discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discords apps API.




How do I get my bot to join a discord vc

Hello guys I'm simply just wanting to put my discord bot into a guild channel vc and thats it I aint tryna do anything else too crazy I'm just wanting it to be in there so I can keep tabs on it easier and also come back to it later and add some more vc related features.


How can I play Spotify songs? Every npm package uses YouTube...

AudioResource not playing on Linux

I have a strange issue that I would assume is a dependency mismatch, however everything is in check. I play a URL audio source on my bot that will work on Windows but not on Linux; no errors occur, the audio resource just never plays. ```js let resource = createAudioResource(song.track.preview_url) //Something like p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8129d5338c56d78f5712fc95d246198da5261854?cid=4c5368cfdc084da795955dd07534fa1e audioplayer.play(resource) console.log(song.track.preview_url)...

I have an error

Hello, i'm programming a bot who play sounds in a voice channel, but when I execute my command !play with the URL he says "voiceChannel.join is not a function, how can I fix it ? https://pastebin.com/T6TpbNsR here the code Thanks !...

Issue with ffmpeg/avconv

I am getting an error on line 6 because the @discordjs/voice module cannto be found despite being required and installed. ``` module.exports = { name: "play",...

Issue with Running Multiple Music Bots in Discord.js 13

I'm facing an issue with running multiple music bots in Discord.js 13. When I try to play music with one bot in a specific voice channel and then switch to another bot in a different voice channel, the first bot ends up joining the second bot's voice channel. It's causing inconvenience in managing the bots. Any help would be appreciated.

what library would you recommend for music from soundcloud

what library would you recommend for music from soundcloud

Did not enter state ready within 5000ms

```js const { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js'); const { joinVoiceChannel, EndBehaviorType, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, entersState, VoiceConnectionStatus } = require('@discordjs/voice'); const { getAudioBuffer } = require('simple-tts-mp3'); const fs = require('fs');...

Is it possible to fix so that the bot can include music in YouTube with limited access?

It is very necessary to fix the fact that the bot cannot include the song in YouTube with limited access

Constant in and out of VC

Issue in video ```js client.isMp3.set(interaction.guildId, true); ...

How do I check who in the VC is talking?

How do I check who in the VC is talking. I need this for my own private bot (for reasons I won't get into). I am running d.js v14.11.0, d.js (v) v0.16.0 and node v18.10.0...

receiving audio from a user and playing it with ffplay

This is my code: ```js let connection = joinVoiceChannel({ adapterCreator: message.guild.voiceAdapterCreator, channelId: message.member.voice.channel.id,...

Have speaking's data

```js connection.receiver.speaking.on('start', async (userId) => { const receiverOptions = { mode: 'mp3', end: {...

Ogg files with no sound

Hi, I followed the github recorder example and managed to record some ogg files using my bot. But the files have no sound and seem to be corrupted. Here is my code for this part. ``` async execute(interaction) { await interaction.deferReply();...

voice message

Is there support for detecting and working with voice messages sent from mobile phones?

how to set and track audio player states?

hi there, im learning data structures and algorithms and i thought it would be a nice exercise using them in a discord bot that takes a local folder and creates a track instance and plays it according to an initialized DSA... the thing is, i need to keep track of the player status, but it seems that if (player.state === AudioPlayerStatus.__) have no overlap and it complains, ive seen some player.on(___, async () =>) implementations but looks confusing and verbose, is there any way to properly track and set player states to ensure the behaviour of a queue, stack or whatever? ```ts try { TrackQueue.enqueue(track);...

Can someone help me with managing audioplayers (streaming different audio to each server same time)

I want to manage multiple audio players and handle events on them but so far unsure how I can actually handle the events per audioplayer. I have them stored in a Collection per server, mapped by the server ID. But absolutely unsure on how to track and manage events on every server audio player. Any help would be appreciated

bot joins to voice channel, doesn't play any sound, times out and disconnects

hi there! im following the basic example repo, although is a common error, i wonder, since i basically have the same code as the repo ```ts const player = createAudioPlayer(); ...

TypeError: Cannot create property 'audioPlayer' on string 'study'

Hello so I noticed something my bot crashes after a while because of the module. I'd like to know how to prevent it from crashing. ``` C:\Users\xiaotox.fr\Documents\GitHub\SoundCord\node_modules@discordjs\voice\dist\index.js:1112 resource.audioPlayer = this; ^...

Listen to user vocal input using connection

hey, i couldn't find any reliable form of making the client listen to vocal input when its connected. can i have some guidance about it?...