Getting error while static deploy vsf with magento 2 in EC2 for production ,

yarn build yarn start works , but as soon as terminal is closed server stops if i build it with target static and try to deploy the dist in ec2 , static files are working but API calls to magento is not working in this case , Can someone provide some good documentation to deploy it to production .
4 Replies
rohrig2y ago
Guide to Deploying Vue Storefront on DigitalOcean | Vue Storefront
This guide is intended for developers who are familiar with both Vue Storefront and DigitalOcean and are looking to set up the eCommerce application on the cloud-based hosting service.
ajaykrmahatoOP2y ago
Thanks For Replying @.rohrig and yes with Digital Ocean it is working fine , But I want to deploy it to aws EC2 for some reason with my custom domain at the moment I am able to deploy it with my domain with target static "yarn generate" and point the dist folder , but I believe ssr middle ware is not working for me or am I doing something wrong.
skirianov2y ago
@ajaykrmahato Middleware is a separate Node.js Express application and it should run separately all the time - it's a proxy server between frontend and 3rd party integrations So, can you run it separately and connect these two instances?
ajaykrmahatoOP2y ago
Let me try that .

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