


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


notification css flicker

Hi i am using the notifications on the frontend, its working well, but a flicker of broken css happens before the notifications is show. Is there something I can do to mitigate this? Thanks

Helper Text as Action not working

in my resource file, in form under a field my helper text is rendering but i want to trigger an action when clicking on it function in resource `public function testAction(): Action {...
you should create this action in your pages, CreatePage, EditPage, because they are livewire components

Infolist and action group

Hi, I'm looking for a way to have an action group in an infolist, specifically an action dropdown to be more precise. I've tried a few things and can't find anything, maybe it's just not implemented?

Rich editor components

I am trying to use a rich editor field to build an email but how can I add custom components like a button or add custom css to rich content content.

form padding

hello everyone, how can i reset the padding of my form? i'm viewing it from a smartphone, i would like the form to take up all the space on the screen. thanks in advance...
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Tiptap editor hint to the link

Is it possible to add the hint at the link like down below on the image. I want to add link must be in format http....

Struggling to find how to trigger a loader

So I want to trigger a loader when I press a toggle button and the state is true. But I cant seem to find anywhere on what the target must be set. Calling a function name doesn't seem to be working, nor a variable name?

styling image section in filament form builder

i want to style image section in filament form builder, see image. i want the images to be in a line of 4. does anyone know how to do it with fiilament?
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How to render SVG file on HTMLString

```php class LeaveApprovalStatsOverview extends BaseWidget { .... ...
{!! $firstStatus->getIconSvg() !!} ?...

Why modalFooterActions can not register an third action

I would like to have three buttons on mine slide over how i can make it? i look but it does not render mine three buttons just two what i should do so i can make it i have three buttons ```->actions([ Tables\Actions\EditAction::make() ->slideOver() ->modalHeading(function(Team $teamMember){ return "Edit " . $teamMember->name['en'];...

Remove delete on record

Is it possible that i disable option of delete on the record, i tried with these
->hidden(fn ($record) => $record->name === 'admin')
->hidden(fn ($record) => $record->name === 'admin')
but when user go into edit user he can press the command ctrl + D and delete record is it possible to remove this shoertcut or to remove delete or something else...

Is there a way to select all/unselect all columns in filament export like how we can for table rows?

talking about the export feature in core, not the filament excel 3rd party package

Image not showing on table column

Hi, i just trying to create a product crud with image upload inside. The image was uploaded in /storage/public/product, but not showing in my table ```php Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('foto') ->image()...

How can i add table under resource without any relation

I have order resource and under that resource in the view or edit i want to add another table. In that table i will add button in each item "add to cart" in every add the item will go to order_items.

change navigation width

I want to make more small navigation width. how i can change it ? there is space which dont want to be..
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Redirect::route with long parameters works locally but not on server

Hello. I have been trying to find a solution for exporting a PDF with the information on the table seen but with the filtered data. To do so, I do a return Redirect::route passing thedata and arrays, which is quite long, but works fine locally. My code is this: ```php public function exportToPdf($modelType)...

Create admin user with different role in admin panel

Can anyone help please I need create admin users in admin panel also need different role for them How I can do it ?...

How can I ensure that only the user's data is exported?

There is a problem with other user data being downloaded. Only the data that really belongs to the user should be downloaded. How can I ensure this? Here is my Exporter Class ```...

Form Select - Search Across Relationship

I have 3 resources. - OfficeResource (Model: Office) - OfficeAddressResource (Model: OfficeAddress) - CountryResource (Model: Country) ...
Modify the return options?
->getSearchResultsUsing(fn (string $search): array => OfficeAddress::where('street_address', 'like', "%{$search}%")->orWhere('city', 'like', "%{$search}%")->limit(50)->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())
->getSearchResultsUsing(fn (string $search): array => OfficeAddress::where('street_address', 'like', "%{$search}%")->orWhere('city', 'like', "%{$search}%")->limit(50)->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())

Completed Wizard step

We are are building a very custom import of an XLSX file which is not possible with a pre-built Import action. In the first step, the file gets selected and uploaded. In the second step, the file gets imported....
Here's my final schema. I used afterValidation in the end. ``` ->schema([ Wizard::make([...