The Iris Project


The Iris Project

This server is all about the development and community around Iris Shaders!


Strange disappearing effect with DH

Only happens with bliss enabled, but i havent tested other shaders.
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1.20.4 DH server fork incompatibility

On the server fork of DH(2.02a), Iris claims to not recognize DH, leading to crash on startup. Disable either of these two mods and it works fine, as well as the latest(2.03a) version of mainline DH. Everything fully works with the server fork + Iris beta on 1.20.1 instance. I need 1.20.4 clients for the server I'm running based around DH + Iris to add Geyser support, and everything is working on the server-side; the 1.20.4 Iris beta just won't play nice with server fork of DH client-side. Wanted to report this bug, but any ideas for a temporary fix?...

Getting this spammed in my commands chat-help

[20:07:48] [DH-World Gen Thread[3]/ERROR]: Error generating data for section {6*-1,-3} java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'distanthorizons.libraries.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongSet net.minecraft.class_2791.getReferencesForStructure(net.minecraft.class_3195)' at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable( ~[?:?]......
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weird glitch effects whenever i move

idk why but you cant see it on clips or screenshots so i cant show it

Distant horizon mod rambling

it doesn't stop complaining if its on or off with or without shaders
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Crash while cycling through graphics settings

Is there a way not to apply changes when continuously cycling through graphics settings? When I try and increase CPU Load and fly too close to the sun, I need to get all the way to the highest setting to go back down. This crashes my poor little PC

Checkbox not selectable?

Why can't I select the checkbox to use the beta version? thank you
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DH option in installer cannot be enabled

the DH beta option is visible but greyed out and i cannot click on it with odd modded blocks

Heyo, I'm trying to add Create blocks to a shaderpack I'm using's file. Some of these emit light under very specific conditions, like for example the fluid container that can potentially contain lava. How would I go about supporting these so that the shader knows that they should emit light?...
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Bug: DH does not render with shaders

first image is with shaders second : without shaders this shaders work with dh in another modpack with another dh version and iris this modpack that im using now is forge, the other that works is fabric any idea what is going on?...
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Have installed iris installer 3.2 universal jar fabric+iris and for some reason shows this. I have previously downloaded iris installer on same device just a week ago and it worked fine. for some reason i had to delete it and now im getting this issue when i try to install this again. FYI I DO HAVE A NORMAL GOOD STABLE INTERNET CONNECTION
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Bliss shader causes light glitchs

Bliss shaders + DH will cause replay mod weird glitch and light glitches in game...

Iris incompatible with Amd Gpu?🤔

I have an amd 6650 XT, intel i5 9400f, 48gb ram, and I still get bad framerate with shaders. I've tried setting my render distance to very low. I've set the shaders to low. DH doesnt seem to affect it, I get the same fps without it. I've allocated an entire ram stick to mc, and idk what to do. In the photo, DH on 128 distance low, BSL shaders low.
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Graphical Glitch

anybody know How to fix this and What is causing it?
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Bliss Shaders, aquatic life not looking right

I have installed all the "DH" shaders I know of; Bliss-Shaders-DH, BSL, Noble, Photon, and Shrimple. The aquatic life in question is from the mod "Hybrid Aquatic." When under water, these creatures look like they are above the water, as seen in the screenshots. I tested the other shaders and all of them as well as no shaders do not produce this visual. It is definitely not the end of the world, but I while writing this I also noticed the same thing with the "Mystical Mounts" mod -- the sea creatures are jarring when underwater. Minecraft 1.20.1 DH 2.0.2 a dev 1.20.1 fabric-api 0.92.0...
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Is there a way for distant horizons to work in multiplayer while im NOT the host?

i joined my friends server and the distant horizons mod doesnt work, any fixes?

Any idea what could be causing this ghosting?

Any idea what could be causing this? I'm using a collection of multiple mods.
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