Cannot login with session domain set
I want to set a SESSION_DOMAIN because I want the session to be shared accross multiple subdomains.
As soon as I set a SESSION_DOMAIN, I can no longer login. I am automatically redirected to /login again after logging in.
4 replies
Modal before form is saved
I have a use case where a user can create an invoice. When the totals are not correct, I want to show a form to the user when he is saving the form (create or edit page), where the user is asked if he wants the totals to be corrected.
How can I show a form upon clicking save?
The modal should show these actions: "Correct" after which everything is corrected and then the form is saved. And "cancel" which closes the modal and halts the saving process.
If you have any ideas, or can point me in the right direction, please let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated.
2 replies
Can't login anymore
Since today I cannot login anymore on local for some reason.
When clicking login, it just redirects back to the login page with no errors in the console or network tabs.
Everything seems to be working fine on staging & production, so it's only local.
My current env:
11 replies
Modal overflow scroll bug
I noticed recently that my modals started looking different, now there appears to be a scroll bar as you can see in the video.
How can I fix this? Or could this be a bug that got introduced in one of the recent updates?
4 replies
How can I change the redirect url of the cancel button on the create page?
When I'm on the create page and I press the cancel button I get automatically redirected to the resource's list page. I don't want that, instead I want to be able to customize where the user is redirected after cancelling. How can I do that?
4 replies
Toggle afterStateUpdated call action
I would like when someone clicks the toggle, that a confirmation modal pop's up asking the user if he's sure that he wants to enable it. How can I do this?
How can I call an action using afterStateUpdated?
14 replies
No wizard lifecycle hooks on create record
I am using a wizard for my create page, but there are no lifecycle hooks or persist in url.
I want to persist the step in the url so I can optionally show a chart widget depending on which step I'm on. How can I achieve this?
3 replies
Confirm modal before saving form
I'm using the form builder for my resource, but before the form is submitted and the model is created, I want to show a confirmation form.
How can I do that?
I've searched the docs and discord, but couldn't find anything.
Thanks for your help.
8 replies
Relation manager attach one-to-many
I have a relation manager between
and purchace_invoices
In the relation manager I want to be able to attach existing purchase invoices to a project, but I cant see to figure out how.6 replies
Execute php code when clicking on link in custom column
I have a custom column:
This column contains an url and when the url is clicked, some js is executed that copies text to the user's clipboard.
When this like is clicked, I would like to execute some php code as well because I need data from the session, how can I do this?
4 replies
How can I install Chartjs plugins?
I want to display values on top of my pie chart, but the standard Chartjs that Filament uses does not support this.
However, they made a plugin:
How can I add this Chartjs plugin to Filament so that I can use it in my chartjs config?
6 replies