Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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github integration and passing git sha to worker

I wonder how to pass git sha to worker - so I can use in sentry and other monitoring places. Any hints? 🙂

getSetCookie is not a function

I've upgraded a Workers project by bumping Hono and Wrangler by a few minor versions. In staging, I'm now seeing:  "TypeError: this[#res].headers.getSetCookie is not a function"  in my streaming logs. This didn't exist before....

Consent Application hangs after clicking "apply"

I've installed the Cloudflare cli and created a hello world worker through npm create cloudflare. I chose to just immediately deploy the worker and it automagically navigated to a consent screen on my browser. When I click "apply", the process seems to stall. I can verify that I'm off VPN. Any ideas why this is not working?

How do I get the list of deployed workers like on the web UI?

With Wrangler, how do I get the list of deployed workers like on the web UI?

Should two related workers be developed in a single codebase, with separate wrangler.toml to bind?

Trying to understand how codebases related to CloudFlare workers. AI and docs appear to suggest different things. If building WorkerA, WorkerB, and DurableObjectC. And WorkerA will receive API requests from the web, call APIs on WorkerB and DurableObjectC. Should they be developed and tested in a single repository, or split out into separate repositories, one per worker?...

Deploying worker only on custom domain

Is there any way to deploy a worker only on my custom domain and no .dev domain? The .dev domain has my account name in it which I don't want And similarly for pages, I'd like to be able to host the site only on the prod instance, no .dev instance, although since the name is random (i.e. my account name is not in the domain) this is less of an issue...

Cloudflare Workflows Binding Error in Astro Project

Getting this error when trying to set up Workflows with Astro + Cloudflare adapter:
Worker "workflows:workflows-starter"'s binding "USER_WORKFLOW" refers to service "core:user:" with a named entrypoint "MyWorkflow", but "core:user:" has no such named entrypoint.
Worker "workflows:workflows-starter"'s binding "USER_WORKFLOW" refers to service "core:user:" with a named entrypoint "MyWorkflow", but "core:user:" has no such named entrypoint.
No description

Changing default usage model using the dashboard

Hey! I'm trying to update the workers usage model for the organization using the dashboard, and the button keeps on loading. I've tried waiting for a couple of minutes, refreshing the page and retrying multiple times, but no luck. My organization id is 16b32bbb36161aca01a6357a37bc453e

Handling an Error 1015 for one IP address

We’re sending an usual amount of traffic from our office to our workers, which is triggering an Error 1015. I know I can email support to raise the limit, but I only need it raising for one IP – or bypassed entirely. I’ve added our IP as a skip rule in the Managed rules in the WAF. Is there a way to do it in the worker?

Requests Between a Rust Worker and Nodejs Worker

Is it possible to call a worker that's written in worker-rs from a nodejs worker? I am having trouble getting a response and was wondering if this is a limitation on CF Workers.

Integrating Cloudflare Workflows with Astro

I'm trying to integrate the newly announced Cloudflare Workflows with an existing Astro project (not using the starter template) and running into some TypeScript issues. Issue 1: Module Resolution Getting error on import: ```ts...

Discord bot code refuses to function. Returns 'The application did not respond'.

I'm trying to make a discord bot with Cloudflare Workers, but it is refusing to function. I am not using wrangler as that is beyond my understanding. I will send my code in the next message.

Username and Password fields

Hello, I'm a 3D modeler trying to create a website using Cloudflare pages where I can sell my 3D models. I'm happy with my HTML/CSS, and have managed some javascript as well. The main features I need to figure out implementing are uploading/downloading 3D models, and enabling a username and password field that I can log into, in order to access my website 'admin controls' page, where I will upload new models, edit prices, etc. I don't have a lot of spare time in general, so any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. From what I've gathered (if I'm not mistaken), I need to create some kind of Worker that acts as the website authenticator, to enable the login function, in conjunction with Page functions. Can anyone give me some advice or help guide me through this process?? Thanks....

Static Assets HTML 304 local but 200 only when deployed

I'm trying to experiment with the advantages of building out a static site through static assets and pre-compiled HTML. Locally, when I serve up a page, I see an initial 200 response with a 304 + ETAGS, as expected, on reload. However, when I deploy this bare-bones worker and load it up, I only see 200 responses and it never sets ETAGS to take advantage of 304 responses. Also, when developing locally, if you enable assets in wrangler, it seems that no console logs get executed... at all. There seems to be some kind of aggressive caching happening locally. In fact, if I delete the entire fetch handler and restart the worker, it loads from cache even on a hard reload. Is this normal?...

TypeError: The RPC receiver does not implement the method "methodX"

Hello! I'm testing RPC feature between two Cloudflare Workers: Worker A (consumer) and Worker B (producer). Worker A is configured to consume a service from Worker B, but I'm encountering an issue where the named entrypoint for Worker B doesn't seem to work. If I remove the named entrypoint, everything functions as expected...

Cron is not triggering for my workers

I'm seeing alerts in my systems and it appears that cron jobs are not triggering on my workers: I should be seeing a request every minute on this one...
No description

How to share worker code (monorepo, npm, lib, ...) with the new wrangler types --experimental-includ

Hello! We are trying to share a DO from a library in a typescript monorepo, but I believe this issue is applicable to any code sharing process (an NPM package, a lib in a monorepo, etc). With the new command npx wrangler types --experimental-include-runtime it generates a .wrangler/types/runtime.d.ts file containing a bunch of types needed for our lib. Example: SqlStorage, DurableObjectNamespace. If I have a DO in our app, everything is good and works fine. ...

Nested directories are not working in Static Assets

Hi, I am creating a Hello World Static Assets worker. I want to have nested folders inside the public directory, so that my URLs will look like below t1/hello.html , t2/en.json etc. But when I tried it, wrangler deploy keeps ignoring nested directories and only uploading the files inside the public directory....

how do I type a service bind worker’s public functions from different workers?

hello communities, I have been searching this discord and workers developer docs but couldnt find best guide for this. what is the best way to type the custom public functions from a separate service bind workers? ...

High errors on the console

I'm getting a lot of errors in the dashboard which is making it nearly impossible to use
API Request Failed: GET /api/v4/accounts/9ff8ba585146f50e903ca8d21ec62530/workers-and-pages/overview?page=1&per_page=5&sort=last_modified (503)
Any reason this is happening?...