Created by Dex_Vinyl on 1/24/2025 in #❓・help
trying to connect devtools to remote directus instance
Hey all, I have a directus instance on a remote server that im trying to connect to using the nuxt-directus module. Module installed and set up in nuxt.config.ts as far as i can tell correctly. every time I try to access the panel in devtools i get [domain redacted] refused to connect I believe i've set the CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_DIRECTIVES__FRAME_SRC setting correctly on the directus instance .. adding http://localhost:* - im not sure that will be much use though as i'm not developing on the same machine that directus is running on, its there in the docker container environment variables so should be being enacted upon. i can access /items/[collection] via postman and the browser any advice please
5 replies
Created by Dex_Vinyl on 12/17/2024 in #❓・help
server/api errors using [[ ]].ts files
Hi all, beginner here, so please be gentle lol From reading the internet, i can use a [[xx]].ts file for urls that might not be present eg /api/[something]/is-here/[[or-is-it]] whenever I try to access the api (using postman) at /api/something/is-here i get a 500 error, and i get the same error when i try to access /api/[something]/is-here/yes my file is [[or-is-it]].ts if i change it to index.ts, accessing /api/something/is-here works perfectly fine, as does if i make a folder for [or-is-it] with an index.ts file in it, but i get whinged at becuase of duplicaed code I'm trying to use the or-is-it for page numbers, the code looks for or-is-it and if not found sets it to 1 any advice would be appreciated thanks
65 replies