


A community for talking about nullbits keyboards, showcasing builds, getting help, discussion and chatting!















john - Hi there, I recently bought a Nullbits N...

Hi there, I recently bought a Nullbits NIBBLE from mechboards, and am having some difficulty finishing the project and getting it fully functional! I was hoping someone might be able to help :) I've attached a diagram showing the status of each key - the green ones being tested succesfully and the red ones failing tests. The orange keys are keys I don't have assigned and so haven't been tested, but I think the issue is clearly with the bottom row. There is a small scratch just above the left socket of the page down key (see attached). I thought this might be related. I tried adding a bodge wire between page-down and the up key which is to the left of it, and that allowed page-down to become responsive, but still no luck for the bottom row. I see in this pinout diagram ( that the bottom row is connected to pin 5 on the MCU, but I can't get a continuity beep on my multimeter when I attach one lead to any key socket on the bottom row and the other lead on the 7th pin of the MCU....
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BananaPickles - Last the right-side (slave) on ...

Last night the right-side (slave) on my SNAP stopped working, except the rotary encoder I put on key 8,8. Keyboard was built about a year ago. Steps I've tried: 1. Plugging directly to slave side 2. Restarting PC...

Ken - Just received the nullbits snap 75 today ...

Just received the nullbits snap 75 today and I noticed that my package was missing a standoff pack. According to the part list, each screw or standoff comes in 2 packs. However, my package came with three M2x3 screw packs and one of them was empty. And one M2x3 standoff pack was missing.
I contacted customer support, I believe he is Jay, he sent me the missing part. Will try to finish this board this weekend πŸ™‚
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Someone - As I was gaming half of my keyboard L...

As I was gaming half of my keyboard LEDs turned red and only half the keyboard works at a time; whichever one has direct connection works - this is the nullbits snap keyboard. Curious on troubleshooting methods...

SoonTBK - I have my keyboard set up. When I loa...

I have my keyboard set up. When I load VIA to view the key tester, some keys aren't working correctly and some aren't working at all. The issue I am having is that some keys press both keys. Like pressing "s" presses both "s" and "a" Does anyone know what could cause this? I can't see any joints being joined and I don't know what else to look for...

aliciawright - hello. i'm looking to get a nibb...

hello. i'm looking to get a nibble and tidbit, and i'd like to connect them both with a trrs jack. can someone please explain in a bit more detail how the trrs connection works between the two boards? these two boards will be my first custom boards. thanks!

samuel - Complete beginner here - would anyone ...

Complete beginner here - would anyone be around to assist me with flashing a pro micro rp2040? trying to run the following:
qmk compile -kb nullbitsco/tidbit -km via -e CONVERT_TO=rp2040_ce...

SoonTBK - Hey, I'm extremely new to this softwa...

Hey, I'm extremely new to this software and I would just like some help figuring out what I am doing and what I am supposed to be doing. I am using the AVR 32U4. I am a novice and just need some guidance on how to get through QMK and how get my keyboard up n running. (65%)

drevilbones - Getting a compiler linking error ...

Getting a compiler linking error when I try to add some code to my keymap for the big LED ``Compiling: quantum/keymap_introspection.c [OK] Linking: .build/nullbitsco_nibble_rp2040_drevilbones.elf [ERRORS] | | /usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: .build/obj_nullbitsco_nibble_rp2040_drevilbones/quantum/keymap_introspection.o: in function led_update_user':...

Retro - Hi all, just set up my nibble snap. I n...

Hi all, just set up my nibble snap. I noticed that when I hit the key mapped to 7 on the default layout. It activates all the other keys in that row.
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allahlover1224 - Hello all, I've a small issue ...

Hello all, I've a small issue while building my nibble65. My Fn key(to the right of the spacebar) and my right Alt key(right beside it) both shows as right Alt when i short it. How do i fix this?

Shen - Hello,I've a nullbit tidbit with a "Ke...

Hello, I've a nullbit tidbit with a "Key Micro” Atmega MCU. I'm trying do install by RGB underglow, it's not a success ... 😦 I've no led at all. I've tried to: - "ping" grd on each led...
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aky - The light wont turn on. And the OLED too ...

The light wont turn on. And the OLED too (yes im using the oled firmware). But it weirdly lights up when i short these two connections on the OLED
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aky - Not done with the keyboard, all keys seem...

Not done with the keyboard, all keys seem to work fine apart from the reversed rotary. But is the LED being this dim normal? Did i do something wrong?
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aky - Solder is stuck in the hole and i cant ge...

Solder is stuck in the hole and i cant get it out. Also i cant tell if my board is burnt. Does anyone know the answer to these questions?
Put some flux on a bit of solder wick, put the wet wick over the hole, then apply pressure with the iron. The board looks fine....
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Auci - Does the keyboard work on Linux? I conne...

Does the keyboard work on Linux? I connected my snap but nothing happens, what am I missing?

12893712893 - Hi, is there any way of purchasin...

Hi, is there any way of purchasing a FR4 plate for the Nibble 65% in Europe? I can't find it in stock anywhere. I would purchase the vector file so I can laser cut it myself if that's an option. That's how bad I need it :*(...

Crossbow Jeffery - Hey everyone! I have had a n...

Hey everyone! I have had a nimble for a month or so but just recently tried to get the oled working. I have it soldered in but only half of the screen turns on. I have loaded the nullbitsco_nibble_oled.hex software on as well as reflowed the pins connecting to the board. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be happening? Thanks in advance!

Abhijith Jose - deos anyone know how to flip th...

deos anyone know how to flip the Bongcat or any other animation on an OLED? I am using a RP2040 Bit C pro, with the Nibble 65. This is the files I have on the keymap, which file do i open, what code do i have to modify?
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Abhijith Jose - I am using a nibble with the bu...

I am using a nibble with the bullbits Bit C PRO. Does this work with ZMK at all? I cant seem to get it working that way. When i tried QMK, which MCU do i use, since rp2040 does nto show up in the flashing options on QMK toolbox