


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Radix direct auto-import breaking

Anyone has experience trouble using radix vue? So I installed the module on my nuxt application and tried to use the library. No matter what i do and how many times i reinstall the library the app breakes with the next error: ``javascript [plugin:vite:import-analysis] Importing directly from module entry-points is not allowed. [importing radix-vue from components/app/metadata/squareOptions/meta/DialogOptions.vue`] /Users/Documents/GitHub/myprojectlol/app/components/app/metadata/squareOptions/meta/DialogOptions.vue:126:133...

Disable global middleware for one page

I have a global middleware because every route uses it except for one. How to stop this?

Nuxt UI v3

how can i delete a class from a components theme. for example removing the ring from the card component.

layers a comprehensive guide

The docs for nuxt3 sucks. The subject is complex, the guides too short or non existent, ton of caveats trying to deploy them. The alternative, i believe, is understand what layers are built on. What features of vue are nuxt layers built on?...

Cannot find module './lib/source-map-generator'

Hi, I have recently done some migrations to our codebase, and after that, the dev server stopped working (building and previewing works). The error I get is: ``` [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module './lib/source-map-generator'...

Nuxt UI v3.0.0-alpha.10

onSelect: () => navigateTo('/login') not working for dropdown

Schema hasn't been registered for model...

Hello, I have been trying to add new schemes to my models folder for my MongoDB database and for some reason the newly added models arent being registered by Nuxt. I have tried using the Schemes in API (creating documents and querying the collection) and it works all fine. But until I try populating other models referring to the new ones, it show that the scheme hasnt been registered. Interesting is that it most of the time doesnt, but sometimes it does and I got no idea what the problem could be. ...
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reactive css variables

hi, I'm trying to load css variables using a reactive url in useHead() styles but, how can I make this client-only?

Trouble getting IntelliSense to work for with Pinia in my Nuxt 3 TypeScript project.

The Problem: When calling a Pinia action like addItem() from my store in a Vue component, IntelliSense doesn’t provide parameter or return type hints, and the action is typed as any. My stores are written in .ts files, and all actions and state are typed explicitly. ...

Google Place API

Hi guys, it'm trying to create a google place autocomplete input for my nuxt app. I'm struggling so hard on making it. when i call the api when the user enter keys in the input i got cors error. I'm not sure what i'm supposed to do, in order to keep safe my key too....

Issue creating new nuxt 3 project: Cannot require() ES Module in a cycle

Hi everyone. When I try to create a new nuxt 3 project, using node v22.12.0 and pnpm 9.15.2 I get an error related with ES Module and unplugin-vue-router. Has anyone faced this error before? If use npm it works fine...
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Nuxt UI Button redirect to server route

The issue I'm having is that when I'm pressing the button I'm getting 404 Page not found: /auth/discord but this route does exist on the server side. so if I refresh the page it then works. <UButton to="/auth/discord">login with discord</UButton>...

Redirect all routes to /

Hello, I would like to redirect all potential routes to my index page ('/') I tried this in nuxt.config.ts :...

Is it possible to inject (typed) variables on a component by component basis?

I have a form builder use case where a form is comprised of hundreds of steps. each step works on a slice of the form data, so each step should have a typed interface to interact with the bit of state it manages. i could achieve this by calling useStepFormData<"Step1"> etc in every step component, but I am wondering if I can automate this using a nuxt plugin where the plugin effectively writes the above line at the top of the setup script?

Nuxt 3 API Endpoint Data Lost During Server-Client Transfer Despite Valid Server-Side Data

I'm experiencing a puzzling issue with my Nuxt 3 application where data is being lost during the transfer from server to client, despite the data being valid on the server side. Setup I have a view model that handles data transformation: ```typescript...

Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead

Hello, I'm struggling with the following error message: ```...

Nuxt UI - Unexpected token ';'

Hello, my problem is very simple. I follow the docs of nuxt UI and type in:
npx nuxi init -t github:nuxt-ui-pro/saas...

Restarted dev server, 503 error: ENOENT: no such file or directory worker-56658-1.sock

I decided to restart my dev server, and now it's returning 503 errors of all of a sudden. I get this showing up as the page title when I try access localhost:3000 ``` Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/var/folders/xs/gw92558x5yb25m5g93rf0dc80000gn/T/nitro/worker-56658-1.sock' | Nuxt...

How to force a reload for all users?

Following scenario: The admin in my app can edit text snippets which are also cached in my app. When the admin edits the text snippets it also clears the cache. When the user reloads the page with CMD + R, the cache is being cleared and the updated text snippets are shown. However, if the user navigates through the app this wont clear the cache/show the updated text snippets. I often see notifcations in apps like "There is a new version available. Click here to update the app" which bascially just reloads the app. ...

Module pinia is disabled due to incompatibility issues: - [nuxt] Nuxt version ^2.0.0 || >=3.13.0 is

import { useUserStore } from '~/stores/user'; export default { setup() { const userStore = useUserStore(pinia);...