Tips to reduce Edge requests & Vercel costs?
Hi! I'm working on a Nuxt (3.9.1) project that recently got a big spike in popularity, with hundreds of users connected at once throughout the day. But it has caused a significant increase in costs.
The setup is pretty standard: prerender: true for static pages and ISR for dynamic pages. There are a lot of list pages with small images and a user section for comments (Supabase).
I’ve already moved most assets to Bunny CDN, which helped lower costs, but I’m looking for more ways to optimize, especially to reduce Edge requests and save more. Do you have any tips or articles to recommend?
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?url query param added on ISR routes (Vercel)
In production (Vercel), all my ISR routes have a ?url= query param added, why?
https://website.com/pages/foo become https://website.com/pages/foo?url=/pages/foo when I refresh the page (nothing when I navigate in the website)
This seems to only happen with ISR routes in prod and I can't find anything related in the doc.
routeRules: {
"/**": { prerender: true },
"/pages/**": { isr: 60 },
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