Hydration mismatche i have a problem with nuxt ui accordion on hydration mismatches
hook.js:608 [Vue warn]: Hydration attribute mismatch on <div id="headlessui-disclosure-panel-v-0-5-19" data-headlessui-state class="text-sm text-mgp-slate-500 pt-1.5 pb-3">…</div>
- rendered on server: id="headlessui-disclosure-panel-v-0-5-19"
- expected on client: id="headlessui-disclosure-panel-v-0-0-19"
76 replies
Create Pdf with nuxt
I am trying to generate PDFs with nuxt. I have tried to implement the different modules nuxtPdfMake, sideabse NuxtPdf but none really satisfy me and also I would like to have the possibility of using tailwind. Has anyone ever encountered this?
10 replies