fileUpload break when hidden via javascript
hello everyone, Im am making an livewire component with filament forms. I made multiple forms in it and I use aplineJS to switch from form to form. but when the first page is loaded the first form fileUpload works properly, but when I go to an other forms it doesn't work. the fileUpload shows the uploaded image but shows like it doesn't have it (see images for example).
Can some one help me with this.
14 Replies
Difficult for anyone to assist without any code, clear context, etc
Oh sorry, here is some more code, the left is the blade and the right is the form. I also want to say that it is a lot of code so it is not that easy to show every thing.
also when I change from one form to another before the Fileupload is loaded, the Fileupload works on the other form but not on the first.
lot of code so it is not that easy to show every thing
Maybe you could create a minimal repo on github to reproduce only this issue, without any unnecessary code
do you mean putting the code that is relevant to this problem in an small git repo?
can I post the git link here?
GitHub - WY-FD/fileUpload-problem
Contribute to WY-FD/fileUpload-problem development by creating an account on GitHub.
you should provide a filament project with your code
Oh, do you mean make an new laravel project with filament, and then put the code in that?
And sorry if I sound dumb I am still learning.
yes, complete, to access the same issue on the browser that you are encountering
Ok, but that takes a while, and I don't have the time to do it now.
That's ok, when you have time for support come back 🙂