do indeed have the new values. What am i missing?
3 replies
TableColumn with url() results in description not selectable
I dont know about you, but we find it useful for our name column on our Users table to include their email address in the description() area. The problem is that when combined with url() on the column, it wraps the entire cell in anchors and now the description field is no longer selectable. Is there a simple solution for this?
8 replies
Infolist Section Badge
I would really like to be able to have a badge in the header of an infolist section. Looking for suggestions. Should I just maybe make a custom action with a custom view and use the bade component? Wanting to do this in the cleanest way possible.
6 replies
Multiple Infolists on ViewRecord
I want to use multiple infolists on a viewrecord page so that i can specify a different ->record() on each one as i am reusing infolists on other resources. You can do mulitple forms with getForms(), but i dont see a getInfolists() method. Is my only option overriding the view and setting up multipel ones that way? I would prefer not to do that. I guess the other option is doing infolists in widgets maybe? Just thought of that while i typed this out. Though a bit less control on placement that way.
6 replies
Lazy loaded tables and refresh()
I would really like the ability to lazy load table components I have in tabs on standalone livewire pages. But if I have a dispatch to refresh that component after an action happens and if it’s not currently loaded, I get the error ‘$table must not be accessed before initialization’. How can I more elegantly handle this in a simple way? Do I override refresh() in my tabs trait that does some checks first? Seems like livewire should handle this a bit more gracefully. Obviously it doesn’t need to rerender something that hasn’t rendered yet.
2 replies
Global Notification Colors
As far as I can see, there is no way to automatically have the color() of the notificaiton simply to be the same as the status(), right? So if its a success message, the color will be success (green). I simply want background colors automatically on all notifications. Am i missing something? Tried
, but nothing is available in the $notification.7 replies
ActionGroups and Testing
When asserting that a table action exists, is it handled any differently when an action group is involved? Having an issue asserting that an ImportAction exists in an ActionGroup on a table header. Says it cant find it.
2 replies
Working form field on ViewRecord?
I have an Input form at the top of the long form that i use for search for input fields. Works great on edit, but on viewrecord, its disabled. Is there a way not to disable this single input field on ViewRecord? Its set to dyhydrated(false) anyway, so its never used for actual saving anything.
4 replies
canAccess() and Clusters
Shouldnt i be able to use public static function canAccess(): bool
return false;
} to stop a user from accessing a cluster and its contents? Obviously testing in its simplest form. Right now it doesnt appear to do anything.
5 replies