Created by raheel3031 on 9/19/2024 in #❓┊help
foreach loop not working
can someone help me with this loop. it is not working. I am using livewire 3
<!-- Filter section, show/hide based on section state. -->
<div class="pt-6" id="filter-section-1">
<div class="space-y-4">
@foreach ($categories as $category)
<div class="space-y-4" wire:key="{{ $category->id }}">
<div class="flex items-center">
<input id="filter-category-2" name="category[]" value="{{ $category->id }}" type="checkbox" wire:model.live="selected_categories" id="{{ $category->slug }}" class="h-4 w-4 rounded border-gray-300 text-indigo-600 focus:ring-indigo-500">
<label for="{{ $category->slug }}" class="ml-3 text-sm text-gray-600">{{ $category->name }}</label>
<!-- Filter section, show/hide based on section state. -->
<div class="pt-6" id="filter-section-1">
<div class="space-y-4">
@foreach ($categories as $category)
<div class="space-y-4" wire:key="{{ $category->id }}">
<div class="flex items-center">
<input id="filter-category-2" name="category[]" value="{{ $category->id }}" type="checkbox" wire:model.live="selected_categories" id="{{ $category->slug }}" class="h-4 w-4 rounded border-gray-300 text-indigo-600 focus:ring-indigo-500">
<label for="{{ $category->slug }}" class="ml-3 text-sm text-gray-600">{{ $category->name }}</label>
4 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/14/2024 in #❓┊help
These credentials do not match our records.
i have copied a project from a repo. after I created a new filament user i get this message. These credentials do not match our records. how do i start with solving this?
10 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/13/2024 in #❓┊help
slug is not generated within createOptionForm
No description
7 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/13/2024 in #❓┊help
error: Array to string conversion
i am getting the error 'Array to string conversion' in this code:
how do i fix this???
10 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/12/2024 in #❓┊help
styling image section in filament form builder
No description
11 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/11/2024 in #❓┊help
Livewire only supports one HTML element per component. Multiple root elements detected for component
Error message I get: Livewire only supports one HTML element per component. Multiple root elements detected for component: [auth.forgot-password-page]
<!-- Form Group -->
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<label for="password" class="block text-sm mb-2 dark:text-white">Password</label>
<a wire:navigate class="text-sm text-blue-600 decoration-2 hover:underline font-medium dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-gray-600" href="/forgot-password">Forgot password?</a>
<div class="relative">
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full border border-gray-200 rounded-lg text-sm focus:border-blue-500 focus:ring-blue-500 disabled:opacity-50 disabled:pointer-events-none dark:bg-slate-900 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400 dark:focus:ring-gray-600" required aria-describedby="password-error">
<div class="hidden absolute inset-y-0 end-0 flex items-center pointer-events-none pe-3">
<svg class="h-5 w-5 text-red-500" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true">
<path d="M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8 4a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 3.507a.552.552 0 0 0 1.1 0l.35-3.507A.905.905 0 0 0 8 4zm.002 6a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2z" />
<p class="hidden text-xs text-red-600 mt-2" id="password-error">8+ characters required</p>
<!-- End Form Group -->
<!-- Form Group -->
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<label for="password" class="block text-sm mb-2 dark:text-white">Password</label>
<a wire:navigate class="text-sm text-blue-600 decoration-2 hover:underline font-medium dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-gray-600" href="/forgot-password">Forgot password?</a>
<div class="relative">
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full border border-gray-200 rounded-lg text-sm focus:border-blue-500 focus:ring-blue-500 disabled:opacity-50 disabled:pointer-events-none dark:bg-slate-900 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400 dark:focus:ring-gray-600" required aria-describedby="password-error">
<div class="hidden absolute inset-y-0 end-0 flex items-center pointer-events-none pe-3">
<svg class="h-5 w-5 text-red-500" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true">
<path d="M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8 4a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 3.507a.552.552 0 0 0 1.1 0l.35-3.507A.905.905 0 0 0 8 4zm.002 6a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2z" />
<p class="hidden text-xs text-red-600 mt-2" id="password-error">8+ characters required</p>
<!-- End Form Group -->
16 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/10/2024 in #❓┊help
adding multiple categories in ProductResource error
No description
15 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/10/2024 in #❓┊help
adding multiple categories to product
No description
2 replies
Created by raheel3031 on 9/9/2024 in #❓┊help
url redirect not working
I am trying to create a redirect to a view page but this isn't working in laravel filament 3.
Action::make('View Order')
->url(fn (Order $record): string => OrderResource::getUrl('view', $record))
Action::make('View Order')
->url(fn (Order $record): string => OrderResource::getUrl('view', $record))
30 replies