


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Cannot login with session domain set

I want to set a SESSION_DOMAIN because I want the session to be shared accross multiple subdomains. As soon as I set a SESSION_DOMAIN, I can no longer login. I am automatically redirected to /login again after logging in....

Filament DatePicker Widget

Im already create a datepicker widget on the dashboard page, then i want to create datepicker widget more on my different page. How i can do that? im already create it but its didnt showing.

Is there a way to show search input for each column?

Hi, I wonder if it's possible to show search input for every column on the table? I know I can get the same output by just using filters, im just curious

Help hiding artifact from Resource

I have a Resource with Filament-Tree widget, I don't need the table, so I ended up "removing" it by returning a table without pagination: public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->paginated(false);...
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is it possible to open a relationship in a modal?

I have a model (property) that is the child in three one to many relationships. I want users to be able to edit the parent record for each of those relationships without having to navigate away from the property. The relationship is currently being set via a select.
Originally I created a hidden subform that was displayed when the select had a value but other than refreshing the entire page I couldn't workout how to populate the data in that subform. Then I tried using a action form via the header actions in the section containing the select and that sort of works but because it is being loaded from what is available in the $record I can't see how to get all of the relation stuff (images, tags, etc.) into the modal....

Inserting livewire component into a form, how to manage state?

Hello, following this section of the documentation: I have a wizard form with 3 steps to create a record of a resource. ```php...
You can't do that, you would need to create a Filament Field component, opposed to a custom livewire component which does what you component does, just extends field opposed to component.

Anyway of accessing $record inside of View::make()->components() ?

following code is trying to iterate thru a json, so that the toggle works View::make('view')->view('') ->components( function($record) { $components = [];...

Hide table items according to status. No use of filters.

Hello, I have a question. I have my table that currently contains all the items in the database. I wanted to know if it is possible to bring only selected items. Ex: Database: ID | type | status 1 | A | new...

Visible with Select, dynamic inputs

I have a select where I define the user's role, according to the user's role, a type of input appears to be filled in, the creation is ok, but in the user's edit and view this dynamic input does not appear. In the Select field I am using ->live(). In dynamic fields I am using ->visible()...

Triggering on Card to show table

Even after emitting the event and clicking the card, the showTable method does not seem to be triggering as expected. It does not show the table ```class StatsOverview extends BaseWidget { protected static ?int $sort = 3; protected function getStats(): array...
Try $dispatch, $emit was removed in v3 of livewire.

Default order on Relation table

How do I set the default order for a table pulled in by a Relation Manager? If I set the order in model hasMany method, it works, but that breaks any sort by column functionality....
doh...of course: ->modifyQueryUsing(fn (Builder $query) => $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'))

Fileupload field

Hi Everyone I have this problem, when I want to upload image is still loading like in the screenshot and if I have images before is showing like blank black. anyone can help with that? Many thanks...
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FILAMENT MANYTOMANY RELATIONSHIP ISSUE: I have two models and three tables. MODELS: Order, Product. TABLES: orders, products, pivot table order_product with quality_delivered pivot column. My issue is that when the filament form with repeator is submitted the order is created but to data order and its items for the pivot table is not inserted, instead filament tries to create new products. Can anyone help? Thank you

barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper intelephense issue

This is a long shot and I know that this isn't directly a Filament issue, but considering its a development issue I'm wondering if someone here might have some help/advice. I constantly get error indicators in my code from helper functions while coding my project, as recommended by a few places online including Laracasts I installed and am using the barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper package, but I am still getting the errors appearing in my code. I have generated all the files, I have increased the max memory on intelephense so that it can use the files it generated, I have explicitly put the file location in the include path of intelephense. I am not sure where to go from here with this error now. I'm gonna include a screenshot as well. ...
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Undefined constant "heroicon" on x-filament::icon

As my last post, im trying to cannibalize the toggle button to a normal livewire component, but i hit a problem, while using x-filament::icon and passing the icon without the $getOffIcon() i get the error Undefined constant "heroicon", so im trying to debug it but i cant find the source code on the vendor, any hint?

Add filamentPHP table builder to Tablar admin template

Any clue to add the table component to the admin template and getting the css and function <!doctype html> <html lang="{{ Config::get('app.locale') }}" {!! config('tablar.layout') == 'rtl' ? 'dir="rtl"' : '' !!}> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/>...

Hide or override Dashboard

I am encountering an interesting issue. My clients requirement is to remove (for now) the default Dashboard, as shown in the first screenshot. I thought it should be pretty straightforward cause I saw the default dashboard registered in the pages method of the AdminPanelProvider. Removing it didn't work. Investigating a bit more I realized that I can also override the Dashboard class and adjust it to my liking so that's what I did. I also removed all the discover related methods and the widgets method in hopes something went wrong somehow. Guess what? It didn't work. I tried clearing the cache, clearing the browser cache, using a new browser to no results. I am 100% sure that I am missing something but I am out of options. This is my current code:...
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notification css flicker

Hi i am using the notifications on the frontend, its working well, but a flicker of broken css happens before the notifications is show. Is there something I can do to mitigate this? Thanks

Helper Text as Action not working

in my resource file, in form under a field my helper text is rendering but i want to trigger an action when clicking on it function in resource `public function testAction(): Action {...
you should create this action in your pages, CreatePage, EditPage, because they are livewire components

Infolist and action group

Hi, I'm looking for a way to have an action group in an infolist, specifically an action dropdown to be more precise. I've tried a few things and can't find anything, maybe it's just not implemented?