


Nuxt Community Chat Server


$fetch not working with the new shared folder properly

I have a composable in my shared folder that uses $fetch to query nitro endpoints. However for some reason it says "/api/v1/data/agents": <no response> Failed to parse URL from /api/v1/data/agents

Slow intellisense/suggestions. @nuxt/ui

How fast or slow are your IntelliSense suggestions? In my projects, it takes 3–5 seconds to load, and it feels unbearably slow.

How to manage or change the size of LCircle?

How to manage or change the size of LCircle from nuxt module leaflet in NuxtJS3? ``` <LCircle :lat-lng="[47.21322, -1.559482]"...

How the best way or easy to import a component on the page of NuxtJS3?

How the best way to import a component on the page of NuxtJS3?

A way to disable layer plugins?

I can't seem to find a way to disable plugins from a layer, is it possible?

Will the environment variables from the project can be fiddle on the browser by user?

Will the environment variables from the project can be fiddle on the browser by user?

Page transitions occur after content has loaded between pages that re-use components

I am experiencing an issue that has been posted about before by @brick : I currently have a site with page transitions that are working great. However, there is one instance where that is not the case. This is when navigating from one /work/handle page to a different /work/handle page. These pages all use a <VideoComponent/> that displays a video. Below the video is a grid of other work that user can navigate to. When a user clicks on another video the <VideoComponent/> updates to show the new video and THEN the page transition starts. I need the page transition to happen before the content changes. How can I achieve this?...

How can I share a custom data fetching composable between pages and components?

I have a composable for doing CRUD operations on data to my backend API. Something like: ``` const useAlbums = () => { const {data, refresh, error, status} = useFetch("/api/albums", { key: "albums" })...

Nuxt 3 with WebStorm : TypeScript errors are not displayed

I’m using Nuxt 3 with WebStorm, but TypeScript errors are not displayed in the "Problems" section for the entire project. They are shown for a .vue file when I open it, but that forces me to open each file to check for errors. For example, I have an error in this file (see screenshot), but it’s not reported in the "Problems" section....
No description

Tips to reduce Edge requests & Vercel costs?

Hi! I'm working on a Nuxt (3.9.1) project that recently got a big spike in popularity, with hundreds of users connected at once throughout the day. But it has caused a significant increase in costs. The setup is pretty standard: prerender: true for static pages and ISR for dynamic pages. There are a lot of list pages with small images and a user section for comments (Supabase). I’ve already moved most assets to Bunny CDN, which helped lower costs, but I’m looking for more ways to optimize, especially to reduce Edge requests and save more. Do you have any tips or articles to recommend?...

New user

im a react dev and i have read the vue docs and understand the vue syntax so can i directly start with Nuxtjs because im making a production project for my own startup, also when will nuxt v4 will release and what auth is good with nuxt?

Conditionnal nuxt ui button size with tailwind media query

how i can conditonnal my nuxt ui UButton size with edia query in tailwidn with ssr nuxt 3 app

How can I process some data on server-side and send it to the client-side

How can I process some data on server-side and send it to the client-side?

why does my plugin code gets executed for client side navigation?

guys why does the code in my plugins get executed while i do client side navigation? that is the code outside the page:start hook, gets executed for every client side navigation and the import.meta.client is set to false....

Is a nuxt3 fullstack framework ?

can I build Management system using just Nuxt3 as front-end and back-end ?

Location of data

I have an array of links name , what is the best location to save this array in my file structure ?

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/tmp/nitro/worker-1615786-1.sock' | Nuxt

I enabled addvertises on live server then give below error could you please help me to solve this error

Nuxt UI3 UButton block

In nuxt ui 2 there is the block property in the UButton, however in nuxt ui 3 there is no block, what is the equiv in nuxt ui 3?

Failed to resolve import

I have this new error, yesterday the site was running normally. I delete the node_modules and did npm i again, but this did not solve it. ```[plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import "./accordion" from "node_modules/@nuxt/ui/dist/runtime/types/index.js?v=5c224cb9". Does the file exist? /frontend/node_modules/@nuxt/ui/dist/runtime/types/index.js:1:16...

Cannot access before initialization

I have a few custom nitro aliases setup: ``` nuxt.hook('nitro:config', (nitroConfig) => { if (!nitroConfig.alias) return ...