How do I get my bot to join a discord vc
AudioResource not playing on Linux
I have an error
Issue with ffmpeg/avconv
Issue with Running Multiple Music Bots in Discord.js 13
what library would you recommend for music from soundcloud
Did not enter state ready within 5000ms
Is it possible to fix so that the bot can include music in YouTube with limited access?
How do I check who in the VC is talking?
receiving audio from a user and playing it with ffplay
Have speaking's data
Ogg files with no sound
voice message
how to set and track audio player states?
if (player.state === AudioPlayerStatus.__)
have no overlap and it complains, ive seen some player.on(___, async () =>)
implementations but looks confusing and verbose, is there any way to properly track and set player states to ensure the behaviour of a queue, stack or whatever?
try {
TrackQueue.enqueue(track);...Can someone help me with managing audioplayers (streaming different audio to each server same time)
bot joins to voice channel, doesn't play any sound, times out and disconnects
TypeError: Cannot create property 'audioPlayer' on string 'study'
Listen to user vocal input using connection