How to use methods from one composable (for example method clear in useCart) in another composable (useUser)?
Style repeated for every component
Hi there, in my inspect tool I notice that style il repeated for every component. Is it normal behavior?
Adding a custom API call
We are trying to create a Business unit upon the creation of the new user for that we have created a custom API extension but we are not able to execute the graphql given to the custom API extension
Glide.js is treated as an ES module
i get this error after running
yarn start
and trying to access the page
Does anyone know how to handle it? i'm using the custom boilerplate integration....translating components
I cannot find a way to translate the SfAddToCart button's label. How can I do that?
How is checkout components rendering?
In code i find this array of steps in checkout. But how i can, for example, change component for shipping step?
Where in the code to find an indication of what to render depending on the url? Here is my routes.js....
Unable to make API call on server while accessing this endpoint my network request is made on the local server IP where I have done the yarn start how to fix this
issue with API call
When I do yarn start it adds undefined to my request url but when I do yarn dev it works fine. Can you guys help me with this issue?
getting this error while trying to deploy
jenkins@ip-172-31-24-212:~/workspace/auction-frontend$ npm install
npm WARN read-shrinkwrap This version of npm is compatible with lockfileVersion@1, but package-lock.json was generated for lockfileVersion@2. I'll try to do my best with it!
npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"linux","arch":"ia32"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm ERR! notsup Valid OS: linux...
Unable to access cookies in composables
my context does not have this config object and I am unable to figure out how to set this. Please help...
VSF UI 2 with ecommerce-integration-boilerplate
Hi, I hope this isn't a silly question :). Is it possible to use the new UI with the boilerplate found here ?
What version of Node?
Noob question. I was trying to create a storefront with spree and got the following error:
error @vue-storefront/spree@: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=14.15 < 15.0.0". Got "18.7.0"
Should I downgrade Node or am I doing something wrong? Please help....
How to add custom function to a composable
import {
} from '@vue-storefront/core';...
Get product details and Static block from magento 2 backend to VueStoreFront.
Hi, I have a doubt. I need to call static block from magento to vuestorefront homepage
someone please help me how to do this
Possible Memory leak in vuestorefront-api
Hi, we are using vuestorefront 1, problem we facing at the moment is that with time the api server in pm2 is keep increasing. We are not sure why the memory keeps increasing for api server, but there is no limit, we have to restart it.
On staging server it does not increase, but on live server as there is alot of user traffic it goes to GBs in an hour.
We had to put a cron to restart api server preiodically.
How to find out what is causing this memory to pile up. and how come there is no garbage collection or something.....
How to detect if a page has an error inside the layout
Inside the default layout I need to detect if there is an error page displayed (like for example a 404 page). How should I do this?
I've tried doing this by accessing
but this value is not refreshed after a client side navigation, so if we navigate from page with an error to a working page the value of this field remains the same.
Is there an out of the box solution for that or we need to develop custom solution?
And if we need to develop custom solution how should one go about it? Should we create a composable that will hold the error state and somehow update it when error layout is invoked? What would be the proper lifecycle hoot to update such variable?...Contribution via a specific issue
Hello. I opened this issue ( I work with magento platform and I am not sure if I had to open the issue in the vsf-nuxt2-magento2( or in magento2 ( repository.
I know the solution, but the only problem is the above which makes me confused. Could anyone help on that?
PS: It's a case which will help and other devs who want to contribute......
Unable to change the color of the SFheader
unable to change the background-color of Sf header can someone please help
VSF Redis cache - dynamic parts will be disappeared after a while
Hi everybody,
we have implemented redis cache with VSF project (SSR Cache), but we faced an issue, I just wanted to know if anyone else faced the same problem.
When we call the page for the first time, everything is fine for a while... but after a while the content of the cached paged will be changed. (30 mins, or minutes, I do not know the exact amount, may be it's after an event)...