Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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Cloudflare pages build - ERR_PNPM_NO_LOCKFILE

Hello guys, I hit error when build(just text changes) the pages today - but it was fine last time And there is pnpm-lock.yaml in code repo ``` 10:46:05.883  WARN  Ignoring not compatible lockfile at /opt/buildhome/repo/pnpm-lock.yaml...

Pages Mastodon previews

I have a site hosted on Cloudflare pages. Links from it shared to Mastodon do not generate preview cards when posted. I've done the following: - Allowed access to user-agents containing Mastodon in configuration rules. - Allowed these user agents to bypass caches - Disabled WAF and security for these user agents ...

KV storage inside Next.js pages directory

From what I see there is no way to use KV for apps running Next.js pages directory? So we have to use Cache API?

Pages + VueJS and React cannot build the app on pages

hey guys question. I have my vuejs + react app, I added count view in my admin view but when I try to build the app in cloudflare pages now I get this error x Build failed in 386ms 12:58:40.550 error during build: 12:58:40.550 [vite:load-fallback] Could not load /opt/buildhome/repo/src/utils/userCounts (imported by src/components/AdminPermissionsManager.vue): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/buildhome/repo/src/utils/userCounts'...

Wild card domains for Cloudflare pages?

Is this possible as of now? If not will it be in future?

React Router v7

Has anyone successfully upgraded from Remix to React Router v7? Getting a ton of errors trying to run the app locally, like this:

Does image transformations work for Pages apps?

I have setup image transformations for my pages app, and followed this guide: But I cannot see it working. Are transformations not supported on pages? ...

Support wildcard * subdomains for workers/pages apps

will/is it be possible to assign wildcard subdomains to a workers/pages app? on platforms like deno/vercel it is possible....

Are KV service bindings compatible with Remix Pages?

Following the example on it is not clear to me how the Remix Pages functions/[[path]].ts works with this example. I also attempted to add directly via Wrangler following this page but got an error running npx wrangler kv namespace create BINDING_NAME with message [ERROR] Unknown arguments: kv, namespace, create, BOOKLISTS_KV
No description

Using Pre-compressed Brotli

I have uploaded some pre-compressed files to pages with brotli level 11. However it seems pages ignores this and just does its own compression with a lower brotli level? How can I make it use my compressed assets? I don’t get why it wouldn’t use mine since level 11 brotli is way smaller?

Unable to build Next.js app

So i am facing this issue
You are using Node.js 18.17.1. For Next.js, Node.js version "^18.18.0 || ^19.8.0 || >= 20.0.0" is required.
You are using Node.js 18.17.1. For Next.js, Node.js version "^18.18.0 || ^19.8.0 || >= 20.0.0" is required.
But looking at this shows that the Nodejs version cloudflare is running is lower and needs and upgrade to be able to work with the latest Nextjs version. Any suggestions on how can i tackle this without downgrading my Next js app...

wrangler upload to

I am using wrangler to deploy my static app. What command should I run to deploy to: where my page is example . So far I am getting multiple deployments to but can not figure it out how to actually deple under . thanks...

Building with functions fails due to compat flag/wrangler version

When I run bun dev locally it fires up my site using wrangler 3.90.0 (as defined in devDependencies and bun.lockb). Everything works nicely. When I then push the build environment tells me it's using wrangler 3.76.0 and gives me the following warning/error: ```20:55:21.669 Found _worker.js in output directory. Uploading. 20:55:21.676 ⛅️ wrangler 3.76.0 20:55:21.676 ------------------- 20:55:22.645 ▲ [WARNING] The package "node:async_hooks" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node....

Durable Object '503 Service Unavailable'

I have developed a Pages application that connects to a Durable Object via a Pages Function. This all used to work as of 2 or 3 months ago. When I came back from my break and upgraded wrangler yesterday, the function is no longer able to connect to the DO on my local server. 1. When I run the pages function is says that the durable object is 'not connected' 2. When I start a browser I get a '503 Service Unavailable' ...

changed my primary domain in workspace and now I cannot reach my cloudflare acccount via SSO

i changed my primary domai in workspace and now i cannot log in to my cloudlfare account because the original email address does not exist anymore. [email protected] is renamed in google to [email protected] If I use my current (changed) google account via SSO to log in to cloudflare a new account is created instead. But I am unable to reach the DNS and verify anything without it. I am stucked. What should I do?...

"Not found"

Why is my site up and running when I upload my (Flutter) build manually, but fails with a "Not found" when I deploy using the CLI (wrangler pages deploy build/web)?

Preview Environment Significantly Slower Than Main

Hello folks! As the title suggests, the preview environment of a Pages app is significantly slower than the main branch version of the same app. The response times are much longer, even though the app, bindings, environment variables, and code are essentially identical. Does anyone have an idea why this might be happening? ...

how to change wrangler version to 3.80 on cf

hi all, how do i make Cloudflare build my pages sveltekit with wrangler@latest ? it keeps building it with 3.76 not 3.88 , i have compatibility date set up to latest one which is 11 on cf dashboard ; i need this version because i got require of "node:crypto Error in my sveltekit pages , and isees this PR saying it fixes it ?

worker cache api

hi guys, for worker cache api, if i cache the smae request the route is receiving, will the same route be invoked again on next request ? i.e if i have a get api /blog ?id=1, and i used cache api to cache exactly this request, on next request, will 1. this worker be invoked again ...

Your Worker exceeded the size limit of 1 MiB. Re

Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Your Worker exceeded the size limit of 1 MiB. Refer to the Workers documentation ( for more details.