Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead
I'm struggling with the following error message:
The warning messages appear only when the page navigate again. Example:
1.) First page load - fine
2.) Switching to the other page - fine
3.) Back to the first page - warning.
Inside my setup function, I tried the following code to fetch the data from the server:
same for:
Nuxt version: 3.15.0 with Nitro 2.10.4
How can I solve the issue?
8 replies
Cannot read properties of null
Hello, maybe someone can help with the following error code. The error appears after specific time and crash the application. I'm using nuxt 3. I already enabled the debug mode without any more helpful information.
[nuxt-app] app:rendered: 0.023ms
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot read properties of null (reading 'default')
at ./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:3597:34
at fn (./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:148:27)
at Object.callAsync (./server/node_modules/unctx/dist/index.mjs:49:19)
at callWithNuxt (./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:150:23)
at applyPlugin (./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:119:39)
at applyPlugins (./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:128:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async createNuxtAppServer (./server/chunks/app/server.mjs:4060:7)
at async Object.renderToString (./server/node_modules/vue-bundle-renderer/dist/runtime.mjs:172:19)
at async ./server/chunks/handlers/renderer.mjs:378:21
Thanks in advance!
4 replies