Get modal ID on the table action
How to get the modal ID from table action? or can we set it manually?
I'd like to dispatch close-modal event to close the modal. Currently the modal content is another livewire component, so I thought I can close the modal by dispatching the close-modal event to the modal id
3 replies
Using core blade component select with search ability
How to implement search ability on select blade component?
1 replies
Listen to specific custom modal event
How can I listen to a specific custom modal when it's closing? I tried to use directive @close-modal but that doesn't work. But when I use @close-modal.window / @close-modal.outside, it works but that results the function runs many times
2 replies
Lazy load select options after clicking the element
How to populate the options (in my case is requesting to another server) when the element is clicked.
My problem now is the option() will obtain the data immediately whenever the select element shown, which in my case sometimes can cause timeout (so the loading also took so long)
2 replies
Add Action group in a custom infolist layout
I have a custom infolist layout which doing a for loop. And on each item there is a button that will do something with the item on the loop. The error occurs when I click the button ("Confirm"), it says
App\Livewire\Modals\BillingCustomerInvoiceList::getInfolist(): Argument #1 ($name) must be of type string, null given
. Any workarounds?
This is the custom layout I have
And this is the confirmAction() on the main infolist modal
1 replies
Populate options when clicking the select element
My select options are obtained from third party API and there is a possibility that the API is taking too long to respond. Currently the options are populated right after the select element is mounted which took the loading so long. How can I populate the options when I click the select element?
14 replies
Refreshing resource on a custom action in a widget
I have a custom widget which contains an action button (opening a modal and doing some things). I want to refresh the resource (table) whenever the action modal is finished. How can I do that? Any help appreciated thank you
2 replies
Update field state every time other field updated without using $set()
I want to make my field (e.g total) updated every time I change other fields (e.g tax, price, discount). Using $set on each field is quite complicated, is it possible to update it on the total field instead?
14 replies
Custom login / register -like page
I want to add a custom layout that can be accessed on the login/register page. How can I extend main layout? The login/register itself is customized using livewire page, and I want to make another custom page. Here are the changes I've made
1. Register the livewire page on web.php
2. Redirect using redirect()->route('custom-page') from the login/register
3. extend <x-filament-panels::page.simple> but got error undefined vars
2 replies
Show loading on dependant select options
Is there a way to show loading icon like spinning bar when using this?
1 replies