Error _theme/layouts/default.vue

Hi i'm getting this error - does anyone know how to solve this?
6 Replies
rohrigβ€’2y ago
Hi @FabianClemenz πŸ‘‹ , it looks like there's something outside of a setup function that only works in a setup function. Can you give some more context? Code, package.json please . . .
FabianClemenzOPβ€’2y ago
The package.json looks like this: { "name": "@vue-storefront/bastuck-theme", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "engines": { "node": ">=14.17.x" }, "scripts": { "build": "nuxt build -m", "build:analyze": "nuxt build -a -m", "dev": "nuxt", "generate": "nuxt generate", "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.vue", "lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts,.vue --fix", "precommit": "lint-staged", "start": "nuxt start", "test": "jest", "test:e2e": "cypress open --config-file tests/e2e/cypress.json", "test:e2e:generate:report": "yarn -s mochawesome-merge "tests/e2e/report/*.json" > "tests/e2e/report.json" && yarn -s marge tests/e2e/report.json -o "tests/e2e/report"", "test:e2e:hl": "cypress run --headless --config-file tests/e2e/cypress.json", "update:check": "ncu", "update:update": "ncu -u" }, "dependencies": { "@storefront-ui/vue": "0.11.4", "@vue-storefront/bastuck": "0.0.1", "@vue-storefront/middleware": "~2.7.5", "@vue-storefront/nuxt": "~2.7.5", "@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme": "~2.7.5", "cookie-universal-nuxt": "^2.1.5", "core-js": "^3.19.0", "nuxt": "^2.15.8", "nuxt-i18n": "^6.5.0", "vee-validate": "^3.4.13", "vue-scrollto": "^2.20.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@nuxt/types": "^2.15.8", "@vue/test-utils": "^1.2.2", "babel-jest": "^27.3.1", "cypress": "^8.7.0", "cypress-pipe": "^2.0.0", "cypress-tags": "^0.3.0", "jest": "^27.5.1", "mochawesome": "^6.3.1", "mochawesome-merge": "^4.2.0", "mochawesome-report-generator": "^5.2.0", "ts-loader": "^8.1.0", "vue-jest": "^4.0.0-0" } } what code do you need?
rohrigβ€’2y ago
I'm hoping you were writing some code when this error appeared πŸ˜„
FabianClemenzOPβ€’2y ago
nope πŸ˜„ just trying to get it running πŸ™‚
rohrigβ€’2y ago
Can you tell me how to reproduce the error please? Which repo should I clone, what commands you used, etc.
FabianClemenzOPβ€’2y ago
nvm got it running πŸ™‚ our code base got a bit messy πŸ™‚ Thanks"!

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