Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time šŸ™‚.







Fancy Drop Down Menu

I have this rough draft of a dropdown i been trying to make. As you can see theres a number of columns. I try to keep the top divs of the column of a ratio of 10/6 And whatever the height is of that box, i want the dropdown element's max height to be that....
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I want to know how hero image works

i want to know when we use background image in hero section and mark its width and height how can i zoom it in when open in mobile just any other website do

How to set max-width to tbody or tr

Hi guys. I want to set max width to a row of a row but it does not work. Can you help me? ```html .wrapper { width: 100%; table-layout: fixed;...

Similarity of inline-block and text?

Is inline block similar to text? Ik thats odd but i find it odd'er that we can use css proerties of line-height and line-width? Pretty wild so far šŸ˜„...
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text-decoration and pointer-events of anchor pseudo-elements

I have a big confusion regarding this topic. With the attached html, I am getting what's in the attached screenshot: - Why is it showing an underline as text-decoration for the ::after, but not the ::before - Why is the underline on the ::after not gone, even though I've set it to text-decoration: none - Why is pointer-events: none ignored?...
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Looking for collaborator

I am looking for European who can help me. I will pay for that and it will be long term collaboration. If you are interested in that, please DM me. Thanks...

White space

Hi! This is my first website and I have no idea why there is white space on the right. I tried to give HTML a 100% width, i tried overflow-x hidden and I even tried wacky stuff like negative margin right values but nothing works. My code is really long because of media queries, but I hope you'll be able to help '''@media (max-width: 420px) { .button-86{ transform: translate(50vw,97vw); ...

Best way to control keyboard navigability within an element (scope to parent)

I'm trying to find the best way to guide users through some of these modals we have in the UI (example pictured) I've tried several things. ā€¢ Tabindex was my first thought but its a nightmare. All default elements throughout the entire application are tabindex 0 or -1 if we don't want them to be focusable, but Giving this CTA button atab index of 1 and the cancel button a tab index of 2 is no good. The tabindex 0s in the page BEHIND the modal take precedence over anything with a positive integer attribute value so I would have to explicitly give EVERYTHING in the modal form a tab index of 1...
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React useRef() is being useless. Can't prevent re-fetching on form clear

I have a vehicle update form component with a 'clear form' button. The button resets the useState form object field values to nothing again, and due to this state change, React of course is re-rendering the entire component, which is fine for seeing blank form fields again, however this re-render is also causing fetch api's (my fetchInventory and fetchSteps) to also be re-run, which is unnecessary since the data from the fetch api's is already saved (from the component's first mounting/rendering). To avoid re-running these fetch calls upon re-render, I set some useRef variables - stepsFetched & dataFetched - to be false initially, but then set to 'true' after the first running of each fetch call (once I have the data), and then additionally, I am testing their truthness/falseness inside of the fetch function, prior to the call, to know whether to actually make the fetch call:...

Review code from frontend mentor

I want to review css code. Can someone review my code?...

React Redux with boolean values

so basically i am trying to do when quantity of my cart is >= 1 and if proceed is clicked to make quantity again at 0 export const cartSlice = createSlice({ name: 'cart', initialState: {...

How to add delay before redirecting to another page

```js <script> function checkPassword(){ var password = document.getElementById("logginpasswordinput").value; var message = document.getElementById("message");...
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Position in css

can anyone give me a nice explonation regarding position in css, i've been coding css since forever and i really struggle to understand position which is kind of weird ik.

What causing the overflow of navbar after deployment?

I have been cloning a homepage front of dentistry site , while developing the navabar works fine as responsive but later I deployed it on vercel and open it on mobile the navbar is overflown. Deplyed link :-

I'm very lost in css.

I need help, at this point I'm completely lost in how to get into css. Not only is there a LOT about css, a lot of it interwieves itself in complex ways. No idea where to begin, i want to have a great understanding if possible. Seems like i can somewhat mingle a layout together but then text just straight out ruins everything about it with all its wrapping and overflowing, searching up how to control leads to font sizes which is a whole other mess....

has anyone used next-cloudinary with next js ?

i have issue with CldUploadWidget it is showcasing in the ui but unable to browse images drop or drag nothing working even buttons through

Footer not sticking to the bottom

Hello guys, For some reason, when there is not a lot of content a page, the footer sticks to the middle. When there is enough content, it is fine. Here is the footer. ```<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">...
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java script switch

hello im new to js and following a tutorial on switch js ,i made a code that tell you which day you are in by entering number and i added a default which says this is not a day whenever you enter a number not listed ,for some reason when i enter any listed number like 1 it says "its not a day" could you please help me debug my code .