oveflow-y scroll using % inside a flex item

Hi there! I have a problem with a layout and not sure if it´s posible resolve using flex. I added a codepen with comments explaining the problem. Any idea about how to solve this? https://codepen.io/segundofdez/pen/NWJmMqe Thanks in advanced !!
5 Replies
Pi, a future fluent jp speaker
Should section 1 and section be at the same line?
MarkBoots13mo ago
you could do something like this, but you would need a media query https://codepen.io/MarkBoots/pen/YzgMvQM
SegunOP13mo ago
hey, yes that is the idea hey!, thanks!! Probably would be better idea using grid and subgrid (as in your example) instead flex. Probably if i use flex I must use at least 3 min-width in media queries. Thanks for your time!
MarkBoots13mo ago
no problem, good luck (make sure you copy or fork the pen if you need it for future reference, I will probably delete it in a couple of days)
SegunOP13mo ago
perfect, thanks !! hey @MarkBoots if you don´t mind I include a solution based on your comment and of course i put your main codepen profile. Btw, finally I use your idea just using absolute in the list. Thanks again!

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