Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







Grid with Toggleable Sidebar Issue

Well, copilot can't figure it out so maybe you guys can. I'm trying to create a sidebar that is toggleable, which seems like it should be pretty simple, but I get this weird behavior where the main takes a few seconds to readjust it's width. Here's the css...

oveflow-y scroll using % inside a flex item

Hi there! I have a problem with a layout and not sure if itΒ΄s posible resolve using flex. I added a codepen with comments explaining the problem. Any idea about how to solve this? ...

Should I use a different page to render an entirely new DOM?

I'm making a dictionary app, using the free dictionary api (, and I'm "replacing" some of the default html dom with a new one, generated according with the api. I wonder if the way I did it is fine? or should I indeed render a new page? Github:

How to make this layout ? bascially i want to fix right/left sidebar fix and nav to be sticky and main content to scroll. How can i acheive such layout ?...

how to match both the filter value to lower case

here how can i get the classList to lowerCase ``` function filterResults() {...

grow image to size of sibling

See: Is it possible to make the icon grow to the height of its sibling?...

How to Animate Slider Loop?

How to Animate Slider Loop without touching the swiper buttons?
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Road map

Hi everyone I'm interested in learning from and web development and I'm new in this development community can any one suggest me how to become web developer

How do I store details of users in frontend when they sign in?

I was wondering is it wise to store users details like name pictures and other general information in frontend after fetching the data once from the database when they sign in. And what will be the effective way of doing that?

Why does click work but hover doesn't?

Here's the code I'm having an issue with one.addEventListener('click', () => { if (one.hasAttribute('checked')) { = 'green' = 'rgba(211, 211, 211, 0.9)'...

What should I do next after CSS?

So,I have completed HTML and CSS by doing projects for better understanding. Now,I want to know what should I do next? Should I do any framework of CSS or JavaScript?...

How to code this form

So I recently got back into coding and I don't how to go about coding this form. Can someone help out. I'm using plain html and css. Thanks in advance...
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Possible to turn an image into a prop in svelte?

Messing around with Svelte and have setup a gallery using the same image but will css/svelte it differently for each image (is this possible). Wondered if it was possible to save that image as a prop, so instead of having to do img src="" .... I can do <div>{img}</div> etc... I wanted to mess around with each image differently, would that then be possible with the single prop, assuming what I'm messing with is the div containing that image, and not the propped image itself?...

Positioning Popover with Dynamic Card Heights

In my Vue.js app, we have movies section. which displays movieCards component depending on movies coming from an API. And where each movieCards component height varies based on its content, and movieCard's height dynamically adjusts based on its content, including movieName, duration, and categories. and there's a popover triggered by a button in the card's footer. Now, I need to move the popover to the top of each card, but since the card heights are dynamic, I'm not sure how to handle it. Although the popover offers an offset option to adjust its placement, determining the appropriate offset value for dynamic heights remains a hurdle. like how much do I exactly need to change offset values so that it reaches to top of card ? Any tips or resources would be helpful...


Hey everyone, I'm just starting out and trying to wrap my head around Sass/SCSS. So far, I've gathered that it helps make CSS more structured and readable. But am I missing something? Is there more to it than just a syntax tweak for better readability?

Cors Error

const [dogData,setDogData] = useState([]); const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const cors = require('cors');...

Why browsers show elements bigger than defined in CSS

The developer has implemented my design. The logo is intended to be 180 x 180 px. In Inspector it indeed reads 180 x 180 as the rendered size, but using Screen Ruler (Windows Power Tools) I measured 225 x 225 px, which is 1.25 times bigger. Then I made a test HTML/CSS project, put div to be 100x100px and it is also 125 x 125 px on my screen when opened in Chrome and Firefox. My screen is 1920 x 1080px with 16.1 in diagonal, which gives around 137 PPI. Why the object size is bigger in the browser than defined, and does screen resolution and PPI affect this?...

Need help from anyone with safari browser on their iphone would like to know if my site UI looks ok

website: issue: a friend of mine (from japan) is getting stretched out images and UI is looking horrible in his phone Thing is he is the only one I knew who have an iPhone however he is not an web dev I'm stuck and don't know how to solve this...
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Setting barba.js

how to I setup barba up using the the functions mentioned below? I've added the comments on what each one does ```function delay(n) { n = n || 1500; return new Promise((done) => ...

Scrollbar margin disappears ?

Does anyone know how to fix this ? When I refresh page multiple times the white corner appears + horizontal scrollbar + vertical scroll bar left margin disappears. In one of the images you can see that it is not all the time. When I hover over side navigation bar, the navigation bar expands and it fixes itself or when I go to developer tools. Not sure what causes this. I use for scrollbar overflow-y: auto + max-height as 100vh - 5.125rem because of margins and borders...
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