


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Excerpt does not work

I have .md files with <!--more--> delimiter in them. I'm trying to render just that excerpt with
<ContentRenderer :value="post" :excerpt="true" :tag="'div'" class="excerpt" />
<ContentRenderer :value="post" :excerpt="true" :tag="'div'" class="excerpt" />

Nuxt & Mikro-ORM

Hi everyone! 👋 I’m currently trying to implement Nuxt with Mikro-ORM, but I haven’t had much success yet. Has anyone here successfully implemented this combination? If so, I’d really appreciate it if you could share how you did it or point me in the right direction. Thanks so much!...

ERROR [unhandledRejection] near "ve": syntax error

```ts // content.config.ts export default defineContentConfig({ collections: { posts: defineCollection({...
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On every redirect I get /None not found

GET http://localhost:3000/None 404 (Page not found: /None) I do get this error on every reload. It originates in contentScript.bundle.js...

NuxtImg not working in development

/_ipx/... just returns 404 content page I have [...slug].vue, maybe it's causing issues How to fix? after nuxi generate everything works fine...

Use SplideJs with nuxt 3

Hi, i'm trying to use splide js on my nuxt3 app but i can't make it work well. As the splide doc said, i registered the splide plugin like this : ```js...

Best ways to master Nuxt and Vue? Seeking advice for advanced learning!

Hi everyone! 👋 I’m a front-end dev already working with Nuxt and Vue, but I want to take my skills to the next level. I’m comfortable with the basics (routing, components, and Vuex/Pinia), but I feel like I’m only scratching the surface. How did you structure your learning process to master Nuxt and Vue deeply?

Prevent change the cookie from javascript or console.log in the browser

So I have some composable named useAuth served as the provider to set, get, and remove the token from cookie. But I want this cookie can't be changed from the browser or console.log, is it possible? ``` export default function useAuth() { ...

Navigation Active class

Hello, I want to add the active-link class on NuxtLink in case i am navigate throw child of the parents as example i f i have reservations button after click on it it will be active and show all reservations but when i click on one of reservations the button will be no longer active but i want it to be active by other word the reservations button should be active in case of reservations url and reservations/slug

Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, access '\\.\pipe\nitro\worker-18784-12.sock' | Nuxt

I'm experiencing a 503 error when multiple components use useFetch to fetch data simultaneously during page load. This happens even with only a few components, so it shouldn't be a performance issue on my end. After a 503 error, the requests automatically retry fetching. I'm looking for insights into what's causing this and how to resolve it. Currently, I'm adding random delays to the fetch requests to stagger them and avoid simultaneous fetching, but I would like to know if there's a better solution. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!...
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Make a effect like on the IOS version when navigate to another pages

Is it possible in NuxtJS 3 to give the effect navigation like in the mobile version? So when move to another page, it has some effect sliding.

trying to connect devtools to remote directus instance

Hey all, I have a directus instance on a remote server that im trying to connect to using the nuxt-directus module. Module installed and set up in nuxt.config.ts as far as i can tell correctly. ...

Nuxt Module Builder Issue

Whenever I run the nuxt-module-build build command inside my package, I get the following error in one of the build outputs: ``` ℹ Building nuxt 11:39:49 AM ℹ Cleaning dist directory: ./dist 11:39:49 AM...

mobile responsiveness on actual phone is messed up, but in browser "mobile view" it looks okay

my website is using nuxt + nuxt UI / pro this is the page screenshot from my iphone (screenshot 1) this is the page screenshot from browser (screenshot 2)...
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Extending from github repo

Hey everyone, I am having trouble extending from a public github repository (nuxt project). I am using nuxt version 3.15.2 and the following extends ```javascript...
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Weird behavior between Nuxt 3.11 and Nuxt 3.15

Since I updated to Nuxt 3.15, basic code is not working anymore. ```js mounted() { console.log("Initialization"); console.log(this.$route);...
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NODE_ENV isn't changed although it's already updated in the environment

How can I fix the NODE_ENV value, which is still set to "development" even though I've changed it to "local" in Nuxt.js 3? I've set the public configuration in my nuxt.config.ts, but the NODE_ENV value hasn't changed, even though the environment has already been updated. ``` runtimeConfig: { appSecret: process.env.APP_KEY,...

Where to start

Hello, i wanna learn nuxt. What is the best to learn it?

Nuxt/Nitro websocket horizontal scaling

I have looked at the new experimental websocket's and I'm wondering how this would work when horizontally scaling. With something like, you need to use an adapter. How does Nuxt/Nitro handle this?

How to create a markdown mailto link using a bound value containing an email address

Have no problem binding an email value, such as [email protected], through use of the :data prop for presentation in a markdown document using {{ email }}. The question is how to create a clickable mailto link using the email value. Have tried [{{ email }}](mailto:{{ email }}) ...