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SfComponentSelect dosen't hold selection

Hi there, i have problem with SfComponentSelect component ``` <SfComponentSelect...

SFUI 2.x with Magento 2

How can i use SFUI 2.x with Magento 2. Want to test SFUI 2.x on my local machine to see its performance. Is there any documentation available for integrating SFUI 2.0 with magento....

VSF2 + OpenMage

Greetings 🙂 I have a question regarding the integration of Vue-Storefront 2 with Magento 1.9 (OpenMage). I would like to clarify if this is possible and if there is any ready-made functionality available in VSF2?...

Hi All

I am trying to implement Payment gateway in vsf ,But I cannot find the yarn or npm package mentioned , It is that these packages has be removed , is vsf at the moment doesn't have any payment other than default magento cash/check method , I am new to vsf please help ,...

Basic Auth

Hi all. I have a question regarding authentication. On our prod instance everything works fine. But our dev magento installation is behind a basic auth. When i connect to that instance (i added auth header in middleware's customApolloHttpLinkOptions) it does connect, but I cant login anymore because the magento bearer token overrides the basic auth. Even when i try to connect with https://username:pass@magentodevinstance the auth header still gets overwritten. Do you know any way around this problem ?...

"Accept all cookies"

I am using shopware-pwa with Shopware 6 and I'm trying to expose an Accept all cookies button. The setting is switched on in shopware 6 itself under Settings -> Basic Information -> Security and Privacy. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Tom

Following Digitalocean deploy tutorial leads to error

Hello! I'm following this step-by-step tutorial but I get an error during build: ERROR Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported ...


I am planing to implement vsf payments for magento , I am following this guide "" But it seems that the package is not available , Is there any update , if yes can you please provide any documentations for payment integrations....

How to add additional field to Customer Type

compared to what it is said in the documentation I'm only able to get few information from the user using useUser composable. I want to get the customergroupid the user has but when I console log user.value im only getting few details like in the screenshot. So where and how to add the types for customer.


Where can I find more info on cookies ? Meaning, are the merchant cookies exposed to Storefront ? Or do we need to create our own ?...

Editing index.js file in.nuxt project

Hello I would like to add bootstrap to my porject so i added the import into the index.js file to make it globally accessible. But somehow the import gets deleted after a while. Is is possible to edit the index.js file at all? Should i create a new file somewhere else? Maybe some can help me 🙂...

Error deploying - connect ECONNREFUSED

Hi - it's me again 🙂 in local development, using yarn dev everything works fine. Even directly addressing the production backend works from local dev. But after running yarn build and starting up with yarn start it gives me this error. Does anyone know what to do? We're using the Boilerplate Integration... Maybe we forgot some configuration?...

Error _theme/layouts/default.vue

Hi i'm getting this error - does anyone know how to solve this?

how to send an API content-type:multipart/form-data of this format in api-client?

how to send an API content-type: multipart/form-data of this format in api-client?...

Themes marketplace

Are there any places where I can buy a Vue Storefront theme?, something like themeforest for Shopify and WooCommerce. We are using Magento 2 as our e-commerce platform. I would like to find something that fits our client's needs better than the default Capybara theme. Thank you!...

Getting error while static deploy vsf with magento 2 in EC2 for production ,

yarn build yarn start works , but as soon as terminal is closed server stops if i build it with target static and try to deploy the dist in ec2 , static files are working but API calls to magento is not working in this case , Can someone provide some good documentation to deploy it to production ....

Default locale does not work

Hi everybody, when I set the defaultLocale in nuxt.config.js, it seems that it does not work, the result is always EN lang on the first request. I'm using the latest version of vsf-core, nuxt packages, may be an issue within vsf-nuxt npm package. v2.7.5...

Vue Storefront Cloud Docs Swagger authorization

Hi there! The docs at say that Access to API is limited by pair X-Api-Key and X-User-Id headers. But I couldn't find any info in docs about getting this API key and about providing it to Swagger. ...

sh: cli: command not found

anyone know why i would be getting this error sh: cli: command not found when doing a new install npx @vue-storefront/cli generate store. using node 16.15 and yarn is installed


I am trying to setup the shopware PWA. The backend is hosted at Ceroline and i would like to connect my local dev front end. I am using the credentials 100% correct but i keep getting this error: