Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time šŸ™‚.







Best way to send Express data to React props

I have a webapp that pulls data from a table in a database through Express. I want to pass that data in to my React components. Currently, my react components are defined in the client. I read that you can use client-side rendering (using an api like axios to fetch data from express) or server-side rendering (where you fetch the data for the components during the initial page request and send back an html file with pre-filled data). I think I want to go with SSR, since I read it's better for SEO...

Property 'pull' does not exist on type 'ObjectId[]'

I want to remove from an Array list and this is the error I am getting when I tried to use the
method, please how do i resolve this error ?

To try to find ip adress of person who visits my website

I have uploaded a website using cloudfare pages. I want to know the details of anybody who visits my page #console...

TypeScript-ESLint is trying to parse markdown files

I've not tried to setup ESLint like this before; I want to have a single source of truth at the root of a monorepo, and from there I'll be formatting *.ts, *.svelte, *.md, and *.[c|m]?js. Basically, I have no idea what I'm doing, and the documentation doesn't have a section on "what to do when a TS parser parses markdown". I've tried looking online, but I must be using the wrong search terms, all im getting is the packages, not any info on the conflict between them. The plugins I'm using are (from package.json devDeps);...

Docker environment not generating new sql-files.

-I had to remove all files from mysql-data so it could generate new file from labo.sql when I restarted my container. But no files neem to generate and the mysqldb-1 is not starting.

Flask before_request

What am I missing here? I'm trying to redirect the user when they use 'www' to the correct domain but it seems that I'm missing something because it's not working, it gives me error šŸ˜¦ ``` @app.before_request def redirect_to_domain(): FROM_DOMAIN = ""...

Typescript; push ObjectId into an arr[ ]

..... I have a collection for categories and it has an
Array[ ]
Array[ ]
of Brands that only takes in
of brands, i typed the brand as
brand: ObjectId[ ]
brand: ObjectId[ ]
but the push method is not working, nothing is being pushed to the
brand Array[ ]
brand Array[ ]
inside the category.

Webpack output to the wrong directory

Hey guys, I have a quick question. I've got this webpack setup ```const path = require('path') module.exports = { "mode": "development", entry: {...

How can I use nginx in such a way to achieve the functionality of Route your outbound requests

Route your outbound requests through static IP addresses, making your app compatible with services and firewalls that require IP whitelisting.
Route your outbound requests through static IP addresses, making your app compatible with services and firewalls that require IP whitelisting.

jq memory issue

jq is using too much ram, is there a way to limit the amount of memory usage?

Digital ocean droplet docker build no space available error

Docker is creating this issue on each new re-build on github actions any idea how can I prevent this like what can I include in the script of github actions? You are running out of disk space. The runner will stop working when the machine runs out of disk space. Free space left: 29 MB The error is very misleading because normally it is probably doing something wrong or unconfigured so it is filling a lot of space somehow which each re-build normally i don't have anything on my ubuntu server (digital ocean droplet)...

Check if id exists using node-postgres

WIth MongoDB & Mongoose, I could check if an id exists like so:
if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id))
return res.status(404).send(`No post with id: ${id}`);
if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id))
return res.status(404).send(`No post with id: ${id}`);

Github actions self-hosted runner fails on npm ci

This is Github Actions Flow giving error on npm ci any idea how to fix this issue ? Active: failed (Result: oom-kill) since Tue 2022-10-11 08:44:37 UTC; 22s ago...

Need help with opening and reading a 122 GB JSON file

Dose anyone know a website or app or anything to open a json file and also read it without it crashing?

How can I convert the below function into an arrow function.

```js const handler: HttpHandler = { handle: function (req: HttpRequest<any>): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> { return of({} as any); }...

Deploying simple Node app

Hello everyone, A junior full stack here and Iā€™m working on a simple voting/polling app. People can join a room and vote for specific options given to select. All users in the room can see in real time the votes come in....

[TS] Getting the `new` type from an interface

A 3rd party library I'm using specifies a generic interface for a static class. On the interface is a key like new <T = InterfaceT>(arg0: T): ComplexTypeExpr. I want to access that ComplexTypeExpr as part of modifying the type of the constructor to new(arg0: InterfaceT): ComplexTypeExpr Typically I would just rewrite the return type by importing the necessary types and building the expression. However, the expression uses generics which are on the interface which, unlike the one used in arg0, I cannot access....

API layered architecture

Hi, I'm trying to apply the concepts of a layered architecture on a file upload API. Currently I have a folder structure that resembles this: ``` src ā”œā”€ā”€ api ā”‚Ā Ā  ā””ā”€ā”€ files...

How To Ask Good Questions

Choose a good title * Summarise your question into one sentence * Include error messages * Include tech you're using (unless it's already known by the channel you're asking in) ...

Browser not showing images folder from react build

My images folder from React's build folder is not showing in the browser's sources files: This is a mern stack project....